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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 3,348 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Observations and Inferences for Overpressure Development under Salt Sheets in the Gulf of Mexico

J. J. O'Brien , I. Lerche , Z. Yu

GCAGS Transactions

...Observations and Inferences for Overpressure Development under Salt Sheets in the Gulf of Mexico J. J. O'Brien , I. Lerche , Z. Yu 1993 Vol. 43...


Spatial Variations in Salinity to Determine Fluid Flow Pathways and Reservoir Compartmentalization in a Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Field, #20306 (2015).

Jeffrey Nunn, William Daugherty

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..., offshore Louisiana: Gulf Coast of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 53, p. 97-107. Revil, A., L.M. Cathles, S. Losh, and J.A. Nunn, 1998, Electrical...


Characteristics of Overpressured Basins and Influence of Overpressure on the Petroleum System

Richard E. Swarbrick

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the Gulf of Mexico, many Tertiary basins in SE Asia, and the Niger Delta. Overpressure is also found in stratigraphically old sediments, which have...


Hierarchies of overpressure retardation of organic matter maturation: Case studies from petroleum basins in China

Fang Hao, Huayao Zou, Zaisheng Gong, Shigang Yang, Zhiping Zeng

AAPG Bulletin

... in three basins using multiple parameters. Overpressure in the Yinggehai Basin has retarded kerogen maturation, hydrocarbon generation, and thermal...


Relationship between Geothermal and Geopressure Gradients in the Western Gulf of Mexico

Sharon Cornelius, Peter A. Emmet

GCAGS Transactions

... for the central Gulf of Mexico (CGOM: Garden Banks, Green Canyon, Keathley Canyon, and Walker Ridge) protraction areas. The depth to the top of overpressure...


Mechanisms for Generating Overpressure in Sedimentary Basins: A Reevaluation

Mark J. Osborne and Richard E. Swarbrick

AAPG Bulletin

... with aquathermal expansion and clay dehydration are too small to generate significant overpressure unless perfect sealing occurs. Hydrocarbon generation...


Overpressure in Southern Part of Northeast Java Basin, An Anomaly?

Rizky Ferdiansyah, Agus M. Ramdhan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...-loading mechanism caused by hydrocarbon maturity and clay mineral diagenesis. b. The overpressure forming mechanism for each well may be summarized...


Pore Pressure Analysis in the Corridor Block, South Sumatra Basin: Distribution, Mechanism, and Prediction

Irfan Yuliandri Syukri, Budi R Permana, Phil D. Heppard, Agus M. Ramdhan, Lambok M. Hutasoit

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... mineralogical analysis. The objectives of the study were to understand the pore pressure regime, distribution and mechanisms so the overpressure zone(s) in future...


Overpressure and Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Tertiary Strata, Gulf Coast of Louisiana

Phil Nelson

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

...Overpressure and Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Tertiary Strata, Gulf Coast of Louisiana Phil Nelson 2013 21 23 55 06 Many oil and gas reservoirs...


Abstract: Distribution and Major Control Factors of the Present-Day Overpressured System in Zhanhua Sag; #90255 (2017)

Xuewei Dang, Sheng He

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... reservoir with primary overpressure in Es3 to upper Es4. The distribution pattern of formation pressure is controlled by tectonic, sedimentary...


Overpressuring in the Kutei Basin: Distribution, Origins and Implications for the Petroleum System

John A. Bates

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of a limited reservoir. Gas reservoirs in hard overpressure in the Kutei Basin show very similar characteristics to the Geopressured Brines in the Gulf Coast...


Identification and calculation of transfer overpressure in the northern Qaidam Basin, northwest China

Changyu Fan, Zhenliang Wang, Aiguo Wang, Suotang Fu, Liqun Wang, Yongshu Zhang, Hongxi Kong, and Xiao Zhang

AAPG Bulletin

..., and dynamically constrained hydrocarbon columns in the south Eugene Island 330 field, Gulf of Mexico: AAPG Bulletin, v. 85, no. 6, p. 1007–1031. Guo...


Overpressuring mechanisms in the Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea

Xiaorong Luo, Weiliang Dong, Jihai Yang, Wan Yang

AAPG Bulletin

... of the distribution and origin of Gulf Coast-type geopressured zones: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 91, p. 6535–6545.Cao, S., I. Lerche, and W. G. Lyon, 1989, One...


Distribution of Overpressure and its Prediction in Saurashtra Dahanu Block, Western Offshore Basin, India, #40730 (2011)

Kanak R. Nambiar, B.K. Singh, R.N. Goswami, K.R.K. Singh

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... of the distribution and origin of Gulf Coast-type geopressured zones: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 91, p. 6535-6545 Kundu, R.N., T.K. Banerjee, J.P. Tiwari...


Overpressure Genesis of the Tight Gas Sandstone Reservoirs of the Southwestern Ordos Basin in the Upper Paleozoic, #51029 (2014).

Qian Wang, Jingzhou Zhao, Jun Li, Yu Guo

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... similar to the logging response characteristics of overpressure caused by hydrocarbon generation that is summarized by Hunt (1994). 3. According...


How Overpressure and Diagenesis Interact in Sedimentary Basins – Consequences for Porosity Preservation in HPHT Reservoir Sandstones

Mark J. Osborne, Richard E. Swarbrick

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... development and hydrocarbon accumulation in northern Gulf of Mexico basin: AAPG Bulletin, v. 68, p. 673-683. Burst, J.F., 1969, Diagenesis of Gulf Coast...


Generation and evolution of overpressure caused by hydrocarbon generation in the Jurassic source rocks of the central Junggar Basin, northwestern China

Xiaowen Guo, Sheng He, Keyu Liu, Zhi Yang, Shengqiang Yuan, and Mingliang Liu

AAPG Bulletin

...Generation and evolution of overpressure caused by hydrocarbon generation in the Jurassic source rocks of the central Junggar Basin, northwestern...


Development of Sediment Overpressure and Its Effect on Thermal Maturation: Application to the Gulf of Mexico Basin

Ulisses T. Mello , Garry D. Karner

AAPG Bulletin

... for the positioning of the depth to the top of overpressure in shale-dominated sequences in the Gulf Coast basin, U.S.A.: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 99...


Overpressure compartments in the central paleo-uplift, Sichuan Basin, southwest China

Yifeng Liu, Nansheng Qiu, Zengye Xie, Qianying Yao, and Chuanqing Zhu

AAPG Bulletin

... distribution, five pressure systems, including three overpressure systems, can be divided based on drill-stem test, mud weight, and sonic transit time data...


Deep Pressure Seal in the Lower Tuscaloosa Formation, Louisiana Gulf Coast

Suzanne D. Weedman, Albert L. Guber, and Terry Engelder

AAPG Special Volumes

...Deep Pressure Seal in the Lower Tuscaloosa Formation, Louisiana Gulf Coast Suzanne D. Weedman, Albert L. Guber, and Terry Engelder 1994 87 95 M 61...


Abstract: Structural Styles of Growth-Fault Trends in Texas: Some Cases in Point

Thomas E. Ewing

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... of oil and gas fields and overpressure occurrence. Several basic styles of growth faulting are observed in the Tertiary sequence of the Texas Gulf Coast...


The Origin of Jonah Field, Northern Green River Basin, Wyoming

Robert M. Cluff, Suzanne G. Cluff

AAPG Special Volumes

... fields in the Green River basin is dependent on the presence of overpressure. In the Gulf Coast and other areas, plots of shale resistivity and shale...


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