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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 3,348 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Origin of overpressure and pore-pressure prediction in the Baram province, Brunei
Mark R. P. Tingay, Richard R. Hillis, Richard E. Swarbrick, Chris K. Morley, Abdul Razak Damit
AAPG Bulletin
.... 4360.Burrus, J., 1998, Overpressure models for clastic rocks, their relation to hydrocarbon expulsion: A critical review, in B. E. Law, G. F. Ulmishek...
Abstract: Characteristics and Evolution of Fluid-Rock System Near the Top Surface of Deep Overpressure, Central Junggar Basin, Northwest China, by Zhi Yang; #90070 (2007)
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Abstract: Characteristics and Evolution of Fluid-Rock System Near the Top Surface of Deep Overpressure, Central Junggar Basin, Northwest China, by Z. Yang; #90094 (2009)
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Modeling of Abnormal Fluid Pressure in Unconventional Plays Due to Uplift
Xinyu Xia, Jon Wallace, Liangui Du
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...: A Numerical Study of Hydrocarbon Generation, Overpressure and Natural Hydraulic Fractures, thesis of Louisiana State University. 12 Wang, F.P. and Gale...
Abstract: Hydrocarbon Prospectivity Assessment of the Southern Pattani Trough, Gulf of Thailand, by N. Mountford; #90982 (1994).
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Characteristics of Overpressure Units in a Fault-Block Oilfield with Lacustrine Dolomite Reservoirs in Tanggu Area, Bohaiwan Basin
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Abstract: Modeling the Interactions of Fluids and Rocks to Predict Reservoir Quality: Applications to the Gulf Coast Frio Formation, by R. J. Pottorf, L. L. Summa, T. F. Schwarzer, and W. J. Harrison; #91004 (1991)
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ABSTRACT: Variation of "Growth Fault" Structural Styles in the Texas Gulf Coast Basin, by Thomas E. Ewing; #91036 (2010)
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Overpressure Sources in the Western and Central Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
S. Cornelius, P. Emmet
GCAGS Transactions
...Overpressure Sources in the Western and Central Deepwater Gulf of Mexico S. Cornelius, P. Emmet 2021 37 44 Vol. 71 (2021) Previous results from...
Overpressuring In The Jambi Merang Area, South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia: Distribution, Characteristics And Implication To Petroleum System
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Deep Pore Fluid Pressure Prediction in Challenging Areas, Malay Basin, SE Asia
Stephen O’Connor, Richard Swarbrick, Jamaal Hoesni, Richard Lahann
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... by the on-lapping, transgressive shale of unit L (Lower Miocene). Shale seals have a strong influence on overpressure distribution, as do rates...
Effects of early petroleum charge and overpressure on reservoir porosity preservation in the giant Kela-2 gas field, Kuqa depression, Tarim Basin, northwest China
Xiaowen Guo, Keyu Liu, Chengzao Jia, Yan Song, Mengjun Zhao, and Xuesong Lu
AAPG Bulletin
..., Geological aspects of abnormal reservoir pressures in Gulf Coast Louisiana: AAPG Bulletin, v. 37, no. 2, p. 410–432. Dominé, F., 1991, High pressure...
Similarities of Overpressuring in Some of Western Indonesias Sedimentary Basins
Lambok M. Hutasoit, Agus M. Ramdhan
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... demonstrated that the similarity in geological condition above leads to the similarity in distribution and generating mechanism of overpressure in the area...
Abstract: Variation in Style of Overpressure in Scotian Shelf Wells, Scotian Basin
Dillon White, Georgia Pe-Piper, David J. W. Piper
Atlantic Geology
... overpressure. The main causes of overpressure are disequilibrium compaction, clay diagenesis, and hydrocarbon generation, although, the relative importance...
Well-log responses of overpressure and discussion about its mechanisms within Upper triassic-jurassic layer in yuanba area, sichuan basin, china
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Onshore Kutai Basin Pore Pressure Synthesis and Hydrocarbon Accumulation
Irawan Youdha Tribuana, Danny Nursasono, Arrie Kurniawan, Yoseph Robby Apranda, Hafizhan Ihsandani
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... tends to result in lower hydrocarbon accumulation. Ramdhan et al. (2011) examined overpressure distribution and its generating mechanism within...
Abstract: Overpressures Assessment from a Minimum Principal Stress Approach, by D. Grauls; #90942 (1997).
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Well Log Analysis Concepts in Clastic and Argillaceous US Gulf Coast Sediments
Walter H. Fertl
GCAGS Transactions
..., type, and distribution of various clay minerals encountered in Gulf Coast sands improve log-derived determination of reservoir properties...
Distribution and Mechanism Forming of Overpressure Shale Gumai on Jambi Subbasin, South Sumatera Basin
Randa Guruh Sumarsono, Hari Wiki Utama, Nurul Izzah Asral, Yudhi Achnopha, Yan Indryanto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... into illite and hydrocarbon maturity. The overpressure distribution in the research area is associated with a sequence strathigraphy which has low...
Factors controlling petroleum accumulation and leakage in overpressured reservoirs
Fang Hao, Weilin Zhu, Huayao Zou, and Pingping Li
AAPG Bulletin
... the hydrocarbon-retention capacities, especially in deeply buried traps. Lateral and/or vertical water-phase overpressure transfer from deeper successions...
Abstract: A Research Project Documenting the Pressure History of an Overpressured Basin - Application to Deep Water Pressure, by R. E. Swarbrick; #90923 (1999)
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Evidence for a Hydrodynamic Aquifer in the Lower Miocene Sands of the Mad Dog Field, Gulf of Mexico, by Troy A. Dias, David L. Tett, and Michelle T. Croasdaile, #10221 (2010).
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ABSTRACT: Predictive Evaluation of Sandstone Reservoir Quality Through Integration of Diagenetic Data from Natural and Experimental Systems, by R. E. Larese and D. L. Hall; #91021 (2010)
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Abstract: Variation of "Growth Fault" Structural Styles in the Texas Gulf Coast Basin
Thomas E. Ewing
GCAGS Transactions
...Abstract: Variation of "Growth Fault" Structural Styles in the Texas Gulf Coast Basin Thomas E. Ewing 1988 Vol. 38 (1988), Within the overall theme...