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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 3,348 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Abstract: Overpressure Generation Mechanisms and Its Distribution in the Paleocene Shahejie Formation in the Linnan Sag, Huimin Depression, Eastern China;

Chao Li, Xiaorong Luo, Likuan Zhang, Lei Yuhong, Ming Cheng, Luo Hongmei

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...Abstract: Overpressure Generation Mechanisms and Its Distribution in the Paleocene Shahejie Formation in the Linnan Sag, Huimin Depression, Eastern...


Overpressure Characteristics in Pertamina's Area in the North Sumatra Basin

Lambok M. Hutasoit, Weling Suseno, Darius Siahaan, Agus M. Ramdhan, Neil Goulty, M. Syaiful, Andang Bachtiar, Irwan Iskandar, Hendarmawan, Wuryadi Sadirsan, Maikel Arifin, Fatrial Bahesti, Kharisma Endarmoyo

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... Hydrocarbon generation cannot contribute significantly to the high overpressure in the Lower Baong because the shale is thermally immature (Pertamina...


Geopressures and Hydrodynamics in the Gulf Basin Tertiary

Calvin A. Parker

New Orleans Geological Society

...) Sealing and Nonsealing Faults in the Louisiana Gulf Coast Salt Basin: Field Examples. AAPG Vol. 64, No. 2, pp. 145-172. Spencer, C. W. (1987) Hydrocarbon...


Abstract: Overpressure, Seal Integrity, and Reservoir Connectivity in the Scotian Basin; #90224 (2015)

Carla H. Dickson, Ricardo L. Silva, Grant Wach, and Neil Watson

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... there tends to be an absence of sufficient seals. This study investigated hydrocarbon distribution, resource potential, and production performance...


Controls and Distribution Features of Petroliferous Belts of Subtle Traps in Paleogene Strata of Bohai Bay Basin, Eastern China; #10618 (2014)

Yongliang Feng, Suyun Hu, Pilong Li, Herong Zheng

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... of fourth member of Shahejie Formation to the third member are high quality source rocks. Abnormal high overpressure caused mainly by hydrocarbon...


Abnormal Formation Pressures: Recognition, Distribution, and Implications for Geophysical Prospecting, Brazoria County, Texas

Edward T. Flanigan

GCAGS Transactions

... psi/ft), soft overpressure (0.465 to 0.70 psi/ft), and hard overpressure (>0.70 psi/ft). Distribution of these pressure regimes is controlled...


Preservation of lateral pressure disequilibrium during the uplift of shale reservoirs

Xinyu Xia, Eric Michael, and Yongli Gao

AAPG Bulletin

... of hydrocarbon generation to overpressure formation was evaluated. The work offers a quantitative explanation for the distribution and preservation of abnormal...


Thin-skinned Gravity Sliding as a Mechanism for Growth Faulting: Unit 10: Principles

Martin P. A. Jackson, William E. Galloway

AAPG Special Volumes

...: Structural and Depositional Styles of Gulf Coast Tertiary Continental Margins: Application to Hydrocarbon Exploration Crans and others (1980), Mandl...


Pore pressure patterns in Tertiary successions and hydrodynamic implications, Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, Canada

Zhuoheng Chen, Kirk G. Osadetz, Dale R. Issler, Stephen E. Grasby

CSPG Bulletin

..., K., Lane, L. S. and Dietrich, J. R. (in press). GIS compilations of depth to overpressure, permafrost distribution, geothermal gradient...


High Pressure Shales and their Depositional Facies, Southern Louisiana Cenozoic: NOTES

Ervin G. Otvos, Jr.

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... in Gulf Coast Louisiana: Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., V. 37, No. 2, p. 410-432. HAM, H. H., 1966. A method of estimating formation pressures...


Central North Sea hydrocarbon systems: Generation, migration, entrapment, and thermal degradation of oil and gas

Gary H. Isaksen

AAPG Bulletin

..., Distribution and origin of overpressure in the Central Graben of the North Sea, in B. E. Law, G. F. Ulmishek, and V. J. Slavin, eds., Abnormal pressure...


Evaluating Overpressure in Compressional Regimes Using Geomechanical Modelling

D. Darby, S. Ellis

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...Evaluating Overpressure in Compressional Regimes Using Geomechanical Modelling D. Darby, S. Ellis Evaluating Overpressure in Compressional Regimes...


Overpressure and Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Tertiary Strata, Gulf Coast of Louisiana; #41000 (2012)

Philip H. Nelson

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...Overpressure and Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Tertiary Strata, Gulf Coast of Louisiana; #41000 (2012) Philip H. Nelson Overpressure and Hydrocarbon...


Overpressure transmission through igneous intrusions: An unrecognized drilling hazard in volcanic affected basins?

Nick Schofield, Simon Holford, Alex Edwards

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...Overpressure transmission through igneous intrusions: An unrecognized drilling hazard in volcanic affected basins? Nick Schofield, Simon Holford...


ABSTRACT: Distribution of Overpressure and its Prediction in Saurashtra Dahanu Block, Western Offshore Basin, India; #90118 (2011)

Kanak R. Nambiar, B. K Singh, R. N. Goswami, and K. R. K. Singh

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...ABSTRACT: Distribution of Overpressure and its Prediction in Saurashtra Dahanu Block, Western Offshore Basin, India; #90118 (2011) Kanak R. Nambiar...


Pore Pressure Configuration in Balikpapan Bay Area

Hendry Setiawan Lie, Oddy Adnan Mudatsir, Novrianto Pamilwa Citajaya, Sigit Arisetiadi Umri, Benyamin Sapiie

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the structural configuration and hydrocarbon distribution in the Balikpapan Bay Area. The fault system extends more than 70 km trending SE-NW and is part...


Importance of Understanding Geology in Overpressure Prediction: the Example of the East Java Basin

Agus M. Ramdhan, Fahmi Hakim, Lambok M. Hutasoit, Neil R. Goulty, Wuryadi Sadirsan, Maikel Arifin, Fatrial Bahesti, Kharisma Endarmoyo, Rully Firmansyah, Risdi M. Zainal, Meyman Y. Gulo, Sihman M, Purwo Hadi Suseno, Agus H. Purwanto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the overpressure distribution in this basin, direct pressure measurements (DST, RFT, MDT), mudweight used during drilling, drilling events (gas while drilling...


The Formation of Overpressure and It's Influence on Oil and Gas in Kuche Foreland Thrust Structural Zone, Tarim Basin, Northwest China; #90017 (2003)

Lianbo Zeng, Shurong Xiao

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..., the coefficient of formation pressure is less than 1.3. The distribution of overpressure is nearly related with gypsum-salt bed and gypsum-mudstone bed...


The Genetic Mechanisms and Characteristics of Hydrocarbon Migration Induced by Overpressure in the Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea; #30616 (2019)

Caiwei Fan, Yingzhao Zhang, Yong Deng, Hu Li, Jingxian Hou

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...The Genetic Mechanisms and Characteristics of Hydrocarbon Migration Induced by Overpressure in the Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea; #30616 (2019...


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