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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 3,348 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Shale-Ridge and Fault Geometries in Growth-Faulted Subbasins Along the Central and South Texas Gulf Coast: Oligocene Frio Formation, by Ursula Hammes, Robert Loucks, Khaled Fouad, Ramón Treviño, and Frank Brown; #90052 (2006)
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Origin of overpressures in shales: Constraints from basin modeling
Hege M. Nordgrd Bols, Christian Hermanrud, Gunn M. G. Teige
AAPG Bulletin
... for the positioning of the depth to the top of overpressure in shale-dominated sequences in the Gulf Coast Basin, United States: Journal of Geophysical Research...
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Similarities and Differences in Salt Tectonics between the Precaspian Basin, Russia, and the Northern Gulf of Mexico, USA
Lowrie, Allen and Kozlov, Evgenii
GCAGS Transactions
.... Lerche, and J. J. O'Brian, 1989, Impact on hydrocarbon retention of sedimentary fracturing and faulting around salt sheets in the Gulf Coast, Gulf...
Abstract: Undiscovered Exploration Leads in Shattered Gulf Coast Sediments, by A. Lowrie, F. E. Talbert, M. G. Mackenzie, J. C. Pratsch, I. Lerche, T. C. Klekamp, and R. L. Adams; #90932 (1998).
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The Use of Deterministic Basin Models in Basin Evaluation [Abstract]
Burrus, J., Doligez, B., Joseph, P., Ungerer, P., Wolf, S.
CSPG Bulletin
... considering observed maturity distribution, Themis is a 2D model, which will be used to discuss overpressure development and fluid flow along a regional...
Growth Faults and Petroleum Traps: Unit 12: Principles
Martin P. A. Jackson, William E. Galloway
AAPG Special Volumes
... of Gulf Coast Tertiary Continental Margins: Application to Hydrocarbon Exploration Weber and Daukoru (1975) End_Page 55...
Relationships Between Pore Pressure, Stresses, and Present-Day Geodynamics in the Scotian Shelf, Offshore Eastern Canada
N. A. Yassir , J. S. Bell
AAPG Bulletin
...-dominated sequences in the Gulf Coast basin, United States: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 99, no. B2, p. 2775-2789. Moos, D., and M. D. Zoback...
Unlocking Hydrocarbon Reserves by Optimizing Pore Pressure and Fracture Pressure Predictions in Mature Mahakam Delta Fields
Wahyu Pramono, Dhanny Fadlan, Roy Lesmana, Gustiadi Rosa
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., sand-shale ratio distribution, carbonate shelf break, and temperature to hydrocarbon maturity window (used as modelling trend). 3D pore pressure...
Working Under Pressure
Paul Wood
GEO ExPro Magazine
...; from Mauritania to Namibia on the West African coast and from the north coast of America to Pressure-depth plot for a well offshore Gulf of Mexico...
Overpressure transmission through interconnected igneous intrusions
Nick Schofield, Simon Holford, Alex Edwards, Niall Mark, and Stefano Pugliese
AAPG Bulletin
... on reservoir overpressure distribution in the Northern Carnarvon Basin. APPEA Journal, v. 55, p. 35–48, doi:10.1071/AJ14003 Iliffe, J. E., A. G...
Abstract: Basin-Scale Distribution of Pressure, Thermal Maturity, and Other Hydrocarbon-Related Parameters, Wind River Basin, Wyoming ; #90055 (2006).
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Illustrated Summary of Compartments / Pressure Regimes in Selected North American Basins: Part 2—Western Gulf Coast, by David E. Powley, #60010 (2007).
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Modeling Fluid Migration in the Offshore Louisiana South Eugene Island Block 330 Area, by L. M. Cathles, R. N. Anderson, and J. A. Nunn; #90986 (1994).
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Character of Overpressure in the Deep Tuscaloosa Trend, Louisiana
Philip H. Nelson
GCAGS Transactions
.... OVERPRESSURE AT THE REGIONAL SCALE Trends in resistivity and sonic slowness logs are in accord with those observed in the Gulf Coast region and elsewhere...
Abstract: Burial and Thermal History of the Haynesville Shale: Implications for Gas Generation, Overpressure, and Natural Hydrofracture, by Jeffrey Nunn; #90124 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Overpressuring, Diagenesis, and Fluid Flow at the Matagorda Island 519 Field, Offshore Texas, Gulf of Mexico; #90013 (2003)
Kera Gautreau Spears, Jeffrey S. Hanor
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Overpressuring, Diagenesis, and Fluid Flow at the Matagorda Island 519 Field, Offshore Texas, Gulf of Mexico; #90013 (2003) Kera Gautreau...
ABSTRACT: Fluid Migration along Faults? A Study of South Timbalier 54, Gulf of Mexico, by Little, Robert E., Jeffrey Nunn; #90026 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Some Uncertainties in Predicting Overpressure in Indonesia’s Sedimentary Basins
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Paleo Overpressure in the Delaware Basin Determined from DST, Resistivity and Mud Logs
Mary Van Der Loop
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... shale section shows a similar response as in other overpressured basins such as the Gulf Coast and Anadarko Basins. A relationship between shallow...
Timing of Gas and Overpressure Generation in the Sable Basin Offshore Nova Scotia: Implications for Gas Migration Dynamics
Mark A. Williamson, Carolyn Smyth
CSPG Bulletin
... reservoir pressures in Gulf Coast Louisiana. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, v. 37, p. 410-432. Doligez, B. (ed.) 1987...
Rigorous and Innovative Risk Quantification for Basin Modeling
A. Medina, J-M Laigle, M. Pontet
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
... of probability of the response. Risk analysis: Overpressure distribution in the targeted cell assuming a normal distribution for all parameters...
AAPG Geosciences Technology Workshop; - Abstracts, #90256 (2016).
Search and Discovery.com
A megascale view of reservoir quality in producing sandstones from the offshore Gulf of Mexico
S. N. Ehrenberg, P. H. Nadeau, O. Steen
AAPG Bulletin
... Miocene sandstones in lowstand prograding wedge successions, Vermilion Block 31, offshore Louisiana: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies...
CO2 Sequestration Capacity Sectors in Miocene Strata of the Offshore Texas State Waters
David L. Carr, Kerstan J. Wallace, Changbing Yang, Andrew J. Nicholson
GCAGS Journal
.... Nicholson A Publication of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies www.gcags.org CO2 S O C T S S M W S David L. Carr, Kerstan J...
Structural and Stratigraphic Relationships of Hydrocarbon Seeps in the Northern Gulf of Mexico and Geological Factors Contributing to Migration Variations
Margaret Dalthorp, Thomas H. Naehr
GCAGS Transactions
.... Shaker, S. S., 2005, Geopressure compartmentalization in salt basins: Their Assessment for hydrocarbon entrapments in the Gulf of Mexico: Gulf Coast...