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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,696 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Bill Strickler, Jon Zeisloft
Montana Geological Society
... analysis of the red clay indicated the presence of vermiculite. Above, the Amsden Formation consists of alternating beds of pink to reddish...
Bioestratigrafia Cuantitativa (Nannofosiles) de la Parte Inferior de la Formacion Carapita (Venezuela) [PAPER IN SPANISH] Quantitative Biostratigraphy (Nannofossils) of Lower Carapita Formation (Venezuela): Abstract
Nieves Di Gianni C., Bernard Lambert, Thierry Malvesy
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
... (VENEZUELA) Di Gianni C. Nieves1, Lambert Bernard2 , Malvesy Thierry3. ABSTRACT The first quantitative analysis of the nannoplankton of the lower...
Turbidites and Slope Facies Association, Upper Cretaceous Holz Shale Member of the Ladd Formation, Santa Ana Mountains, California
Martin H. Link, David J. Bottjer
Pacific Section SEPM
...). However, great lateral lithologic variation, variable faunal diversity, and generally poor exposures make paleoenvironmental analysis for the central...
Permeability Traps in Gatchell (Eocene) Sand of Califonia: GEOLOGIC NOTES
Robert Schneeflock
AAPG Bulletin
... properties and paleoenvironmental analysis: Jour. Sed. Petrology, v. 47, p. 3-31. End_of_Article - Last_Page 853------------ The Gatchell sand...
Comparison of Clustering Techniques to Define Chemofacies in Mississippian Rocks in The STACK Play, Oklahoma; #42523 (2020)
David Duarte, Rafael Pires de Lima, Roger Slatt, Kurt Marfurt
Search and Discovery.com
... analysis resulted in the identification of chemofacies that can 9690.00 9690 be used for well correlations, paleoenvironmental interpretations...
High-Paleolatitude Environmental Change During the Early To Middle Devonian: Insights from Emsian–Eifelian (Lower–Middle Devonian) Siliciclastic Depositional Systems of the Ceres Subgroup (Bokkeveld Group) of South Africa
Cameron R. Penn-Clarke, Bruce S. Rubidge, Zubair A. Jinnah
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., The Geology of Fluvial Deposits: Sedimentary Facies, Basin Analysis, and Petroleum Geology: Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 582 p. Miller, W., III, 2007...
The Geological and Paleogeomorphological Evolution of a Spit System and Its Associated Coastal Environments: Cape Henlopen Spit, Delaware
John C. Kraft, Elizabeth A. Allen, Evelyn M. Maurmeyer
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and their use in late Holocene paleoenvironmental reconstruction: M.S. Thesis, Department of Geology, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, 141 p. BELKNAP, D...
The Significance of Palynofloral Assemblages from the Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation and Associated Strata, Surmont and Surrounding Areas in North-central Alberta
Graham Dolby, Thomas D. Demchuk, John R. Suter
AAPG Special Volumes
...: Stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental implications: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 30, p. 94102, doi:10.1139/e93-008.McConnell, R. G., 1893, Report...
Eifelian–Givetian (Middle Devonian) high-paleolatitude storm- and wave-dominated shallow-marine depositional systems from the Bidouw Subgroup (Bokkeveld Group) of South Africa
Cameron R. Penn-Clarke, Bruce S. Rubidge, Zubair A. Jinnah
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...-stratigraphic analysis of the Bidouw Subgroup suggests that although sedimentation occurred during two large-scale second-order transgressive events...
Sedimentology, Biota, and Diagenesis of ‘Reefs’ in Lower Mississippian (Kinderhookian to Basal Osagean: Lower Carboniferous) Strata in the St. Joe Group in the Western Ozark Area
Beau T. Morris, S. J. Mazzullo, Brian W. Wilhite
Oklahoma City Geological Society
..., p. 11–34. Anderson, T.F., and M.A. Arthur, 1983, Stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon and their application to sedimentologic and paleoenvironmental...
The Critical Role of Ichnology in Recognizing the True Last Big Marine Transgression of the Western Interior Sea: Paleocene Ferris Formation, Southern Wyoming; #51585 (2019)
Anton F.-J. Wroblewski, Regan Dunn
Search and Discovery.com
... are consistent with ameliorating effects of the Western Interior Sea, and 5) detailed ichnological analysis provides the critical key (more so even...
Chemostratigraphy of the Permian Sediments in Bintuni Area, Papua Barat Province
Rijal Anshori
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... PALEOENVIRONMENTAL DISCUSSION Paleoenvironment interpretation from new biostratigraphic analysis is available for several wells involved...
Defining Linkages Between Chemofacies and Mechanical Stratigraphy in the Austin Chalk: Implications for Geomechanics and Induced Fracture Simulations
Harry Rowe, Evan Sivil, Chris Hendrix, Santhosh Narasimhan, Andy Benson, Austin Morrell, Gerardo Torrez, Pukar Mainali
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...) and the development of more robust paleoenvironmental and diagenetic interpretations. Chemostratigraphic investigation of several cores from Late Cretaceous Gulf...
Central Texas Downdip Yegua Trend: An Overview
Robert W. Parker, David R. Swenson
Houston Geological Society
.... We believe all productive sands discovered to date are deposited in the paralic and deltaic environment. Paleoenvironmental data is valuable in new...
Climate Models and their Application
Eric J. Barron, George T. Moore
Special Publications of SEPM
... Applications in Paleo-environmental Analysis (SC33), 1994 CHAPTER 2: CLIMATE MODELS AND THEIR APPLICATION Three basic requirements are needed to simulate...
Stratigraphy of the Jurassic Stump Formation
Janice Patterson-Wittstrom
Wyoming Geological Association
... of Western Wyoming and Southeastern Idaho; AAPG Bull. v. 54, no. 12, pp. 2282-2302. Hileman, M. E., 1973, Stratigraphy and paleoenvironmental analysis...
Abstract: Latitudinal Controls and Caveats on the Distribution of Trace Fossils and their Resultant Textures in Continental and Marine Depositional Systems; #120178 (2015)
Stephen T. Hasiotis, Murray K. Gingras, Alan H. Halfen, Adam M. Jackson, Peter P. Flaig, Dolores A. van der Kolk
Search and Discovery.com
.... Climate controls of trace fossil distribution in the marine realm. In, McIlroy, D. (ed.), The Application of Ichnology to Paleoenvironmental...
Abstract: Biostratigraphy and Paleoecologic Tolerances of Oligocene through Paleocene Foraminiferal Assemblages of the Gulf Coast Basin
S. Q. Breard, M. J. Nault, A. D. Callender
GCAGS Transactions
... paleoecologic and biostratigraphic foraminifera of the Miocene through Pleistocene of this region. Key benthic paleoenvironmental markers (Figs. 1 and 2...
Geologic and Geoscoustic Study of Surficial Deposits, North-Central Gulf of Mexico Continental Shelf
Triniti A. Dufrene, Samuel J. Bentley, Yvonne C. Allen
GCAGS Transactions
... time. Anderson, L.C., and McBride, R,A., 1996. Taphonomic and Paleoenvironmental Evidence of Holocene Shell-Bed Genesis and History...
2008 AAPG/SEG Student Expo, October 8-9, 2008, Houston, Texas, - Abstracts, #90087 (2009).
Search and Discovery.com
AAPG Foundation 2014 Grants-in-Aid Projects; - Abstracts, #90199 (2014).
Search and Discovery.com
Oil Shale from the Tremembé Formation, Taubaté Basin, Brazil, by Sergio Bergamaschi, René Rodrigues, and Egberto Pereira, #80080 (2010).
Search and Discovery.com
Organic Rich Facies in the Lewis Shale as an Oil and Gas Source Rock, Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming, United States, #51280 (2016).
Ligia Carolina Mayorga-Gonzalez, Roger M. Slatt, David Pyles
Search and Discovery.com
... studied as a potential oil prone source or reservoir rock. Geochemical analysis from Champlin 276 Amoco D well indicates Asquith Marker has a “high...
Depositional settings and palynofacies assemblages of the Upper Triassic fluvio-deltaic Mungaroo Formation, northern Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
Joe Scibiorski, Daniel Peyrot, Simon Lang, Tobias H.D. Payenberg, Adam Charles
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... fraction. Applied systematically, palynofacies analysis results in more comprehensive depofacies descriptions and enhanced paleoenvironmental...