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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,696 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
San Pedro de Maturin Diapir, Venezuela: ABSTRACT
Orville L. Bandy, Duncan A. McNaughton
AAPG Bulletin
... development at least during later Tertiary time. Paleoenvironmental data corrobate this and indicate that the initiation of structural growth occurred...
Abstract: Application of Quantitative Nannofossil Studies to the Recognition of Subsurface Depositional Patterns, by G. Apps, J. A. Crux, J. A. Pearce, and C. Rafferty; #91006 (1991)
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Abstract: Stratigraphic and Tectonic Framework of a New Petroleum Province in Romania: North Dobrogea-Adjoining Black Sea Continental Shelf, by E. Gradinaru, D. Corneliu, O. Dragastan, and D. Lutac; #91007 (1991)
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Inter-Discipline Approach to Paleoenvironmental Interpretations: ABSTRACT
B. J. Scull, C. J. Felix, S. B. McCaleb, W. G. Shaw
AAPG Bulletin
...Inter-Discipline Approach to Paleoenvironmental Interpretations: ABSTRACT B. J. Scull, C. J. Felix, S. B. McCaleb, W. G. Shaw 1966 2320 2321 50 10...
Foraminiferal Paleoecology and Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of Oligocene Middle Frio in Chambers County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Robert E. Gernant, Robert V. Kesling
AAPG Bulletin
...Foraminiferal Paleoecology and Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of Oligocene Middle Frio in Chambers County, Texas: ABSTRACT Robert E. Gernant...
Palynomorph Distribution and Depositional Environments in Glen Rose Formation (Lower Cretaceous), Somervell County, Texas: ABSTRACT
L. Gifford Kessler II
AAPG Bulletin
... in paleoenvironmental interpretations. Percentage-distribution maps of gymnosperm pollen and hystrichospheres for three units in a terrigenous clastic...
Tertiary Foraminiferal Paleoecology and Biostratigraphy of Part of Oregon Continental Margin: ABSTRACT
Gerald A. Fowler, Gary E. Muehlberg
AAPG Bulletin
... or Pleistocene. Paleoenvironmental data require minimal uplifts ranging from approximately 1,000 m for the oldest sampled strata to 100 m for the youngest...
Recognizing Estuarine and Tidal Creek Sandbars by Biogenic Sedimentary Structures: ABSTRACT
Taylor V. Mayou, James D. Howard
AAPG Bulletin
... structures and with facies geometry produces unique, readily recognizable, paleoenvironmental indicators. The abundant burrowing fauna collectively found...
Abstract: Controls on Variability of Depositional Style in Carboniferous Submarine Fan Complexes of the Ouachita Basin of Oklahoma and Arkansas, by J. L. Coleman, Jr.; #90987 (1993).
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Deltaic Origin of Difunta Group (Late Cretaceous to Paleocene), Parras Basin, Coahuila and Nuevo Leon, Mexico: ABSTRACT
E. F. McBride, A. E. Weidie, J. A. Wolleben
AAPG Bulletin
..., continuous exposures, and lithologic variability provide an excellent opportunity for paleoenvironmental interpretations. The Difunta Group is largely...
Geologic Factors that Control Thickness and Composition of Upper Pennsylvanian Coals in Appalachian Basin: ABSTRACT
B. H. Kent, M. Gomez
AAPG Bulletin
... in sulfur and ash End_Page 631------------------------------ probably were controlled by paleoenvironmental factors. Northeast-trending belts...
Late Cenozoic Stratigraphy and Structure of Oregon Continental Margin in Framework of Plate Tectonics: ABSTRACT
G. A. Fowler, L. D. Kulm
AAPG Bulletin
... of lower slope samples suggest a north component of motion for the Gorda-Juan du Fuca plate. Paleoenvironmental analyses indicate a total range...
Late Devonian-Early Mississippian Subaqueous Deltaic Facies in Part of Southeastern Appalachian Basin: ABSTRACT
R. A. Walls
AAPG Bulletin
.... (September) Evaluation of subsurface data in a part of the southeastern Appalachian basin permits paleoenvironmental reconstruction of a Late Devonian...
Depositional Environments Interpreted from Stratigraphic, Seismic, and Paleoenvironmental Analyses, Upper Wilcox, Katy Field, Texas: ABSTRACT
C. E. Williams, L. R. Travis, E. M. Hoover
AAPG Bulletin
...Depositional Environments Interpreted from Stratigraphic, Seismic, and Paleoenvironmental Analyses, Upper Wilcox, Katy Field, Texas: ABSTRACT C. E...
ABSTRACT: Paleogeography of Northern Eurasia in the Arc/Info Format, by L. M. Natapov, V. G. Kazmin, T. M. Mjakisheva, C. V. Philippov; #91020 (1995).
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Recent and Potential Advances in DSDP Biostratigraphy: ABSTRACT
William R. Riedel
AAPG Bulletin
... on the distortion of assemblages by dissolution and paleoenvironmental controls on the distribution of species and subspecies are providing information essential...
Depositional Setting of Coals in Upper Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone Member, Central Utah: ABSTRACT
Thomas A. Ryer
AAPG Bulletin
... of the stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental setting of the major coal beds of the Emery coalfield. Strata of the Ferron Sandstone Member accumulated...
Paleoenvironmental Control of Biogenic Structures in Upper Devonian Prodeltaic Turbidite Deposit: ABSTRACT
Salvatore Corbo
AAPG Bulletin
...Paleoenvironmental Control of Biogenic Structures in Upper Devonian Prodeltaic Turbidite Deposit: ABSTRACT Salvatore Corbo 1980 694 694 64 5. (May...
Calcification Model and Secondary Calcification Effects on Fossil Bolivina seminuda: ABSTRACT
Frances M. Govean
AAPG Bulletin
... in appearance. The effects of this calcification must be considered in taxonomy, biostratigraphy, and paleoenvironmental interpretations. SEM studies...
Processes Controlling Characteristics of Surficial Sand Sheet, U.S. Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf: ABSTRACT
Harley J. Knebel
AAPG Bulletin
... the sand sheet is fundamental to (1) an understanding of its general geologic history; (2) the paleoenvironmental interpretation of ancient sand...
Upper Devonian Tide-Dominated Deltaic-Intradeltaic Sedimentation in West-Central Pennsylvania: A Sedimentologic Model for Distribution of Petroleum Sandstone Reservoir Types: ABSTRACT
Victor D. Rahmanian
AAPG Bulletin
..., is not characterized by repetition of motifs. Paleoenvironmental synthesis suggests that the Catskill shoreline was fed by a tide-dominated delta in central...
ABSTRACT: Meteoritical Micropaleontology: An Example From the Late Eocene of Virginia, by C. Wylie Poag; #91019 (1996)
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ABSTRACT: Porphyrin Distributions in Lacustrine and Marine Shales as Indicators of Paleodepositional Environments, by Janina K. Rafalska and Geoffrey Eglinton; #91019 (1996)
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Bioclastic Carbonate Facies of Great Barrier Reef, Australia: ABSTRACT
Peter G. Flood
AAPG Bulletin
... sedimentary facies are illustrated and described. They provide an extremely useful basis for paleoenvironmental reconstructions of pre-Holocene reefs...
Sandstone Tongue of Cherry Canyon Formation and Upper San Andres Formation (Permian), Last Chance Canyon Area, Southeast New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Robert W. McDermott, Alan J. Scott
AAPG Bulletin
... lithofacies relations, a paleoenvironmental model in a landward to basinward transect consists of the following: a supratidal through subtidal mixed...