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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 3,360 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT Utility of Sparse Paleontologic Data in Addressing Stratigraphic Problems: Onshore and Deep-Water Wilcox Trend, Gulf of Mexico, #90104 (2010)
Zarra Larry
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT Utility of Sparse Paleontologic Data in Addressing Stratigraphic Problems: Onshore and Deep-Water Wilcox Trend, Gulf of Mexico, #90104 (2010...
Important Factors for Micropaleontologic Investigation in Petroleum Geology: ABSTRACT
W. T. Rothwell, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
... are vital in successful paleontologic investigations in petroleum geology. These are: (1) collection of the fossil groups by paleontologists...
Low-Cost Microprocessor System for Paleontologic Information, Including Images: ABSTRACT
W. Riedel, Alexis Budai
AAPG Bulletin
...Low-Cost Microprocessor System for Paleontologic Information, Including Images: ABSTRACT W. Riedel, Alexis Budai 1980 773 773 64 5. (May) A major...
ABSTRACT: Paleontology Resources at the Minerals Management Service, United States Department of the Interior: Biostratigraphic Baseline and Problem Solver, by Anton R. Friedmann; #91020 (1995).
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Abstract: Computer-Assisted Paleoecologic Analyses and Application to Petroleum Exploration, by Gray Robinson, Barry Kohl; #90965 (1978).
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Computer Assisted Paleoecologic Analyses and Application to Petroleum Exploration: ABSTRACT
Gray S. Robinson, Barry Kohl
AAPG Bulletin
... and groups according to their paleoecologic significance. The ultimate objective is to utilize all the interpreted paleontologic data in the most effective...
Application of Database Management to Biostratigraphy: ABSTRACT
Kathleen M. Heide
AAPG Bulletin
... minor modifications in the system to meet his own needs. With regard to the final problem, paleontologic data must be separated from both...
Application of Palynology to Age Determination, Correlation, and Paleoecology of Gas-Bearing, Nonmarine Rocks in Central Rocky Mountains: ABSTRACT
D. J. Nichols
AAPG Bulletin
... correlations are essential to the estimation of reserves and to the understanding of the nature of reservoirs; but, in the absence of paleontologic data...
New Stratigraphic Technologies in Exploration/Exploitation: Abstract
R. W. Scott, H. R. Lane
Tulsa Geological Society
... and precision in the interpretation of seismic sections for the prediction of reservoirs and traps, traditional paleontologic and new non-paleontologic...
A Joint Geological-Engineering Study of Cogdell Canyon Reef Unit, Scurry and Kent Counties, Texas: ABSTRACT
Alastair M. Reid, II, Sydney K. Lawler, James D. Paulson
AAPG Bulletin
... and southern Kent Counties, Texas. Detailed lithologic, paleontologic, and depositional environmental analyses indicate the presence of nine vertical...
Abstract: Stratigraphic, Geochemical, and Paleontologic Evidence for a Brackish, Restricted Seaway in Early Cenomanian (Mid-Cretaceous) Time, Eastern Wyoming, by E. A. Merewether and D. L. Gautier; #91004 (1991)
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Hunton Group (Silurian and Devonian) and Related Strata in Oklahoma: REPLY
J. Philip Shannon, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
... that the facies-fauna interpretation in the extreme case illustrated is unreasonable. Further, I do not question the paleontologic data...
Multivariate Facies Maps: ABSTRACT
James M. Parks
AAPG Bulletin
...Multivariate Facies Maps: ABSTRACT James M. Parks 1969 735 735 53 3. (March) Facies maps are constructed from paleontologic and lithologic data...
ABSTRACT: Paleontologic/Stratigraphic/Lithologic Expert System for Cenozoic Open-Ocean Sediments, by William R. Riedell and Linda E. Tway; #91022 (1989)
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ABSTRACT: Biostratigraphic Application to Pliocene Sequence Stratigraphy of the Western and Central Gulf of Mexico and Its Integration to Lithostratigraphy, by R. N. Rosen, W. A. Hill; #90999 (1990).
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Abstract: Precision Sequence Stratigraphy of the Plio-Pleistocene, Gulf of Mexico: Digital Integration of Seismic, Log, Paleontologic, and Oxygen Isotope Data
G. A. Self, M. L. Butler, and R. W. Scott
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... on digital integration of seismic data with lithologic, paleontologic, and oxygen isotope data within a computer workstation environment. This flexibility...
ABSTRACT: Evidence for Additional Type 1 Sequences in the Lower Miocene of the Gulf of Mexico, by Taylor E. Blood, Dennis W. Cratsley; #91020 (1995).
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Chronicle of Miocene, Phase III: Middle Miocene Events: ABSTRACT
Dorothy J. Echols, Doris M. Curtis
AAPG Bulletin
... evolution and Cenozoic cooling published in the past several years strengthen our previous paleontologic and stratigraphic models for significant...
Abstract: Early-Middle Ordovician Evolution of the Illinois Basin: Paleontologic and Sedimentologic Constraints, by T. H. Shaw; #91013 (1992).
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Depositional and Structural Reconstruction of Southwestern Louisiana--a Temporal-Spatial Approach: ABSTRACT
Steven R. Brunhild
AAPG Bulletin
..., and paleontologic data, an Oligocene-Miocene depositional and structural model was established. It is suggested that the Heterostegina and lower...
Abstract: New Stratigraphic Technologies in Exploration/Exploitation, by R. W. Scott and H. R. Lane; #90957 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
Hunton Group (Silurian and Devonian) and Related Strata in Oklahoma: DISCUSSION
A. J. Boucot
AAPG Bulletin
... knowledge concerning either Haragan or Henryhouse fossils. Shannon (ibid., p. 26) fails to take advantage of the wealth of paleontologic data dealing...
Influence of Deep Sea Drilling Project on Concepts of Global Tectonics: ABSTRACT
M. N. A. Peterson, N. Terence Edgar
AAPG Bulletin
...) The concept of sea-floor spreading has been examined in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans by paleontologic dating of the sediments that lie in contact...