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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 3,360 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy: Challenges and Problems in future Exploration and Production

Robert J. Weimer

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

..., paleontologic data, seismic, and outcrop sections where available. Emphasis is placed on location of the shoreline facies for each time-stratigraphic...


Recalibration and Causes of Marine Regressive-Transgressive Cycle Recorded by Middle Eocene to Lower Miocene Nonmarine Sespe Formation, Southern California Continental Plate Margin

E. Bruce Lander

Pacific Section SEPM

... Drive, Altadena, California 91001 ABSTRACT A review of previously existing paleontologic data, when integrated with recently available paleomagnetic...


Sedimentary and Faunal Associations of Protected Carbonate Shelves and Platforms: ABSTRACT

Jonathan P. Swinchatt

AAPG Bulletin

... results in complex terrigenous-carbonate facies. Sparse paleontologic data reveal consistent faunal associations in lagoonal and backreef deposits...


Application of Nonmarine Mollusca to Paleoenvironmental Interpretation and Correlation of Paleogene Rocks: ABSTRACT

John H. Hanley

AAPG Bulletin

... analysis of several biologic and physical factors: (1) taxonomy based on modern malacologic and paleontologic concepts that include differentiation...


Isotopic Methods in Quaternary Geology

Vladimir Sibrava

AAPG Special Volumes

... of a mutual checking of isotopic dating results by other geologic, paleontologic, and geophysical methods is stressed. There is danger of overestimating...


Stratigraphy of Marine Paleogene and Neogene of Northeast Asia (Chukotka, Kamchatka, Sakhalin): GEOLOGIC NOTES

Yuri B. Gladenkov

AAPG Bulletin

... Correlation of horizons is based, first of all, on paleontologic data as well as on the use of paleogeographic and some paleomagnetic characteristics...


Classification of Permian Rocks

C. W. Tomlinson, Raymond C. Moore, Robert H. Dott, M. G. Cheney, John Emery Adams

AAPG Bulletin

..., but seek in paleontologic data a sufficient natural basis for determination of the most suitable systemic boundaries. Most of the recent Russian...


Section Two: Diapir Components

New Orleans Geological Society

... of paleontologic data. The sheath-salt core relationship varies widely (Figure 16). On non-penetrant structures where salt has been drilled, sheath...


Memorial: David Edward Frazier (1931-1976)

J. P. Shannon Jr.

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... and presentations were prepared carefully and meticulously. He refused to make geologic interpretations without supporting data. It is a tribute to Dave's...


Pennsylvanian Correlations in Crowley and Pueblo Counties, Colorado: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

John C. Maher

AAPG Bulletin

... drilling activity in southeastern Colorado during the past two years has provided important additional lithologic and paleontologic control for tentative...


Formation of Mississippi Canyon: ABSTRACT

J. M. Coleman, D. B. Prior, John F. Lindsay

AAPG Bulletin

... to establish a time-stratigraphic framework and origin for this feature. Nine horizons, chosen from borings and dated by carbon-14 and paleontologic...


Abstract: A New Chronostratigraphic Framework for the Paleozoic Strata of Sinai, Egypt, Based on Geochronologic and Thermochronologic Constraints; #90313 (2017)

William Bosworth, Daniel F. Stockli

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... on ichnofossils, rare stromatolites, and other sparse paleontologic data. Stratigraphic correlations in the pre-Visean sandstones are therefore...



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The Conflicting Paleontologic versus Stratigraphic Record of the Formation of the Caribbean Seaway

Manuel A. Iturralde-Vinent

AAPG Special Volumes

... of the area. But a conflict undoubtedly exists about how paleontologic and stratigraphic data record the early history of the Caribbean.Abundant...


Standard of Cretaceous System

Siemon Wm. Muller, Hubert G. Schenck

AAPG Bulletin

... of a stratigraphic nature. The thirteenth topic introduced biologic data under the heading, paleontologic characters. For example, in a discussion...


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