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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 3,360 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Sedimentary Facies and Plate Tectonics of Equatorial Pacific: DISCUSSION

Howard A. Meyerhoff

AAPG Bulletin

... modification thereof is consonant with even the limited data on K/Ar and paleontologic dates...


Fossil Diversity in Thin Section

Richard Smosna, Steven Warshauer

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... between paleoenvironments, and a diversity log for the stratigraphic section. In the absence of detailed paleontologic work, fossil diversity may still...


Stratigraphy and Petroleum Prospects of Southwestern Cebu, Philippines: GEOLOGIC NOTES

Robert A. Sheldon

AAPG Bulletin

...), the data at hand make it possible to reach reasonable and relatively simple geologic conclusions in spite of the mutually contradictory paleontologic...


ABSTRACT: Reconnaissance Paleontologic Study of the Kishenehn Formation, Northwestern Montana and Southeastern British Columbia

Kurt N. Constenius, Mary R. Dawson, Harold G . Pierce, Robert C. Walter, Mark V. H. Wilson

Montana Geological Society

...ABSTRACT: Reconnaissance Paleontologic Study of the Kishenehn Formation, Northwestern Montana and Southeastern British Columbia Kurt N. Constenius...


Russian Palynology Today: Literature and Application to Exploration: ABSTRACT

James M. Schopf

AAPG Bulletin

..., the literatur reflects tremendous effort and a large source of information applicable to general paleontologic, paleogeographic, and paleoecologic problems...


Hydrocarbons Cored from Knolls in Southwestern Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT

Richard Rezak, Arnold H. Bouma, Lela M. Jeffrey

AAPG Bulletin

..., from the tar layers, and from the inclusions were compared. Paleontologic investigations on coccoliths and Foraminifera show that mixing of fossil...


Work of Soviet Geologists in the Arctic: Regional Arctic Geology of the USSR

V. V. Menner

AAPG Special Volumes

.... In stratigraphy, one of the most interesting generalizations is a paleontologic basis for the subdivision and correlation of the upper Precambrian. Data...


Nato Advanced Study Institute on Palaeoclimates: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Matthew H. Nitecki

AAPG Bulletin

... based on magnetic data than the continental workers most of whom "believed" in continental drift and polar wandering. The field of paleoclimatology...


Section Four: Geologic Techniques for Operations on Diapiric Structures

New Orleans Geological Society

... log, dipmeter and paleontologic) data on maps and cross sections. As the amount of subsurface data increases with additional wells, there may be less...


Geohistory Analysis--Application of Micropaleontology in Exploration Geology

J. E. Van Hinte

AAPG Bulletin

... stratigraphers can do likewise, provided that their framework has been calibrated by paleontologic data. Placing the geologic record of an area in a linear...


Seismic Stratigraphy and Global Changes of Sea Level: Part 5. Chronostratigraphic Significance of Seismic Reflections: Section 2. Application of Seismic Reflection Configuration to Stratigraphic Interpretation

P. R. Vail, R. G. Todd , J. B. Sangree

AAPG Special Volumes

... formation transgresses geologic time. Geologic time correlations made from paleontologic data tie with seismic-reflection correlations even where...


Biostratigraphy of the Vicksburgian Equivalent at Toledo Bend Dam Site, Louisiana and Texas(1)

Don R. Anderson

GCAGS Transactions

... is paleontologic, because the lithology of both units is very similar. Delaney (1958), from data assembled from surface sections and shallow borings...


Sequence Stratigraphy and Petroleum Potential of Lower Cretaceous Strata, Mississippi Interior Salt Basin

Ernest A. Mancini, T. Markham Puckett

GCAGS Transactions

... is gradational (Devery, 1982) and diachronous (the contact is geologically younger in downdip areas than in updip areas). Paleontologic data (ammonites...


Age and Correlation of Huizachal Group (Mesozoic), State of Tamaulipas, Mexico: ADDENDUM

Robert B. Mixon , Grover E. Murray , Teodoro Diaz G.

AAPG Bulletin

... directed our attention to two of his papers which present distributional data and contain thoughts relative to the age and origin of the Huizachal group...


Computer Flow Diagram in Facies Analysis: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Floyd F. Sabins, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

..., mineralogic, and paleontologic criteria, resulting in 56 entries. A practical method of using these 56 entries to identify unknown samples is a flow...


Sedimentary Facies and Plate Tectonics of Equatorial Pacific: REPLY

Edward L. Winterer

AAPG Bulletin

..., paleontologic, and paleomagnetic data that bear on the origin of these chains and their place in tectonic models. Doubtless, the newer results will modify...


Geology of the Southern Oquirrh Mountains and Fivemile Pass—Northern Boulter Mountains Area, Tooele and Utah Counties, Utah

Harold J. Bissell, J. Keith Rigby, Paul Dean Proctor

Utah Geological Association

... Investigation In order to properly evaluate the sedimentary and paleontologic data of this area, it has been necessary to complement the field work with much...


Stratigraphic Relations of Non-Marine Jurassic and Pre-Thermopolis Lower Cretaceous Strata of North-Central and Northeastern Wyoming

John M. Wilson

Wyoming Geological Association

... are primarily derived from subsurface data. A number of surface sections around the perimeter of the Big Horn, Wind River, and Powder River Basins have...


Abstract: Facies Comparison of Autochthonous and Allochthonous Permian and Triassic Units, North-Central Brooks Range, Alaska

Karen E. Adams, Charles G. Mull

Pacific Section SEPM

.... Ongoing petrographic and micropaleontologic studies of the field data will clarify these general paleogeographic relationships. A G E A N D C O R R E L...


Abstract: Age and Correlation of the Otuk Formation, North-Central Brooks Range, Alaska

Dirk A. Bodnar, Charles G. Mull

Pacific Section SEPM

... studies of the field data will clarify these general paleogeographic relationships. A G E A N D C O R R E L A T I O N O F THE OTUK F O R M A T I O N...


Abstract: Stratigraphic Characteristics and Sandstone Distribution of the Hackberry Depositional System (Mid Oligocene), S. E. Texas and S. W. Louisiana: A Sand-Rich Slope-Fan Complex

Michael J. DiMarco , R. Craig Shipp

GCAGS Transactions

... paleolow areas and basins. Paleontologic data strongly suggest that this system was deposited at the time of the large mid Oligocene sea-level...


Lost Art of Sample Examination--a Frozen Asset: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Frank B. Conselman

AAPG Bulletin

..., and evaporites 4. Paleontologic data 5. Details of type and probable genesis of porous zones 6. Information on fluid and gas saturation, including overlooked...


Phylloid Algal Banks: ABSTRACT

Karl W. Klement

AAPG Bulletin

... with that produced from structural traps. Phylloid algal banks were studied by the writer. Data were derived from studies of surface and subsurface occurrences...


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