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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 3,360 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Significant Reserve Additions from Oligocene Frio Formation Hackberry Sands Utilizing 3-D Seismic Data, Upper Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast

Robert L. Zamboras

GCAGS Transactions

... slump fault blocks observed by seismic data; the details of which are confirmed by well penetrations. Thies et al., (1994) use paleontologic, seismic...


Graphic Correlation: A New Concept for Biostratigraphy: Abstract

F. X. Miller

CSPG Special Publications

...Graphic Correlation: A New Concept for Biostratigraphy: Abstract F. X. Miller 1980 994 995 Traditional methods of paleontologic correlation based...


Abstract: Post-Development Analysis of Producing Shelf-Slope Environments of Deposition, High Island Area

David H. Anspach, S. E. Tripp, R. E. Berlitz, and J. A. Gilreath

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

...-to-the-northeast growth faults. Paleontologic studies indicate the productive intervals were deposited during late Pliocene-Pleistocene time. The large growth...


Classification of Spores and Pollen for Paleontologic Correlation

W. L. Norem

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Classification of Spores and Pollen for Paleontologic Correlation W. L. Norem 1954 Vol. 24 No. 2. (June), One of the more important recent...


Deepest Rocks at Jackson, Mississippi: DISCUSSION

Watson H. Monroe

AAPG Bulletin

... rather than of Carboniferous age. As stated in the earlier paper, the available paleontologic evidence was not conclusive. The deeper rocks penetrated...


Abstract: Differences in the Stratigraphic Framework of the Frio and Anahuac Formations in the Louisiana and Texas Gulf Coast Basin

Bruce A. Desselle

GCAGS Transactions

... and Anahuac differ in the Texas Gulf Coast from those employed in the Louisiana Gulf Coast. In the sub-surface Frio of Louisiana, the paleontologic top...


Classification of Spores and Pollen for Paleontologic Correlation.: ABSTRACT

W. L. Norem

AAPG Bulletin

...Classification of Spores and Pollen for Paleontologic Correlation.: ABSTRACT W. L. Norem 1953 2780 2780 37 12. (December) One of the more important...


Review of Recent Studies on Marine Pleistocene of Atlantic Coastal Plain--New Jersey to Georgia: ABSTRACT

Horace G. Richards

AAPG Bulletin

... have been used. An attempt is made to correlate some of these. There is good physiographic and paleontologic evidence of a Sangamon high sea level...


U.S. Geological Survey Investigations of Mississippi Embayment Area: ABSTRACT

Ernest E. Glick

AAPG Bulletin

..., most of the work in the Mississippi embayment area by members of the U.S. Geological Survey was motivated by interest in the embayment's paleontologic...


Graphic Correlation: A Powerful Stratigraphic Technique Comes of Age

Keith Olin Mann, H. Richard Lane

Special Publications of SEPM

... of Honolulu Oil Company a recent acqui sition of Pan American The Honolulu production program was sion to modified to print paleontologic data...


Heavy-Mineral Zones of Louisiana and Texas Gulf Coast Sediments

William M. Cogen

AAPG Bulletin

...------------------------------ Fig. 2 (concluded). SUBSEQUENT NOTE. *Recent review of paleontologic data for Continental's Hebert No. 1, Vermilion Parish...


Stratigraphy and Petroleum Exploration History of the Cotton Valley Group (Lower Cretaceous to Upper Jurassic) and Haynesville Group (Upper Jurassic), Offshore Northeastern Gulf of Mexico

Andrew J. Petty

GCAGS Transactions

... Louisiana: M.A. thesis, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, 74 p. MMS (Minerals Management Service), 2008a, MMS paleontologic report on Destin...


Postdevelopment Analysis of Producing Shelf-Slope Environments of Deposition, High Island Area

D. H. Anspach , S. E. Tripp , R. E. Berlitz , J. A. Gilreath

GCAGS Transactions

... growth faults. Paleontologic studies indicate the productive intervals were depositecl during late Pliocene and Pleistocene time. The large growth...


Quantitative Lithofacies and Biofacies Study of Florena Shale (Permian) of Kansas

John Imbrie

AAPG Bulletin

... and the remainder left for paleontologic study. Biofacies data from these samples were later recalculated to compare with data obtained from standard 10-pound...



H. Allen Curran

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... with other available sedimentologic, paleontologic, and stratigraphic information in order to attain thorough understanding of an ancient environmental...


Biostratigraphic Correlation of the Mesaverde Group in Southwestern Wyoming and Northwestern Colorado

F.X. Miller

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

..., paleontologic data from the nearshore marine and continental deposits are incomplete or absent. As a result, current stratigraphic correlations of the Mesaverde...


The Neogene Symposium: Frontmatter

A. Eugene Fritsch, Harry Ter Best Jr., Walter W. Wornardt

Pacific Section SEPM

... Paleontologic studies of the Middle Tertiary Skooner Gulch and Gallaway Formations at Point Arena, California MELVYN L. RAPPEPORT Holocene shelf mined...



Allen J. Kihm

North Dakota Geological Society

... (1973) from the Camels Butte are indicative of the early Eocene (early Wasatchian biochron). The combined paleontologic and paleoecologic...



Allen J. Kihm

North Dakota Geological Society

... (1973) from the Camels Butte are indicative of the early Eocene (early Wasatchian biochron). The combined paleontologic and paleoecologic...


Bentonite in the Upper Cretaceous of Louisiana: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

M. N. Bramlette

AAPG Bulletin

... of the volcanic center, may be gained if sufficient data on the occurrence of the bed are obtainable. The first recorded occurrence of bentonite...


Wolfcampian and Early Leonardian Fore-Reef Debris Fans: Midland Basin, West Texas

J. W. Becher, H. A. von der Hoya

West Texas Geological Society

... be identified by the careful integration of subsurface, seismic, and paleontologic data. Most of the prospective trend remains relatively unexplored...


Presence of the Indus Stage in the Stratigraphic Section of Mangyshlak

V. N. Vinyukov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

...). The latter are well known in marine sediments of the Permian system, and some are well developed in the Kazan stage. The paleontologic determinations...


Abstract: Facies Analysis and Paleogeographic Implication of the Jelai Formation (Middle-Upper Triassic), Central Basin of Peninsular Malaysia (Poster 8)

Charles Makoundi

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... by the Benta conglomerate indicates a distinct alluvial environment not belonging to the Jelai formation. Paleontologic data revealed the presence...


Historical Review of Early Pacific Coast Micropaleontology: ABSTRACT

Robert M. Kleinpell

AAPG Bulletin

... of William Smith's principle, which is not relevant below System-Period levels in paleontologic time-refinement. In 1933 Natland published his demonstrated...


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