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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 3,360 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Stratigraphic Response to Tectonic Evolution of the Cretaceous Gyeongsang Basin, Korea: An Example of Tectonically Controlled Lake Basin in Active Margin Setting; #90063 (2007)
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Depositional Systems in the Yegua Formation, Brazos County, Texas
Rufus J. LeBlanc, Jr.
South Texas Geological Society Special Publications
... accepted outcrop base of the Yegua Formation was established by Stenzel (1940). He used lithologic and paleontologic evidence to place the lower contact...
Depositional Systems in the Yegua Formation, Brazos County, Texas
Rufus J. LeBlanc Jr.
Houston Geological Society
... accepted outcrop base of the Yegua Formation was established by Stenzel (1940). He used lithologic and paleontologic evidence to place the lower contact...
Memorial: Orville L. Bandy (1917-1973)
William H. Easton
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... of subjects: morphology and taxonomy of foraminifers; stratigraphic and bathymetric zonation of foraminiferal faunas; refinement of data oh depth, temperature...
Seismic Stratigraphy of Carbonate Depositional Sequences, Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous, Neuquen Basin, Argentina: Chapter 15
Robert M. Mitchum Jr., Miguel A. Uliana
AAPG Special Volumes
... to represent the shelf environment and the downdip segment as the slope and basin environments of sequence F. Lithologic and paleontologic data from wells...
Devonian Stratigraphy in Kansas; A Progress Report
Paul L. Hilpman
Tulsa Geological Society
... of these units have been based on well cuttings and geophysical data, and age relationships have been largely inferred from lithologic similarity...
Significance of Paleontologic Results of Deep-Sea Drilling Project Legs 1-9
William W. Hay
AAPG Bulletin
... carbonate compensation. This information, combined with more data on the occurrence of siliceous fossils will provide a paleontologic means of investigating...
Saskatchewan Geological Society
..., therefore, be general in nature. Paleontologic Constraints Improvements on the lithofacies interpretation can be made using paleontologic data...
Numerical Analysis of Sandstone Composition, Provenance, and Paleogeography
Richard Smosna, Kathy R. Bruner, Ashley Burns
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... from compositional data. Ahlbrandt, T.S., 1979, Preliminary geologic, petrologic, and paleontologic results of the study of Nanushuk Group rocks...
Upper Paleocene Buried Channel in Sacramento Valley, California
A. B. Dickas, J. L. Payne
Pacific Section of AAPG
... gas field. Location of section shown on Figure 2. Isopachous studies, based on electric logs and paleontologic data, show that the deepest development...
Correlations of Pennsylvanian Strata in Arkansas and Oklahoma Coal Fields
T. A. Hendricks , C. B. Read
AAPG Bulletin
... is the equivalent of the McAlester bed. Both stratigraphic and paleontologic data indicate that the Paris coal is higher in the section and that the McAlester...
Upper Paleocene Buried Channel in Sacramento Valley, California
A. B. Dickas , J. L. Payne
AAPG Bulletin
... on electric logs and paleontologic data, show that the deepest development of this channel is in the Brentwood area. Here, a maximum thickness of 2,015...
Allochthonous Carbonate Debris in Mesozoic Flysch Deposits in Santa Ana Mountains, California
Andrew I. Moran
AAPG Bulletin
...------------ Fairbanks (1893) was the first to report on the limestones of the Bedford Canyon Formation. Subsequently, many paleontologic studies have been...
Biostratigraphic Application to Pliocene-Miocene Sequence Stratigraphy of the Western and Central Gulf of Mexico and its Integration to Lithostratigraphy
R. N. Rosen , W. A. Hill
GCAGS Transactions
... of fossils, or "tops," alone is not compatible with seismic stratigraphic techniques. Paleontologic data, when used as a whole, does help identify major...
A Reclassification of the Pennsylvanian System in the Northern Mid-Continent Region
Raymond C. Moore
Tulsa Geological Society
... arbitrarily as a catographic datum, but it is possible that an inconspicuous horizon may be really much more important in the light of paleontologic studies...
New Upper Paleozoic and Lower Mesozoic Stratigraphic Units, Central and Western Brooks Range, Alaska
C. G. Mull , I. L. Tailleur , C. F. Mayfield , Inyo Ellersieck , S. Curtis
AAPG Bulletin
... the Lisburne Group; some beds are phosphatic, and mafic extrusive igneous rocks occur in a few areas. Paleontologic data suggest an Early Mississippian...
Stratigraphy and Petroleum Possibilities of Middle Tertiary Rocks in Puerto Rico: DISCUSSION
Mounir T. Moussa , George A. Seiglie
AAPG Bulletin
..." by a paleontologic break. The implied unconformity apparently extends throughout the entire middle Tertiary belt in southwestern Puerto Rico (Moussa...
Paleoecology, Stratigraphy, Production--Getting it All Together in Offshore Louisiana
Gerald C. Glaser, Andrew C. Jurasin
GCAGS Transactions
... on wells drilled in the offshore Gulf Coast area. These data include electrical logs, paleontologic reports, paleoecologic determinations...
Reinstatement of Nummilites Heilprini Hankten, 1886
Richard S. Barnett
GCAGS Transactions
... and micropaleontology of two deep wells in Florida: Florida Geol. Survey Bull. 16, 73p. Cole, W. S., 1941, Stratigraphic and paleontologic studies of wells in Florida...
Depositional Environments and Sedimentary History of the Miocene Temblor Formation and Associated Oligo-Miocene Units in the Vicinity of Kettleman North Dome, San Joaquin Valley, California
Jon Kuespert
Pacific Section SEPM
...-log, paleontologic, and organic data from Temblor units at Kettleman North Dome Field define five environmentally significant facies which are similar...
The Value of Micro-Fossils in Petroleum Exploration
Charles Schuchert
AAPG Bulletin
... in the several paleontologic laboratories at Houston where Foraminifera have been used successfully during the past four years. It was at the Dallas meeting...
Why Examine Well Samples?
Porter A. Montgomery
South Texas Geological Society Special Publications
..., hydrocarbon shows, important paleontological data, lithology, change of facies, dolomitization, reefs, unconformities with missing sections or adjacent...
Miocene Vertebrate Geochronology of West Coast of North America: ABSTRACT
Donald E. Savage, Lawrence G. Barnes
AAPG Bulletin
...-disciplined (vertebrate) paleontologic stratigraphy, which can lead to zonation within the basins of nonmarine deposition. Unfortunately, fossils of land...
The Bend Formation and Its Correlation
G. H. Girty
AAPG Bulletin
...-Carboniferous without any intervening beds of Mississipian age. The Bend faunas have not been made the subject of detailed paleontologic study and but few...
Role of the U. S. Geological Survey in the Oil and Gas Development of the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf
Gayle A. Oglesby
New Orleans Geological Society
... surveys, etc. Other data include: almost 2,000 detailed paleontology reports, several hundred paleontologic summaries, and paleo-bathymetric maps...