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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 3,360 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
William D. MacDonald
Asociación Venezolana de Geología, Minería y Petróleo (AVGMP)
..., including paleontologic provinces 3. Certain geophysical evidence, especially paleomagnetic data Certain processes may operate to change the shape...
Graphic Correlation Tests the Synchronous Mid-Cretaceous Depositional Cycles: Western Interior and Gulf Coast
Robert W. Scott, Paul C. Franks, Jeffrey A. Stein, James A. Bergen, Michael J. Evetts
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... illustrate the integration of paleontologic data with wellbore and outcrop data to test and refine the application of depositional cycles in well log sections...
Differentiation of Shale Types by Allochthonous and Autochthonous Nannofossils of Middle Miocene of South Louisiana: GEOLOGIC NOTES
W. W. Cooper
AAPG Bulletin
... and sidewall cores are the most reliable data regarding the stratigraphic ranges of nannofossil species. However, bit cuttings often are the only samples...
Classification and Nomenclature of Rock Units: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
G. H. Ashley, M. G. Cheney, J. J. Galloway, C. N. Gould, C. J. Hares, B. F. Howell, A. I. Levorsen, H. D. Miser, R. C. Moore, J. B. Reeside, Jr., W. W. Rubey, T. W. Stanton, G. W. Stose, W. H. Twenhofel
AAPG Bulletin
..., and between units of the map area and those of adjacent areas. Often these local correlations may be made without paleontologic data. With increase...
Subsurface Environmental Analysis of North Sea Sediments
Richard C. Selley
AAPG Bulletin
... and paleontologic data are available. Where these are absent or inconclusive the following technique is offered to assist in the correct identification of log...
Paleomagnetic and Tectonic Interpretation of the Parkhurst Ridge Limestone, Coastal Belt Franciscan, Northern California
W. P. Harbert, R. J. McLaughlin, W. V. Sliter
Pacific Section SEPM
... satisfies the low-latitude requirement of both the lower bound of the paleomagnetic data ( <28° N) and the paleontologic data (20° N). Figure 7 shows...
Cyclic Deposition of Silurian Carbonates and Evaporites in Michigan Basin: REPLY
K. J. Mesolella , J. D. Robinson , L. M. McCormick , A. R. Ormiston
AAPG Bulletin
..., lithologic and paleontologic data have been gathered from northern Michigan pinnacles which suggest that the upper part of the pinnacle-reef complexes...
Neogene Stratigraphy in Western Cuba: New Data: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Manuel A. Iturralde-Vinent
AAPG Bulletin
...Neogene Stratigraphy in Western Cuba: New Data: GEOLOGICAL NOTES Manuel A. Iturralde-Vinent 1970 658 661 54 4. (April) A study of two petroleum...
Integrated Biostratigraphic and Sequence Stratigraphic Approach for Correlation and Basin Interpretation
Ernest A. Mancini, T. Markham Puckett
GCAGS Transactions
..., 2002). Based on core analysis, well log lithologic descriptions, and paleontologic data (foraminifera, ammonites and bivalves), the lower beds...
Geology of the Capitan Shelf Margin - Subsurface Data from the Northern Delaware Basin
Raymond A. Garber, George A. Grover, Paul M. Harris
Special Publications of SEPM
... Upper Guadalupian Correlations ;i 18 19 . Members of the Bell Canyon Formation Paleontologic Data Bentonite Correlations . . 21 23 23...
Modern Sedimentation and the Search for Petroleum
W. C. Krumbein
Tulsa Geological Society
... quantitative definitions and then applying them to natural deposits. By the accumulation of field data, supplemented by laboratory experiments...
Note 44--Application for Addition to Code Concerning Magnetostratigraphic Units: STRATIGRAPHIC COMMISSION
Steven S. Oriel , Roger W. MacQueen , John A. Wilson , G. Brent Dalrymple
AAPG Bulletin
... in correlative strata of other areas. Other criteria, such as paleontologic data or radiometric ages, are required for both correlation and dating. Although...
Patterns and Timing of Synorogenic Sedimentation in Upper Cretaceous Rocks of Central and Northeast Utah
T. D. Fouch, T. F. Lawton, D. J. Nichols, W. B. Cashion, W. A. Cobban
Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)
...-drained nonmarine closed-basin system. Paleontologic data from the rocks provide a reasonably accurate estimate of the principal periods of orogenic...
Abstract: Coccolithus pelagicus: Clarification, by David K. Totten, Jr.; #90976 (1976).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Sedimentary Environments and the Occurrence of Major Hydrocarbon Accumulations
Hunter Yarborough
GCAGS Transactions
... submarine flows, both arenaceous and carbonate. These favorable sedimentary environments are described, and the paleontologic and lithologic criteria...
Memorial: Leroy D. Holcomb (1919-1974)
James A. Peterson
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... Union to form an association with R. Stanley Beck as a paleontologic consultant. In 1956, he joined the Shell Oil Company with whom he spent...
Abstract: Lower Cretaceous Depositional Systems, West Texas
R. W. Scott, E. J. Kidson
GCAGS Transactions
... are synchronous within the limits of a paleontologic zone, but others are clearly time-transgressive. These sequences can be correlated in cross...
Standard of Cretaceous System: ABSTRACT
Siemon W. Muller, Hubert G. Schenck
AAPG Bulletin
.... These divisions are based on paleontologic evidence, with no regard being paid to thicknesses of strata and their lithologic character. Particular attention...
Paleontologic Confirmation of Post-Oligocene Movement Along San Andreas Fault: ABSTRACT
James L. Lamb
AAPG Bulletin
...Paleontologic Confirmation of Post-Oligocene Movement Along San Andreas Fault: ABSTRACT James L. Lamb 1967 472 473 51 3. (March) The major fault zone...
The Term Holocene: DISCUSSION
W. P. Woodring
AAPG Bulletin
... popularization of Recent as distinct from Pleistocene, many geologists, and biologists who knew anything about the paleontologic record, got along very well...
Concepts of Micropaleontology Applied to Petroleum Geology: ABSTRACT
O. L. Bandy
AAPG Bulletin
... for paleontologic zones based upon benthic forams. This problem is especially acute in tectonically active basins where rapid sedimentation is combined...
Pyrolysis and Thin-Section Examination of Petroleum Source Rocks: ABSTRACT
Robert L. Heacock
AAPG Bulletin
...------------------------------ mineralogic, paleontologic, petrophysical, and geochemical techniques. Extractable heavy hydrocarbon and organic carbon contents were used as standards...
Late Quaternary Foraminiferal Record in Eastern Caribbean Cores--Paleo-Oceanographic Implications: ABSTRACT
Tommy J. Temples, Barun K. Sen Gupta
AAPG Bulletin
...) indicate that, in two Grenada Basin cores, paleontologic datum planes do not coincide with isotope boundaries. The time lag is greater when...
Sedimentology and Paleogeography of Cambrian Transgression in Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Larry Middleton, James R. Steidtmann
AAPG Bulletin
..., sedimentologic and paleontologic criteria indicate deposition in a variety of shallow-marine, nearshore environments rather than in a simple progressively...
Geology and Stratigraphy of Late Cretaceous "Fossil Forest" near Split Lip Flats, San Juan Basin, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Donald L. Wolberg, Adrian Hunt, J. Keith Rigby, Jr., Julie Menack
AAPG Bulletin
..., J. Keith Rigby, Jr., Julie Menack 1981 574 574 65 3. (March) A paleontologic inventory contracted by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM...