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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 3,360 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology of a New Ostracode Fauna from Rincon Formation (Oligocene-Miocene), Los Sauces Creek, California: ABSTRACT
Kenneth L. Finger
AAPG Bulletin
... in these thin-bedded mudstones. The overall lithologic and paleontologic evidence suggests deposition of these rocks as distal-fringe turbidites...
Geology and Deep Structure of the Rumsey Hills Area, Sacramento Valley, California
Vincent Rex Ramirez
Pacific Section of AAPG
... diamond core holes (249' T.D.), drilled by Shell Oil Company in the early 1950's, provide additional paleontologic control. These fossil data have not been...
Correlation of Ordovician Rocks of Northern Alaska
Anita G. Harris, Julie A. Dumoulin, John E. Repetski, Claire Carter
Pacific Section SEPM
..., the quality of lithostratigraphic, paleontologic, and sedimentologic data is variable. Until 1982, Ordovician rocks in northern Alaska were known only from...
Lungfish Burrows in the Upper Triassic Chinle and Dolores Formations, Colorado Plateau: REPLY
Russell F. Dubiel, Robert H. Blodgett, Thomas M. Bown
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... insight into variations in the morphology of Holocene lungfish burrows. Greenwood (1987) also provides data on behavioral variability in modern lungfish...
Tectonic Control of the Configuration of the Bahama Banks (1)
M. Ball
GCAGS Transactions
... subsurface control, utilizing paleontologic data and velocity surveys, indicates the deepest and highest velocity refractor traceable in and adjacent...
Abstract: Stratigraphy, Sedimentation, and Petrology of Oligo-Miocene Lower Frio Formation, Southwestern Louisiana
W. R. Paine , A. A. Meyerhoff , M. A. Furrer
GCAGS Transactions
... stratigraphic, petrographic, and paleontologic studies demonstrate that the lower Frio contains strata deposited in continental, deltaic, and inner to middle...
The Petrology of Some Pennsylvanian Black "Shales"
Charles E. Payton, Leo A. Thomas
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., the stratigraphic, petrographic, and paleontologic successions over wide geographic areas, and the environment of deposition suggested by these parameters...
ABSTRACT: Postdevelopment Analysis of Producing Shelf-Slope Environments of Deposition, High Island Area, Texas, by D. A. Anspach, S. E. Tripp, R. E. Berlitz, and J. A. Gilreath; #91042 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Stratigraphy, Sedimentation, and Petrology of Oligo-Miocene Lower Frio Formation, Southwestern Louisiana: ABSTRACT
W. R. Paine, A. A. Meyerhoff, M. A. Furrer
AAPG Bulletin
... stratigraphic, petrographic, and paleontologic studies demonstrate that the lower Frio contains strata deposited in continental, deltaic, and inner...
Abstract: Differences in the Stratigraphic Framework of the Frio and Anahuac Formations in the Louisiana and Texas Gulf Coast Basin, by B. A. Desselle; #90983 (1994).
Search and Discovery.com
Detrital Modes of Tertiary Units in the Central Middle Magdalena Basin, Colombia
Lori A. Hathon, Irene S. Espejo
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
.... Identification of the studied units was aided by paleontologic data, where available. Sparse paleontologic recovery, extensive reworking, caving, and mud...
Evidence from carbonate platforms bearing on climate, salinity, dasycladalean diversity, and marine anoxic events during the Late Jurassic Early Cretaceous greenhouse
Antun Husinec
... proxy data, however, such as oxygen isotope data (d18O) from deep sea cores, the paleontologic data (e.g., Frakes et al., 1992), and the 87Sr/86Sr...
On Dating of the Paleogene
M. Rubinstein , L. Gabunia
AAPG Special Volumes
...On Dating of the Paleogene M. Rubinstein , L. Gabunia 1978 205 211 SG 6: Contributions to the Geologic Time Scale Differences in data reported...
Carboniferous-Permian Boundary
Raymond C. Moore
AAPG Bulletin
... best with paleontologic and stratigraphic relationships in different parts of the world. Acceptance of the revision and of the definition...
J. A. Connor, R. Kuliyeva, R. M. Kieckhefer, C. E. Stelting
Search and Discovery.com
... and interpretation of these and more recent 2-D seismic data have confirmed the structure and have identified possible shallow gas zones and a shallow...
Technique of Stratigraphic Nomenclature: DISCUSSION
C. W. Tomlinson
AAPG Bulletin
... and carefully selected paleontologic data, would be of such small stratigraphic magnitude as to be safely negligible in practice. If "stage" and "zone...
Principal Characteristics of Oligocene and Lower Miocene Stratigraphy of Cuba
Manuel A. Iturralde-Vinent
AAPG Bulletin
... reference. While summarizing the information presented herein, I profited from the data in the paleontologic reports on the wells. In many of them...
First Results of Drilling the Aral-Sor Experimental Well in the Peri-Caspian Depression
M. M. Charygin, Yu. M. Vasil’yev, B. A. Filipchuk, A. G. Shleyfer, K. A. Li, B. K. Proshiyakov, M. I. Bogacheva, V. I. Paramonov, N. B. Gibshman
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... curve; 12-SP curve. Very interesting new data were obtained on the Triassic section. Up until now wells had penetrated only a small part of this unit...
The Subsurface Upper Frio Formation of Southeastern Louisiana and Correlations to the Paynes Hammock and Catahoula Formations in East-Central Mississippi
Donald J. Marlin , William H. Schramm
GCAGS Transactions
... packestone banks (resistive electric log zones) at 30° North latitude (Figs. 1 and 2). Petrographic and isotopic data from conventional cores indicates...
Cross-Bedding Directions in Upper Triassic Sandstones of Northeastern New Mexico
Charles J. Cazeau
AAPG Bulletin
... the data are summarized by a regional compass (Fig. 2) divided into octants of 45° each, and statistically evaluated according to the method used by Tanner...
"G2" Channel Sandstone, Main Pass Block 35 Field, Offshore Louisiana: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
J. A. Hartman
AAPG Bulletin
... series is part of an overall regressive sequence. Paleontologic data Fig. 5. Longitudinal (A) and transverse (B) cross sections through "G2" channel...
Subsurface Facies Analysis of the Saltos Shale Member, Monterey Formation (Miocene) and Associated Rocks, Cuyama Valley, California
Martin B. Lagoe
Pacific Section SEPM
... and paleontologic data from selected wells along a cross-section traversing some of these structural features provides additional information about their movement...
Mesozoic Stratigraphy of Central Honduras
R. C. Finch
AAPG Bulletin
... by micropaleontologists at Shell Development Co. (R. M. Waite, personal commun., 1972), plus published paleontologic data of Mills et al (1967), Finch...
Depositional Processes in Salina Salt of Michigan, Ohio, and New York
Louis F. Dellwig , Robert Evans
AAPG Bulletin
... of paleontologic data for contributing information concerning the environment of deposition. The collections (Fig. 12) at Pointe aux Chenes, northern Michigan...
McFaddin-O'Conner, Greta, Fox, Refugio, White Point, and Saxet Fields, Texas
A. E. Getzendaner
AAPG Special Volumes
... be delineated, but intelligent coring, sample collection, and sample examination, have assisted in giving reasonably accurate subsurface data...