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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 3,360 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Resume of the Devonian System of West Virginia

Paul H. Price , Herbert P. Woodward

AAPG Bulletin

... region are being critically reexamined by the geologist. Renewed interest in the Devonian system comes from the application of detailed paleontologic...


West Velma Oil Field

Bruce H. Harlton

AAPG Special Volumes

... but indistinguishable save by paleontologic data. The Bostwick Fusulinella member consists of dark shales and intercalated finely sandy fossiliferous...


Problems of Upper Permian and Triassic Stratigraphy on the Russian Platform, in the Light of Paleomagnetic, Paleontological and Lithostratigraphic Evidence

N. N. Forsh, A. N. Khramov, E. A. Molostovsky

CSPG Special Publications

... and Triassic of the Russian Platform can be accomplished using a combination of paleomagnetic, paleontologic and lithostratigraphic data. The elaboration...


Coral Reefs in the Oligocene of Texas

Alva Christine Ellisor

AAPG Bulletin

..., Nonionina, and Discorbis. The lithologic character and the paleontologic sequence are the same around both domes. The accompanying detailed...


Paleoecology of Mississippi River Mudlumps: Statistical Analysis of a Foraminiferal Assemblage

Robert T. Verrastro

GCAGS Transactions

... utilizing data from Albers (1966), Bandy and Arnal (1960), Curtis (1960), and Murray (1973); the paleosalinity was inferred from Benda and Puri (1962...


Note 13--Third Congress of Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology: STRATIGRAPHIC COMMISSION

James Steele Williams , Aureal T. Cross

AAPG Bulletin

... for migration of species or genera, on extensions of the known ranges of genera and species, or on other paleontologic data might well upset the currently...


Electronic Storage, Retrieval, and Processing of Well Data

E. L. Dillon

AAPG Bulletin

... treatment details, paleontologic and palynologic data, and dril-stem test analyses (Fig. 4). Such a complete file would obviously have a large number of uses...


Cretaceous Sequence Stratigraphy of the MOP Basins, Northeastern Peru, Eastern Ecuador and Southeastern Colombia: Application to Reservoir Prediction

Dave Valasek, Antenor M. Alemán, Robert Marksteiner, Peggy Hodgkins

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... correlation integrated with available core, paleontologic, and seismic data have provided the backbone to accurately describe and predict reservoir...


Typical Pleistocene Oil & Gas Plays Offshore Louisiana

Edward McFarlan, Jr.

GCAGS Transactions

... that in local areas the Pleistocene can be subdivided into a number of stratigraphic units based on paleontologic data. In 1969, Beard interpreted seven...


Sequence Stratigraphy of a Miocene Carbonate Buildup, Java Sea: Chapter 11

M. A. Cucci, M. H. Clark

AAPG Special Volumes

.... A sequence stratigraphic analysis integrating seismic, wireline log, cuttings, and paleontologic data, provided criteria for the recognition...


Stratotypes and an International Geochronologic Scale

Hollis D. Hedberg

AAPG Special Volumes

... be of several types: (1) positions of reliable isotopic age measurements, (2)chronohorizons of important paleontologic or other geologic events, and (3) limits...


EXTENDED ABSTRACT: High-Resolution Regional Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of Aptian through Coniacian Strata in the Comanche Shelf, Central and South Texas

Ryan M. Phelps, Charles Kerans, Robert G. Loucks

GCAGS Transactions

... from dissolution of bedded evaporites. ther work with geochemical and paleontologic data is necessary to confirm these relationships. Dolomitized...



James Pindell1,2, Lorcan Kennan, Curtis Archie, Victor Young-on, Anthony Ramlackhansingh, Bruce Eggertson

Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago

... samples and integration with published heavy mineral data; zircon and apatite fission track age determinations of numerous sandstone samples; paleontologic...


Correlation of Gas-Oil Horizons of Lower Jurassic age of the Vilyuy Hemi-Synclize and Cis-Verkhoyansk Downwarp

K. I. Mikulenko, Ye. A. Gaydeburova

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... of quartz sandstones. The basis for this, in addition to paleontologic data (spore-pollen), is the direct comparison of sections. The horizon of quartz...


Sandstone Petrology and Tectonostratigraphic Terranes of the Northwest California and Southwest Oregon Coast Ranges: DISCUSSION

Victor M. Seiders

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... valuable data on the sandstone petrology of the Franciscan assemblage in northernmost California and correlative units in southwestern Oregon. He...


Lower Tertiary of Puerto Rico

Clifford A. Kaye

AAPG Bulletin

... no longer exist. COROZAL AREA The paleontologic data are somewhat more complex in the Corozal area than at Loiza, and the relationship between Lower...


Seismic Stratigraphic Identification of Eustatic Cycles in Late Triassic, Jurassic, and Early Cretaceous Rocks Gulf of Mexico and West Africa

R.G. Todd, R.M. Mitchum, Jr.

GCAGS Transactions

... the integration of seismic data with lithologic, environmental-facies, biostratigraphic, radiometric, and well log information. A comparison with strata...


Conodonts of the Bakken Formation (Devonian and Mississippian), Williston Basin, North Dakota

Michael D. Hayes

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... Dakota as reported by other workers. Paleontologic evidence suggests that an unconformity occurs at the contact between the middle member and upper...


Bob West Field - Zapata and Starr Counties, a Developing Giant

Wayne E. Jones

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

..., as described by Marc Edwards (Edwards, 1981), in his discussion of the Zapata Delta System and illustrated in Figure 3. Paleontologic interpretation of samples...


Integrated Approach to Search for Stratigraphic Traps: Geologic Exploration Methods

D. C. Swanson

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Utilization of all available geological and geophysical data, coordination of various earth-science disciplines, and testing of the resulting hypothesis...


Biostratigraphic Framework of Grand Banks

C. F. Upshaw , W. E. Armstrong , W. B. Creath , E. J. Kidson , G. A. Sanderson

AAPG Bulletin

...) Paleontologic and palynologic analyses of samples from wells on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland have established the presence of sedimentary rocks...


Notes on the Glenn Formation of Oklahoma with Consideration of New Paleontologic Evidence

George H. Girty, P. V. Roundy

AAPG Bulletin

... facies. One interpretation of the paleontologic data just sketched, in so far as the McAlester quadrangle is concerned, is that certain shaly beds...


Fission-Track Age of Pliocene Volcanic Glass from the Gulf of Mexico

J. H. Beard , John Boellstorff , L. C. Menconi , G. R. Stude

GCAGS Transactions

... electrical-log correlation with paleontologic data above shallow casing points in the West Delta Block 73 area do not always coincide well-to-well...


Marine Sedimentation and Oil Accumulation. II. Regressive Marine Offlap and Overlap-Offlap

Doris S. Malkin , Dorothy Jung Echols

AAPG Bulletin

..., datum planes for contouring are necessary for correlating the paleontologic data. Information derived from wells has established valid subsurface markers...


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