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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 3,360 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Eric J. Barron, George T. Moore

Special Publications of SEPM

...-ice system offers even greater utility and application of the wealth of sedimentologic and paleontologic data. Past climates and causes of climate...


Abstract: Diversity/Equitability Analysis As a Paleoecologic Tool

E. Ann Butler , H. M. Simpson

GCAGS Transactions

... of microfaunal and palynologic data as used by Beerbower and Jordan (1969) shows promise of being a rapid and useful technique for mapping paleoenvironmental...


Abstract: Interpreting Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture from Biostratigraphic Signatures: Case Studies from the Northern Gulf of Mexico

Garry D. Jones

GCAGS Transactions

.... Jones 1997 Vol. 47 (1997), Digital capture of microfossil data from well and outcrop samples permits rapid computer analysis and plotting...


Tectonic Implications of Paleomagnetism of Paleogene Volcanic Rocks on the Alaska Peninsula: ABSTRACT

Gordon A. Thrupp, R. S. Coe

AAPG Bulletin

.... (April) Paleontologic and paleomagnetic data demonstrate that the Alaska Peninsula lay far south of its present location relative to North America...


Seismic Exploration in Rocky Mountain Region: ABSTRACT

Robbie R. Gries

AAPG Bulletin

... difficult or impossible to recognize because of the absence of paleontologic data or because the strata above and below the erosional surface are too similar...


Abstract: Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology in High Energy, Bathyal Sedimentary Settings: Studies in the Main Pass Area, Louisiana Offshore, Gulf of Mexico

Woodson Godfrey

GCAGS Transactions

... from foraminiferal paleontologic data from an eastern Main Pass well spanning the early Pliocene and late Miocene. Curves 1 and 2 are total...


ABSTRACT: Climate vs. Eustacy: Forces of Change in Delta System Evolution and Upper Slope Sedimentation; #90013 (2003)

Carmen M. Fraticelli, John B. Anderson

Search and

... of data sets (seismic, paleontologic, archeologic, isotopic and sedimentologic) have been compiled the collective coverage of which extends from...


Pre-Cretaceous Rocks of Northwestern Honduras: Basement Terrane in Sierra de Omoa: REPLY

Gregory S. Horne

AAPG Bulletin

...., ed., 1970, Radiometric dating and paleontologic zonation: Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 124, 247 p. Bonis, S., O. H. Bohnenberger, and G. Dengo...


Industry Biostratigraphy in the 21st Century: How will we use "Bugs" to Find Oil and Gas?: Abstract

Garry Jones

Houston Geological Society

... paleontologic data, are the key to a vibrant biostratigraphy industry in the 21st Century...


A Quantitative Lithofacies and Biofacies Study of the Florena Shale (Permian) of Kansas

John Imbrie

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... samples also show systematic lithologic changes. Paleontologic and lithologic data can thus be conveniently compared and facies relationships precisely...


The Sequence Stratigraphic Significance of Trace Fossils: Examples from the Cretaceous Foreland Basin of Alberta, Canada

S. George Pemberton and James A. MacEachern

AAPG Special Volumes

... and James A. MacEachern 1995 429 475 M 64:  Sequence Stratigraphy of Foreland Basin Deposits Trace fossils represent both sedimentologic and paleontologic...


Clay Mineral Composition of Beaufort Sea Sediments, Arctic Ocean: ABSTRACT

A. S. Naidu

AAPG Bulletin

.... For a correct interpretation of paleoclimates it is suggested that clay-mineral data be substantiated by additional data, such as paleontologic...


Late Neogene Stratigraphy (Foraminiferal, Coccolith, and Paleomagnetic), Upper Coastal Group, Jamaica, West Indies: ABSTRACT

J. H. Beard, W. V. Sliter, L. A. Smith

AAPG Bulletin

... in Italy. Correlation of epoch boundaries and other paleontologic data from the Italian to the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico regions utilizes...


Facies Relations and Paleontology in Eocene-Oligocene, Santa Ynez Mountains, California: ABSTRACT

P. C. Van De Kamp, J. D. Harper, J. J. Conniff, D. A. Morris

AAPG Bulletin

... and bathymetric interpretations. Stratigraphic and paleontologic data resolve a biofacies problem in the lower to upper Narizian interval and clarify...


Geology of Gum Island North and French Island Areas, Jefferson County, Texas: ABSTRACT

Robert C. Mason

AAPG Bulletin

... of the geologic history and depositional patterns of the trend, detailed geologic analysis of drilling results, stratigraphic integration of paleontologic...


Faunal Similarities Across Pacific Among Mesozoic and Cenozoic Invertebrates Correlated with Plate Tectonic Movement: ABSTRACT

W. C. Fallaw

AAPG Bulletin

..., and Cenozoic as the Atlantic widened and the Pacific narrowed. The paleontologic data source is the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, which includes...


Devillier Field, Chambers County, Texas--Effects of Growth Faults and Deltaic Sedimentation on Hydrocarbon Accumulation in a Stratigraphic Trap: ABSTRACT

Patrick T. Gordon

AAPG Bulletin

... the flexure during upper Vicksburg time. Based on the regional stratigraphic framework, paleontologic data, and microscopic analysis of conventional core...


Toward a Better Understanding of Gulf Coast Miocene Deep-Water Sediments: ABSTRACT

Brian E. Lock

AAPG Bulletin

... are known from many localities in the lowest Miocene of the Gulf Coast. They are recognized by a combination of paleontologic, conventional core...


Research Trends in Biostratigraphy: ABSTRACT

Charles F. Upshaw

AAPG Bulletin

... for the 1990s and beyond includes the development of a paleontologic composite standards and the interactive capability for their use by graphic correlation...


ABSTRACT: Clastic Shelf-Margin Failures of the Northern Gulf of Mexico (Jurassic-Tertiary): Mechanism for Deep-Water Sandstone Deposition and Generation of Pseudosequences; #90007 (2002)

Thomas E. Ewing

Search and

... (BFS). Margin failures are recognized on seismic data, from distinctive well-log signatures, and from paleontologic data. The BFS is a composite...



Keller, Martin

Search and

... origin was assumed on geochemical and paleontological data and the presence of a thick Cambrian-Ordovician carbonate-platform succession very similar...


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