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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 3,360 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Section Two: Exploration Drilling Phase
New Orleans Geological Society
... development of good paleontologic control is also necessary. In particular, it is important to acquire reliable paleontologic data in the deep section...
ABSTRACT: Data Base Management for Sedimentary Depositional Systems: Expert System Approach, by Glenn S. Visher and Peter G. Sutterlin; #91022 (1989)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Gull River Limestone--Transgressive Sequence of Supratidal to Subtidal and Shoal Deposits in Medial Ordovician of Central New York, by R. A. Kamal; #90972 (1976).
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Abstracts of Theses: Upper Devonian Corals of the Canadian Cordilleran Region
Arnold Gordon Thomlinson
CSPG Bulletin
... characteristics whose phylogenetic significance requires investigation. However, it is considered that existing paleontologic data is neither...
Devonian Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Ram River Area, Alberta [Abstract]
Gordon L. Bell
CSPG Bulletin
..., the editors intend to publish abstracts of stratigraphic, paleontologic, structural and other relevant theses on Canada and bordering areas...
Abstract: Satellite Look at Regional Geology of Northern California, by Ernest I. Rich; #90976 (1976).
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ABSTRACT: Siliciclastic Control on Carbonate Platform Evolution, by Franz O. Meyer; #91038 (2010)
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Abstract: Wheeler Diagrams: A Useful Exploration Tool in the Gulf of Mexico
Ramon H. Trevino, L. Frank Brown Jr., Robert G. Loucks, Ursula Hammes
GCAGS Transactions
..., biostratigraphic data, we were able to calibrate and correlate the sequence boundaries and maximum flooding surfaces of the local third-order sequences to global...
Beattie Limestone Facies and Their Bearing on Cyclic Sedimentation Theory: ABSTRACT
John Imbrie
AAPG Bulletin
... to northeastern Oklahoma. Thirteen distinct facies of the Beattie are recognized, based on mineralogic, paleontologic, petrographic, and field data. Two facies...
ABSTRACT: Graphic Correlation and Sequence Resolution, by David D. Reimers; #91003 (1990).
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Abstract: Jolliet Field Thrust Fault Structure and Stratigraphy, Green Canyon Block 184, Offshore Louisiana, by D. Cook and P. D'Onfro; #91006 (1991)
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Paleozoic Age Determinations: ABSTRACT
Arthur J. Boucot, Leon T. Silver
AAPG Bulletin
... initiated. Sufficient preliminary radiometric data have been obtained on stratigraphically assignable materials to give approximate time interval...
Tectonic Control of Configuration of Bahama Banks: ABSTRACT
Mahlon Ball
AAPG Bulletin
... in Florida Straits and Northwest Providence Channel. Limited subsurface control, utilizing paleontologic data and velocity surveys, indicates the deepest...
Depositional Environment of an Upper Cretaceous Deltaic Sandstone in Southeastern United States: ABSTRACT
Norman Curtis Hester
AAPG Bulletin
.... (March) A detailed sedimentologic, mineralogic, and paleontologic study of an Upper Cretaceous sequence of clastic sediments in Alabama and Georgia has...
Lacustrine Criteria: ABSTRACT
M. Dane Picard, Lee R. High, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
... origin from scattered, commonly unrelated, and often contradictory data. Lakes closely resemble shallow, epicontinental seas in physical properties...
Sable Island Deep Test of Scotian Shelf: ABSTRACT
Don H. Magnusson
AAPG Bulletin
..., and 11,056 ft of Cretaceous strata. These sequences can be subdivided into 11 units on the basis of sandstone percentage, paleontologic data, and other...
Paleozoological Division of Pleistocene Marine Basins on Arctic Coast of Eurasia: ABSTRACT
Sergei L. Troitskiy
AAPG Bulletin
...) Stratigraphic and paleontologic data on the Pleistocene marine transgressions make it possible to establish biogeographic regions and subregions...
Model of Cretaceous Paleogeography and its Consequences: ABSTRACT
R. G. Douglas, M. Moullade, A. E. M. Nairn
AAPG Bulletin
... of paleogeography and paleobiogeography. As a first step the geophysical, stratigraphic, and paleontologic data for the Cretaceous, with particular...
Muddy Formation of Northern Powder River Basin--A Stratigraphic Paradox: ABSTRACT
A. Gaither, L. D. Meckel
AAPG Bulletin
.... Subsidence history is the underlying cause of the paradox. Relating depositional events as determined from physical and paleontologic data...
Tertiary Limestone Dikes, Oamaru, New Zealand: ABSTRACT
D. W. Lewis
AAPG Bulletin
... than 10 m vertically and can be followed for much greater distances along regular or irregular strike. Field relations and paleontologic data suggest...
Early Cretaceous Sedimentation and Lithospheric Deformation in the Foreland of the Sevier Thrust Belt, UT, by W. M. Aubrey; #90986 (1994).
Search and Discovery.com
Geology and Development of Attaka Oil Field, Indonesia: ABSTRACT
C. M. Schwartz, B. S. Samsoe, G. H. Laughbaum, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
... Series," of Pliocene and Miocene ages. The age of the deepest bed penetrated in the field area is middle Miocene. Well logs and paleontologic data...
Late Devonian-Early Mississippian Subaqueous Deltaic Facies in Part of Southeastern Appalachian Basin: ABSTRACT
R. A. Walls
AAPG Bulletin
.... (September) Evaluation of subsurface data in a part of the southeastern Appalachian basin permits paleoenvironmental reconstruction of a Late Devonian...