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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 3,360 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Ice-Rafted Mineral Grains in Pliocene Sediments of North Atlantic: ABSTRACT

Richard Z. Poore

AAPG Bulletin

.... This association yields a paleontologic age estimate of 3.0 m.y.B.P. for the start of low-elevation Northern Hemisphere glaciation extensive enough to produce...


Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphy and Tectonic History of Ridgway Area, Northern San Juan Mountains, Colorado: ABSTRACT

Paul C. Weimer

AAPG Bulletin

..., Sage Breaks Shale, and Niobrara Formation. These formations have lithologic and paleontologic content similar to their equivalents in the Denver...


Stratigraphy and Paleobiology of Late Cretaceous "Fossil Forest," San Juan Basin, New Mexico: ABSTRACT

Donald L. Wolberg, Adrian Hunt, J. Keith Rigby, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... Cretaceous age. Proposed development of Fruitland coal reserves has increased the need for adequate paleontologic data for mitigation purposes and has...


Eustatic Control of Synchronous Stratigraphic Development: A Case for Facies Prediction in Basin Modeling: ABSTRACT

Jeffrey A. May, Ross K. Yeo, John E. Warme

AAPG Bulletin

... Cretaceous and Eocene fore-arc basin-margin stratigraphy. Extensive paleontologic control helps establish the age and distribution of facies changes along...


Characteristics of Mississippi Fan Sediments, DSDP Leg 96: ABSTRACT

A. H. Bouma, J. M. Coleman

AAPG Bulletin

..., paleontologic, geochemical, and geotechnical studies were conducted on cores drilled at eight sites on the Mississippi fan during the Deep Sea Drilling Project...


Cyclic Sedimentation Patterns in Middle Ordovician Trenton Group in Central Pennsylvania: ABSTRACT

Mary Anne Gardiner

AAPG Bulletin

.... Five repetitive patterns based on sedimentologic and paleontologic data are present (in ascending order): (1) biosparite, (2) intrabiosparite, (3...


Seismic Stratigraphy of Pliocene-Pleistocene Deposits, Continental Slope-Upper Mississippi Fan, Northern Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT

Robert D. Walters, Richard T. Buffler

AAPG Bulletin

..., Richard T. Buffler 1985 315 315 69 2. (February) Regional multichannel seismic data are used to develop a seismic stratigraphic framework...


Age and Correlation of the Otuk Formation, North-Central Brooks Range, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Dirk A. Bodnar, C. G. Mull

AAPG Bulletin

.... Recently, these strata were named the Otuk formation. Detailed paleontologic studies of 11 measured sections more precisely document the age...


Significant Outcrops of Cretaceous and Tertiary Rocks in Northeastern Alaska: ABSTRACT

C. M. Molenaar, A. R. Kirk

AAPG Bulletin

... units, in conjunction with available paleontologic data, facilitates correlation of the Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks both across the outcrop belt...


Thick-Skinned, Thin-Skinned, and Balanced Sections of Southern Appalachians: ABSTRACT

Nicholas B. Woodward, Peter T. Regan, Charles T. Lutz

AAPG Bulletin

..., and paleontologic work. In northeast Tennessee, the no-basement ypothesis has been relatively well established since the work of Rich. In the Alabama-Georgia...


ABSTRACT: Integrated bio- and lithofacies relationships of the Dhruma Formation (Lower Fadhili Reservoir), Khurais and Qirdi Fields, Saudi Arabia; #90007 (2002)

Franz O. Meyer, G. W. Hughes

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... the Khurais Field area. Available paleontologic data is insufficient for determining the magnitude of the hiatus represented by the basal Atash...


ABSTRACT: Multiple Overlapping Foraminiferal Litho-Biofacies: Applications to Deep-Water Sedimentology and Reservoir Properties of Turbidites; #90021 (2003)


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... of taxonomic data with a litho-biofacies model requires an understanding of how the mixing of cuttings in the returning stream of drilling mud can cause litho...


Evolution of the Levant Platform

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Computer Assisted Paleoecologic Analyses and Application to Petroleum Exploration

Gray S. Robinson , Barry Kohl

GCAGS Transactions

... significance. The ultimate objective is to utilize all the interpreted paleontologic data in the most effective manner for the maximum contribution...


Some Aspects of Subsurface Geologic Correlations: Abstract

Carl A. Moore

Tulsa Geological Society

... on paleontologic criteria are being carried into subsurface work, often resulting in erroneous correlations. Type surface sections depend on many unconformities...


Front Matter

AAPG Special Volumes

... stratigraphic, paleontologic, and sedimentologic studies on exploration plays in Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Tertiary strata at numerous locales. After receiving...


Marine and Marginal Marine Mudstone Deposition: Paleoenvironmental Interpretations Based on the Integration of Ichnology, Palynology and Forarniniferal Paleoecology

James A. Maceachern, Charles R. Stelck, S. George Pemberton

Special Publications of SEPM

... was able to differentiate between shelf lower offshore upper offshore embayment and estuarine incised valley central basin mudstones In addition this data...


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