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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 3,360 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstracts: Paleoenvironmental Analysis Based on Climate Model Predictions, by BARRON, ERIC J; #90938 (1997)
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ABSTRACT: Interpreting Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture from Biostratigraphic Signatures: Case Studies from the Northern Gulf of Mexico, by G. D. Jones; #90941 (1997).
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Abstract: Multidisciplinary Interpretation of Deep-water Salt Tectonics in the South Atlantic Sedimentary Basins, by W. U. Mohriak, M. Bassetto, and I. S. Vieira; #90937 (1998).
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Abstract: Integrated Multidisciplinary Approach to the Middle Miocene, Serravallian Reservoir Study: A Case Study from Akhen Field, Nile Delta, Egypt, by Essam Sharaf, Osama Abdel-Aal, and Kareem El-Hadidi; #90078 (2008)
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Note on the Presentation of Stratigraphic Type Sections
H. H. Suter
CSPG Bulletin
... petrographic, sedimentologic, stratigraphic and paleontologic aspects. Laboratory Procedure: Hand specimen analysis and formulation of data. Critical...
John A. Sulek
Asociación Venezolana de Geología, Minería y Petróleo (AVGMP)
... of the La Pica as a lithologic unit independent of faunal data. It will be noted that although individual sands vary in development from well to well...
A Structural Interpretation of the Eastern Aleutian Trench and Adjacent Continental Margin Off Kodiak Island, Alaska
Roland von Huene
AAPG Special Volumes
... be determined from lithologic and paleontologic data to establish whether these samples are oceanic-basin material accreted to the continent or deformed...
ABSTRACT: Seismic and Geologic Characteristics of Drowning Events on Carbonate Platforms, by R. N. Erlich, S. E. Barrett, Bai Ju Guo; #91003 (1990).
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Abstract: Stratigraphic Pinchout Traps: Large Hackberry Lower Reservoir in Port Acres Field, Texas, by M. Jackson; #91004 (1991)
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Abstract: Variation in Petroleum Source Potential of the Kingak Shale, Central North Slope Alaska, by Margaret A. Keller; #90039 (2005)
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ABSTRACT: Sequence Boundaries, High-Frequency Cyclicity, and Porosity Evolution in the Early Cretaceous of Saudi Arabia; #90013 (2003)
Roy D. Adams, G. W. Hughes
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... is subtle, possibly due to a relatively brief period of sea-level fall and subaerial exposure. Combining paleontologic and lithologic data facilitates...
Reservoir Characteristics and Architectural Elements Associated with Production from a Localized Slump Deposit, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, by John B. Wagner, Richard L. Blythe, and Patrick F. Rush; #90052 (2006)
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Gulf of California in Lake Mead Area of Arizona and Nevada During Late Miocene Time: DISCUSSION
William C. Cornell
AAPG Bulletin
...------------ Data presented by Blair (1978) do not justify his conclusion that the Hualapai Limestone Member is a marine deposit of the ancestral Gulf...
Miocene Stratigraphy of California: Introduction
R. M. Kleinpell
AAPG Special Volumes
... in Bakersfield, all with a view to eliciting data pertinent to an updating effort. Many geologists, paleontologists, and others contributed...
Notes on the Stratigraphy of the Sespe Creek-Piru Creek Area: ABSTRACT
H. D. Hobson, W. D. Rankin
AAPG Bulletin
... columnar ranging in age from Sespe to Pico (Pliocene) is built up, and lithologic and paleontologic correlations are made, tying together the various units...
John H. Beard
AAPG Bulletin
... read: "Paleontologic evidence indicates that the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary of authors falls near the base of the Kansan." Line 10 should read...
Abstract: Stratigraphic Characteristics and Sandstone Distribution of the Hackberry Depositional System (Mid-Oligocene), S.E. Texas and S.W. Louisiana: A Sand-Rich Slope-Fan Complex
Michael J. DiMarco and R. Craig Shipp
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
.... Paleontologic data strongly suggest that this system was deposited at the time of the large mid-Oligocene sea-level lowstand shown on the Haq et al...
Abstract: Tectonic significance of high-pressure metamorphic rocks and dextral strike-slip faulting in the southern Appalachians
M. G. Adams, K. G. Stewart, C. H. Trupe, R. A. Willard
Atlantic Geology
..., paleontologic, and paleomagnetic data, show Taconic subduction and collision of Laurentia and South America, followed by Acadian dextral transpression...
Abstract: A Cambrian carbonate platform in the Québec Reentrant: new insights from in situ platform core data and slope conglomerates
Denis Lavoie, Osman Salad Hersi
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: A Cambrian carbonate platform in the Québec Reentrant: new insights from in situ platform core data and slope conglomerates Denis Lavoie...
Abstract: Tectonic Sequence Stratigraphy, Early Permian Dry Mountain Trough, East-Central Nevada, by W. S. Snyder, D. M. Gallegos, C. Spinosa, and D. L. Schwarz; #91010 (1991)
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Abstract: Upper Plio-Pleistocene Salt Tectonics, Seismic Stratigraphy, and Seismic Facies on the Continental Slope in the Mississippi Canyon Area, Gulf of Mexico, by J-Y. Liu; #91012 (1992).
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