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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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Modern and Ancient Reef Complexes and Associated Limestone Diagenesis of San Andres Island, Colombia: ABSTRACT

M. J. Kocurko

AAPG Bulletin

.... (October) San Andres is a small coralline island 136 km east of the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua. Surface mapping and paleontologic data indicate reefs...


Radiolarian Biostratigraphy of Hawasina Complex, Northern Oman: ABSTRACT

Charles D. Blome, Phyllis Tippit, Robert E. Garrison, Daniel Bernoulli, John D. Smewing

AAPG Bulletin

... and Veghicyclia sp. Previous biostratigraphic data suggested that the thickest sections of radiolarian chert and mudstone were deposited during Late Jurassic...


ABSTRACT: Sequence Stratigraphy in the Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia: A Statistical Approach to Enhanced Biostratigraphic Resolution; #90007 (2002)

R. C. Preece, C. N. Denison, . Pujiarko

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...), software specifically designed for statistical manipulation of paleontologic data. This approach condenses large biostratigraphic datasets into manageable...


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Front Matter

New Orleans Geological Society

.... As an initial effort to assist the petroleum and other mineral industries in their exploration efforts, maps and data sheets for 65 fields were published...


Subsurface Geology of the Oil Districts of North Central Texas

Jon A. Udden

AAPG Bulletin

... of the Bend Ser es, is there at the present time enough data at hand from either a paleontologic or lithologic standpoint to warrant a further subdivision...


Carboniferous of Egypt: REPLY

Soliman M. Soliman

AAPG Bulletin

... the data in the file, but we decided to offer this contribution to a better understanding of the poorly delimited Egyptian Carboniferous despite...


Expanded Abstract: Ordovician Through Silurian Carbonate Base-of-Slope Apron Sequence, Northern Seward Peninsula, Alaska

Timothy J. Ryherd, Chester E. Paris

Pacific Section SEPM

..., but paleontologic data and facies relationships indicate they form a single stratigraphic sequence. This sequence is formally named here as the Deceit...


Economic Paleontology and Mineralogy--An Appraisal

Herschel L. Driver

AAPG Bulletin

..., in order to obtain paleontologic data. Th number employed on the staffs of these laboratories has varied largely according to the demand for oil...


Correlation of Pennsylvanian Formations of Texas and Oklahoma

Raymond C. Moore

AAPG Bulletin

...-central Texas dependent on paleontologic evidence, lithologic characters, sequence of deposits, and relation to structure. The significant facts...


Rock and Biotic Facies Associated with Middle Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian) Algal Buildup, Nena Lucia Field, Nolan County, Texas

Donald Francis Toomey , H. Dale Winland

AAPG Bulletin

... petrologic and paleontologic data, inasmuch as most units are either gradational or interfingering. All data were then entered on punch cards...


Cyclic Deposition of Silurian Carbonates and Evaporites in Michigan Basin: DISCUSSION

Dan Gill

AAPG Bulletin

... the paleontologic ages, as determined by the species and genera mentioned, are indeed unequivocal. Nevertheless, even in accepting the Mesolella et al. data...


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