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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 472 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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ABSTRACT: Depositional paleoenviroment and hydrocarbon source rock potential of the Devonian Pimenteira Formation in the São Luís Basin, Brazil: A organic facies approach

Luis D. Caro Gonzalez, João Graciano Mendonça Filho, Maria Mastalerz

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... residue (RI), spore coloration index (SCI), vitrinite reflectance (%Ro), palynofacies, and biomarkers. The TOC values of the analyzed sediments range...


Cycles in Perilacustrine Facies of Late Mesozoic Rift Basins, Southeastern Mongolia

Cari L. Johnson, Stephan A. Graham

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... distal lacustrine facies mainly reflect biogeochemical processes. Profundal lacustrine strata include kerogen-rich laminated micrite, distal turbidite...


Microfabric and Organic Matter Impact on Burial Diagenesis from Mud to Shale

Richard H. Bennett, Michael W. Lambert, Matthew H. Hulbert, Conrad W. Curry, Harold W. Olsen, Allen Lowrie

Special Publications of SEPM

... of sedimentary rocks, kerogen, can be differentiated on the basis of the amount of hydrogen and carbon present in the material. The different types...


Sequence Stratigraphic Significance of Organic Matter Variations: Example from the Upper Cretaceous Mancos Shale of the San Juan Basin, New Mexico: Chapter 14

Mark A. Pasley, Greg W. Riley, Dag Nummedal

AAPG Special Volumes

... carbon and less pyrolyzable hydrocarbons. Petrographic analysis of organic matter in these rocks reveals abundant macerals of terrestrial origin...



Jesse Lord, David Wade, Sissa Stefanowicz, Eric Anthonissen, Alex Cullum

GEO ExPro Magazine

... extend beyond palynology, promising to redefine the workflows in subsurface analysis and paleoenvironmental reconstruction.” David Wade – Equinor GEO...


Taphonomic Controls on the Distribution of Palynomorphs in Tidally Influenced Coastal Deltaic Settings

Robert A. Gastaldo


... Heterogenous Aggregate Organic Matter (OM) clasts (floccules) dominate palynofacies assemblages, and statistically significant for Mobile-Tensaw lower delta...


Upper Permian as a new play model on the mid-Norwegian continental shelf: Investigated by shallow stratigraphic drilling

T. Bugge, J. E. Ringas, D. A. Leith, G. Mangerud, H. M. Weiss, T. L. Leith

AAPG Bulletin

... hematite grains indicate a contribution of material eroded from a preexisting reddened source. Modal analysis shows a remarkably low content of gneiss...


Addressing Exploration Uncertainties in the Southern Bonaparte Basin: Enhanced Stratigraphic Control and Post Drill Analysis for Upper Permian Plays

R. Owens, A. Kelman, K. Khider, J. Iwanec, T. Bernecker

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

...Addressing Exploration Uncertainties in the Southern Bonaparte Basin: Enhanced Stratigraphic Control and Post Drill Analysis for Upper Permian Plays...


Abstract: Sequence stratigraphy and palynology, Upper Missisauga Formation, Glenelg area, offshore Nova Scotia

Andrew MacRae, Chris D. Jauer

Atlantic Geology

..., while the upper part was more likely wave-dominated. Lithofacies stacking patterns, palynofacies trends, and electrical log trends demonstrate...


ABSTRACT: Fuzzy expert system applied for the color reduction of fluorescent microscopic coal images

Alejandro Restrepo-Martinez, Astrid Blandon Montes

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... sections of palynofacies of coal samples. The proposed fuzzy system was a good tool to reduce the number of colors in the fluorescent petrography images...


ABSTRACT: Spontaneous combustion possibilities from piles of subbituminous coals from Amaga Formation

Astrid Blandón Montes

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

..., petrographic, palynofacies and thermogravimetric analyses in order to establish the behavior of coal during spontaneous combustion. Results allow...


ABSTRACT Sequence Stratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of the Cretaceous-Tertiary Successions of the Western Rim of the Anambra Basin S. E. Nigeria, #90104 (2010)

Agharanya Ugochukwu P.

Search and

....     Integration of high resolution micropaleontologic, palynofacies and wireline logs analytical methods was carried out on subsurface sediments...


Abstract: Controls on Organic Matter Production and Accumulation During Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 In La Luna Formation, Northwestern South America; #90321 (2018)

Manuel Paez

Search and

... OAE2 in the La Luna Formation using a combination of U-Mo concentrations as a proxy for benthic redox conditions, and marine palynology and palynofacies...


Application of Reservoir Characterization to Better Handle Reservoir Management Plan for Belida Shallow Gas

Teguh Prasetyo, Sugiharto Danudjaja, Yusty Budiningsih

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... setting (Figure 8 and 9). Later, core and palynofacies analyses from BG-02 pilot well confirmed this interpretation. Based on the BG-02 pilot well core...


Chapter 20: Petroleum Systems and Basins of Yemen

Mustafa As-Saruri, Rasoul Sorkhabi

AAPG Special Volumes

..., A. S., 2011a, Source rocks evaluation, hydrocarbon generation and palynofacies study of Late Cretaceous succession at 16/G-1 offshore well in Qamar...


Stop 4: Dakota Sandstone on Red Wash at US HW 64, Four Corners Platform, NM

Donald E. Owen, Charles F. Head, Richard A. Ashmore, Nicolas R. Brandes

Four Corners Geological Society

... section, and the brief Witmer et al. (1992) palynofacies analysis of the same section. A paper by Owen & Owen (2003, p. 327-328) describes...


X-Ray Mineralogical Discrimination of Depositional Environments of the Krishna Delta, Peninsular India

Ray E. Ferrell , George F. Hart , Seetarama Swamy , Bhanu Murthy

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... patterns as standards. Discriminant function analysis was applied to 69 of the samples from eight subenvironments (lagoon, river mouth bar, mudflat...


Compositional controls on early diagenetic pathways in fine-grained sedimentary rocks: Implications for predicting unconventional reservoir attributes of mudstones

Joe H. S. Macquaker, Kevin G. Taylor, Margaret Keller, David Polya

AAPG Bulletin

... of siliciclastic detritus, with some constituents derived from water-column production (e.g., coccoliths, S-depleted type-II kerogen, as much as 52.6% total...


Organic geochemistry of oil and source rock strata of the Ordos Basin, north-central China

Andrew D. Hanson, Bradley D. Ritts, J. Michael Moldowan

AAPG Bulletin

... summarizes organic petrographic analyses for a subset of the source rock samples, including degree of thermal alteration, kerogen type, and palynofacies...


The Tertiary Fusagasugá Succession; a record of the complex Latest Cretaceous-pre-Miocene deformation in an area between the Magdalena Valley and Sabana de Bogotá

G. Bayona, M. Cortes, C. Jaramillo, R. Llinas

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... Palynofacies Analysis and Palynomorphs Paleoecology. Abstracts and proceedings, AASP Annual Meeting, Canada. Jaramillo, L., Roa, E., & Torres, M., 1993...


The Geology of Heidrun: A Giant Oil and Gas Field on the Mid-Norwegian Shelf: Chapter 24

P. K. Whitley

AAPG Special Volumes

... marked the culmination of an intensive exploration analysis of the Haltenbanken region by CNI, which commenced in the late 1970s and came to fruition...


Linking Coniacian…Santonian (OAE3) Black-Shale Deposition to African Climate Variability: A Reference Section From the Eastern Tropical Atlantic at Orbital Time Scales (Odp Site 959, Off Ivory Coast and Ghana)

Britta Beckmann, Thomas Wagner, Peter Hofmann

Special Publications of SEPM

... Rock-Eval Pyrolysis, bulk δ13Corg analysis, and maceral analysis demonstrate a dominantly marine origin of the organic matter (OM) with only...


Mudstone diversity: Origin and implications for source, seal, and reservoir properties in petroleum systems

Andrew C. Aplin, Joe H. S. Macquaker

AAPG Bulletin

...: Palaios, v. 6, p. 426434.Kidwell, S. M., F. T. Fuersich, and T. Aigner, 1986, Conceptual framework for the analysis and classification of fossil...


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