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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 472 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Comparacion de Metodos Geoquimicos y Analisis Digital de Imagenes para la Evaluacion del Potencial de Roca Madre en la Cuenca de Maracaibo (Venezuela) [PAPER IN SPANISH] Comparison of Geochemical Methods and Analysis of Digital Images to Evaluate the Pot

Luis Mompart, Valentí Rull

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

...) [PAPER IN SPANISH] Comparison of Geochemical Methods and Analysis of Digital Images to Evaluate the Pot Luis Mompart, Valentí Rull OCMRARACION DE...


Classification and Analysis of Palynomorphs of the Aguja Formation (Campanian), Big Bend National Park, Brewster County, Texas

Nina L. Baghai

GCAGS Transactions

...Classification and Analysis of Palynomorphs of the Aguja Formation (Campanian), Big Bend National Park, Brewster County, Texas Nina L. Baghai 1994...


Identification of Future Oil Potential from Upper Devonian Venango Sandstones in Central Appalachians, #20237 (2014)

Eric G. Ober, Craig Eckert

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..., and D.J. Batten, 2001, Palynostratigraphy and palynofacies indications of depositional environments and source potential for hydrocarbons; the Mid...


Chapter 11: Kimmeridge Clay Formation, United Kingdom—A Mesozoic Clastic-Carbonate Shelf-to-Intrashelf Basin System: An Outcrop-to-Subsurface Analog for the Haynesville, Vaca Muerta, and Bazhenov Formations

K. M. Bohacs, J. Macquaker, O. R. Lazar

AAPG Special Volumes

...-matter components comprise predominantly marine, oil-prone, Type II organic matter at a low state of thermal maturation. Visual kerogen analysis indicates...


Widespread Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic wildfire records from Poland: Evidence from charcoal and pyrolytic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

Leszek Marynowski, Bernd R.T. Simoneit


... sampled and one was selected for organic geochemical analysis. Sołtykow Outcrop.—Thirty-four samples, including sandstones, silt´ stones, mudstones...


Production, Destruction, and Dilution„The Many Paths to Source-Rock Development

Kevin M. Bohacs, George J. Grabowski Jr., Alan R. Carroll, Paul J. Mankiewicz, Kimberlee J. Miskell-Gerhardt, Jon R. Schwalbach, Mary Beth Wegner, J.A. (Toni) Simo

Special Publications of SEPM

... oceanographic data to ancient examples. Quantitative analysis of rates is problematic, and published results depend greatly on data sets used...


Heavy Oil and Bitumen Petroleum Systems in Alberta and Beyond: The Future Is Nonconventional and the Future Is Now

Frances J. Hein, Dale Leckie, Steve Larter, John R. Suter

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Chen, 2007, Palynofacies analysis of the Kearl oil sands project area: A key to resolving the depositional environments of the McMurray Formation...


AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition 2015

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Climate Stratigraphy „ A New Method of Subsurface Correlation: with examples from the Late Triassic of the northern Carnarvon Basin

S. Djin Nio, Mat De Jong, Alain Böhm

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... the Late Triassic in the northern Carnarvon Basin A brief outline of the analysis and correlation of the spectra l trend attribute curve of 52 I PESA News...


Vail's Coastal Onlap Curves and Their Correlation with Tectonic Events, Offshore Eastern Canada: Chapter 18: North American Margins

S. Cloetingh, A. J. Tankard, H. J. Welsink, W. A. M. Jenkins

AAPG Special Volumes

..., On the mechanics of lithospheric stretching and doming: a finite element analysis: Geologie en Mijnbouw, v. 63, p. 315-322. Cloetingh, S., and R. Wortel, 1985...


ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbon generation potential, from the La Luna and Umir formations of Upper Cretaceous of Middle Magdalena Basine in Colombia

Astrid Blandon Montes, Luis Dethere Caro González, João Graciano Mendonça Filho

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... were carried out: Proximate, petrographic, palynofacies, bitumen extraction, liquid chromatography and biomarkers. The results allowed to say...



Hasley Vincent,Grant Wach, Nicholla Johnson

Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago

.... Physical and biogenic sedimentary structures were integrated with mineralogy, palynofacies and paleocurrent orientations to derive regional constraints...


SW Tethyan Triassic Evaporite Facies; Palaeographical Correlation of Deep-wells from the Off-shore Croatia and On-shore Central Syria; #90017 (2003)

D. Lucic, G. Koch, G. Forsek, E. Balaz-Boromisa, K. Krizmanic, D. Spanic, I. Mesic, S. Maretic

Search and

..., these successions have been studied in order to recognize their lithofacies, palynofacies and organic facies features and to correlate the similarities...


Terrestrial and Marine Palynomorphs as Sea-Level Proxies: An Example From Quaternary Sediments on the New Jersey Margin, U.S.A.

Francine M.G. Mccarthy, Kevin E. Gostlin, Peta J. Mudie, Jennifer A. Hopkins

Special Publications of SEPM

... marine sediment (the “palynofacies”, cf. Combaz, 1964, in Batten, 1996) is a function not only of production (either in the water column...


Cretaceous "Oceanic Anoxic Events" as Causal Factors in Development of Reef-Reservoired Giant Oil Fields

Michael A. Arthur , Seymour O. Schlanger

AAPG Bulletin

... black beds in shelf chalks, and thin beds and lenses in rudist reef and associated limestones. Analysis of the stratigraphic distribution of both...


A Critical Review on Characterization and Development Techniques for Low-Resistivity Pays across Indonesias Prominent Basins

Dimas Naufal Al Ghifari, Julianta P. Panjaitan, Muhammad Najmi Hafiy, Yudha Arisandhy S., Habib Luthfi Ash-Shiddiqie

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., A.E., 2022. An integrated high-resolution image log, sequence stratigraphy and palynofacies analysis to reconstruct the Albian– Cenomanian basin...


Palaeoenvironmental interpretation of the Late Miocene and Pliocene of Trinidad based on micropalaeontological data

Jones, R.W.

Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago

... Stratigraphic Analysis of Well Logs, Cruse Formation, Palo Seco Field: a Technique for Detailed Reservoir Delineation. Society of Petroleum Engineers...


Reservoir Geology of the Perseus Field, North West Shelf, Australia

N. B. Thompson, M. L. Taylor, N. C. Taylor

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... analysis. Fruitful discussions were held with Mike Mayall from BP (who carried out detailed core descriptions) and Professor George Pemberton from...


Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Architecture of the Burgan and Mauddud Formations (Lower Cretaceous), Kuwait

Christian J. Strohmenger, John C. Mitchell, Howard R. Feldman, Patrick J. Lehmann, Robert W. Broomhall, Penny E. Patterson, Ghaida Al-Sahlan, Timothy M. Demko, Robert W. Wellner, G. Glen McCrimmon, Neama Al-Ajmi

AAPG Special Volumes

... for stratigraphic analysis, in C. E. Payton, ed., Seismic stratigraphy Applications to hydrocarbon exploration: AAPG Memoir 26, p. 53 62. Pemberton, G. S., J...


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