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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 472 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Late Paleozoic depositional history of the Tarim basin, northwest China: An integration of biostratigraphic and lithostratigraphic constraints

Z. Q. Chen, G. R. Shi

AAPG Bulletin

..., Xinjiang and their palynofacies analysis: Acta Palaeontologica Sinica (in Chinese), v. 38, p. 5685.Zhu, H. C., 2000, Upper Devonian spores from...


A Sedimentological and Sequence Stratigraphic Re-Interpretation of the Upper Cretaceous Prairie Canyon Member ("Mancos B") and Associated Strata, Book Cliffs Area, Utah, U.S.A.

Gary J. Hampson , John A. Howell, Stephen S. Flint

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Publication 104, p. 208-220. OBOH-IKUENOBE, F.E., 1996, Correlating palynofacies assemblages with sequence stratigraphy in Upper Cretaceous (Campanian...


Geology and Hydrocarbon Prospects of the Timor Area

A. A. Crostella, D. E. Powell

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... to be continuous from Jurassic to late Cretaceous or Palaeocene. Mixed palynofacies have been found in this unit, attesting to large scale reworking...


Un Sistema Petrolífero de Edad Terciaria en la Cuenca Catatumbo - Colombia: Evidencias de una Roca Generadora Desconocida en el Paleoceno [PAPER IN SPANISH] A Tertiary Petroleum System of the Catatumbo Basin - Colombia: Evidence of an Unknown Source Rock

Vladimir Blanco V., Diego García B., Yolima Blanco V., Mónica Gallo G.

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... División de Exploración y Producción. 6 Volúmenes. Piedecuesta, Colombia. ERCEGOVAC, M., and Kostic, A. (2006). Organic Facies and Palynofacies...


Coal Buildup in Tide-influenced Coastal Plains in the Eocene Kapuni Group, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand

J. C. Pashin and R. A. Gastaldo, Romeo M. Flores

AAPG Special Volumes

... 16, p. 328.Pocknall, D. T., and J. M. Beggs, 1990, Palynofacies as a tool for the interpretation of depositional environments in the Waikato...


Is aberrancy a reliable indicator for major paleoclimatic disturbance?

Stephen Stukins


... S IS ABERRANCY A RELIABLE INDICATOR CARVALHO, M.D., MENDONCA, J.G., AND MENEZES, T.R., 2006, Paleoenvironmental reconstruction based on palynofacies analysis...


Sequence Stratigraphy and Chronostratigraphy of Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene Strata, Eastern Gulf Coastal Plain

Ernest A. Mancini

GCAGS Transactions

... tract of the Yazoo-Red Bluff/Forest Hill depositional sequence. By utilizing sequence stratigraphic analysis and chronostratigraphic correlation...


Subsidence and Geodynamic Analysis of the Llanos Basin: Linking Mountain Building and Basin Filling Processes

G. Y. Ojeda, G. Bayona, J. Pinilla, M. Cortés, N. Gamba

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

...Subsidence and Geodynamic Analysis of the Llanos Basin: Linking Mountain Building and Basin Filling Processes G. Y. Ojeda, G. Bayona, J. Pinilla, M...


Distinguishing Tectonic Versus Eustatic Flooding Surfaces in the Llanos Basin of Colombia, and Implications for Stratigraphic Correlations

G. Bayona, A. Reyes-Harker, C. Jaramillo, M. Rueda, J. Aristizabal, M. Cortes, N. Gamba

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... to be established before using those surfaces for correlation. In addition, the lack of systematic biostratigraphic analysis on those key surfaces may...


Anomalous Porosity and Permeability Preservation in Deeply Buried Tertiary and Mesozoic Sandstones in the Cusiana Field, Llanos Foothills, Colombia--Reply

Edward A. Warren, Andrew J. Pulham

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... 1996). Different depositional environments for "Upper" and "Lower" Mirador are now recognized on the basis of palynofacies, supported by ichnofacies...


Characterizing the Recent Sediments from Pigeon Lake, Alberta as Related to Anthropogenic and Natural Fluxes

H. Sanei, F. Goodarzi, L. R. Snowdon, L. D. Stasiuk, E. Van Der Flier-Keller

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... of the Precamberian Shield near Huntsville, Ontario, Canada. Environ Geol, 33, 170–182. Sloss, L. L., and Gardner, C. A. (1995). Sampling and analysis of trace...


Glaucony and Sequence Stratigraphy: A Conceptual Framework of Distribution in Siliciclastic Sequences

Alessandro Amorosi

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... (November), Detailed analysis of recent literature on glaucony and selected case studies (Eocene, Isle of Wight; Miocene, northern Apennines) shows...


Hibernia Oil Field--Canada, Jeanne d'Arc Basin, Grand Banks, Offshore Newfoundland

A. H. Mackay, A. J. Tankard

AAPG Special Volumes

...: analysis of basin subsidence, in A. J. Tankard and H. R. Balkwill, eds., Extensional tectonics and stratigraphy of the North Atlantic margins: American...


ABSTRACT: Characteristics of RimswampŽ Coal-Forming Environments in the Congaree River Floodplain of South Carolina

Arthur D. Cohen, David C. Shelley, Allison Humphries

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... Geology, v. 29, p. 39-65. Cohen, A. D., Shelley, D., and Bartley, H., 2004, Pollen and palynofacies of organic-rich wetland deposits in the northern...


Draugen Oil Field, Haltenbanken Province, Offshore Norway: Chapter 23

Donald M. J. Provan

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Van der Zwan, C. J., 1990, Palynostratigraphy and palynofacies reconstruction of the Upper Jurassic to lowermost Cretaceous of the Draugen field...


Reservoir Characterisation of Fluvial, Lacustrine and Deltaic Successions – Applications of Modern and Ancient Geological Analogues

Simon C. Lang, Jochen Kassan, Jim Benson, Carmine Grasso, Tim Hicks, Nick Hall, Claire Avenell

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... 339-357. Falkner, A.J. and Fielding, C.R., 1993. Quantitative facies analysis of coal-bearing sequences in the Bowen Basin, Australia: Applications...


Stratigraphic Palynology of the Fort Union Formation (Paleocene) in the Powder River Basin, Montana and Wyoming—A Guide to Correlation of Methane-Producing Coal Zones

D. J. Nichols

Wyoming Geological Association

.... Nichols, D.J., and Pocknall, D.T., 1994, Relationships of palynofacies to coal-depositional environments in the upper Paleocene of the Gulf Coast Basin...


Depositional Controls On Mudstone Lithofacies In A Basinal Setting: Implications for the Delivery of Sedimentary Organic Matter

Sven F. Könitzer, Sarah J. Davies, Michael H. Stephenson, Melanie J. Leng

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... that delivered fine-grained sediment to this basin during a glacioeustatic sea-level cycle are interpreted from detailed lithofacies analysis. Seven...


How (And Why) To Recognize Sequences in Basinal Shales

Stephen R. Schutter

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... and probabilistic models may be developed and may be helpful with risk analysis. While detailed analysis of every well is impractical, the application of models...


Regional Controls on Siliciclastic Input into Mesozoic Depositional Systems of the Arabian Plate and Their Petroleum Significance

R. B. Davies, M. D. Simmons, T. O. Jewell, J. Collins

AAPG Special Volumes

..., and S. N. Al-Jawad, 2014, Palynomorph stratigraphy, palynofacies and organic geochemistry assessments for hydrocarbon generation of Ratawi Formation...


Tiny keys to unlocking the Kellwasser Events: detailed characterization of organic walled microfossils associated with extinction in western New York State

Abigail A. Kelly, Phoebe A. Cohen, Diana L. Boyer


... a conventional paleobiological analysis of environmental changes within the Kellwasser Events themselves. However, PA L A I O S KELLWASSER OWMS FROM...


Chapter 12: Iraq

George J. Grabowski, Jr.

AAPG Special Volumes

.... S., and Batten, D. J., 1999, Palynofacies indications of depositional environments and source potential for hydrocarbons: Uppermost Jurassic-basal...


New age constraints on the Late Cretaceous lower Williams Fork Formation, Coal Canyon, Colorado

Jordan T. Walker, Andres Aslan, Rex D. Cole, Matthew T. Heizler

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... is a minimally reworked and slightly altered volcanic ash. Analysis of the euhedral zircon crystals (n=108) in the ash produced a statistically robust U-Pb date...


Delineation of a sandstone-filled incised valley in the Lower Cretaceous Dina–Cummings interval: implications for development of the Winter Pool, west-central Saskatchewan

Dustin B. Bauer, Stephen M. Hubbard, Dale A. Leckie, Graham Dolby

CSPG Bulletin

... by Leckie et al. (1990). Table 2. Palynofacies analysis, including sample overview, associated facies associations and relative salinity interpretations...


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