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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 472 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
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Natural fractures in tight-oil sandstones: A case study of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the southwestern Ordos Basin, China
Wenya Lyu, Lianbo Zeng, Sibin Zhou, Xiaosheng Du, Dongling Xia, Guoping Liu, Jian Li, and Jianqiao Weng
AAPG Bulletin
..., Extensional faults in fine grained carbonates—Analysis of fault core lithology and thickness–displacement relationships: Journal of Structural Geology, v...
Chapter 8: Tippecanoe Sequence: Middle Ordovician to Lowest Devonian Vestiges of a Great Epeiric Sea
Kirk G. Osadetz, F. M. Haidl
CSPG Special Publications
...., Karig, D., Rabe, B., and Hay, B., 1982. Topography and tectonics of the Taconic outer trench slope as revealed through gradient analysis of fossil...
Analysis Of Fluvial Architecture In the Blackhawk Formation, Wasatch Plateau, Utah, U.S.A., Using Large 3D Photorealistic Models
Andreas Rittersbacher,, John A. Howell,,† Simon J. Buckley
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Analysis Of Fluvial Architecture In the Blackhawk Formation, Wasatch Plateau, Utah, U.S.A., Using Large 3D Photorealistic Models Andreas...
Berriasian-Barramian Sequences in the Rio Argos Succession Near Caravaca (Southeast Spain) and Their Correlation with Some Sections in Southeast France
Philip J. Hoedemaeker
Special Publications of SEPM
... be considered during sequencestratigraphic analysis. The pelagic limestone beds should be left out of consideration, because the source of the limestone...
Magnetostratigraphy and Biostratigraphy of the Continental Paleocene in the Calgary Area, Southwestern Alberta
J.F. Lerbekmo, A.R. Sweet
CSPG Bulletin
.... Jerzykiewicz, T. and Labonte, M. 1991. Representation and statistical analysis of directional sedimentary structures in the uppermost Cretaceous...
Late Oligocene-Early Miocene palynological succession from marginal marine deposits, Nyalau Formation, Bintulu Sarawak: Palynostratigraphy, paleovegetation and paleoclimate significance
Zainey Konjing, Abdul Hadi Abd Rahman, Mohd Suhaili Ismail, Numair Ahmed Siddiqui
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... address: zainey_g03671@utp.edu.my 2 Abstract: Palynological analysis was conducted on one hundred and twenty-four samples collected from ten sedimentary...
Novel application of focused ion beam electron microscopy (FIB-EM) in preparation and analysis of microfossil ultrastructures: A new view of complexity in early eukaryotic organisms
James D. Schiffbauer, Shuhai Xiao
... microscopy: Microscopy and Analysis, v. 36, p. 5–8. BATTEN, D.J., 1996, Palynofacies and petroleum potential, in Jansonius, J., and McGregor, D.C., eds...
Early and middle Miocene depositional history of the Maracaibo Basin, western Venezuela
Jos I. Guzmn, William L. Fisher
AAPG Bulletin
..., Structural analysis of Cenozoic fault systems using 3D seismic data in the southern Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela: Ph.D. dissertation, University of Texas...
Taphonomic Analysis of an Articulated Baleen Whale (CETACEA; MYSTICETI) from Upper Miocene Inner Shelf Deposits of Peninsula Valdes, Patagonia, Argentina
Nicolas Daniel Farroni, Jose Ignacio Cuitino, Dario Gustavo Lazo, Monica Romina Buono
...Taphonomic Analysis of an Articulated Baleen Whale (CETACEA; MYSTICETI) from Upper Miocene Inner Shelf Deposits of Peninsula Valdes, Patagonia...
An Integrated Regional Triassic Stratigraphic Framework for the Carnarvon Basin, NWS, Australia
T. H. D. Payenberg, H. Howe, T. Marsh, P. Sixsmith, W. S. Kowalik, A. Powell, K. Ratcliffe, V. Iasky, A. Allgoewer, R. W. Howe, P. Montgomery, A. Vonk, M. Croft
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... the basis for detailed field and prospect scale interpretation and reservoir analysis. Chevron Australia is the operator of several exploration...
Chapter 16: Controls on Stratal Record: Mechanisms and Contingencies Affecting Sediment Supply and Accommodation
Kevin M. Bohacs
AAPG Special Volumes
..., Utah, p. 9–10. Bohacs, K. M., and C. Fraticelli, 2008, Paleo-Environmental Reconstruction and Analysis (Paleogeography, Paleoclimate, Paleo...
Assessment of Backwater Controls On the Architecture of Distributary-Channel Fills In A Tide-Influenced Coastal-Plain Succession: Campanian Neslen Formation, U.S.A.
Luca Colombera, Michelle N. Shiers, Nigel P. Mountney
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... descriptions with other methods (e.g., analysis of the vertical distribution of palynomorphs or palynofacies assemblages in channel fills; cf. Gastaldo et...
A New Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the North West Shelf, Australia
N. G. Marshall, S. C. Lang
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... sequence stratigraphic analysis of these regional play intervals and the finerscale cycles within them has had a considerable impact on geological modelling...
Ultrastructure of enigmatic phytoclasts (banded tubes) from the Silurian Lower Devonian: Evidence for affinities and role in early terrestrial ecosystems
Wilson A. Taylor, Charles H. Wellman
... microscope (TEM) ultrastructural analysis of these banded tubes and show that their walls are homogeneous and lack preserved ultrastructure. Gross wall...
Toarcian Black Shales in the Dutch Central Graben: Record of Energetic, Variable Depositional Conditions During an Oceanic Anoxic Event
Joao Trabucho-Alexandre, Roel Dirkx, Harry Veld, Gerard Klaver, Poppe L. de Boer
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... data because geochemical analysis of sedimentary rocks, however high-resolution, always represents an averaging of environmental conditions at the time...
Volcanic effects on microplankton during the Permian Triassic Transition (Shangsi and Xinmin, South China)
Jun Shen, Yong Lei, Thomas J. Algeo, Qinglai Feng, Thomas Servais, Jianxin Yu, Lian Zhou
... on two different occasions, first by JS in August 2009 for radiolarians and geochemical analysis and later by JY in November 2009 for acritarchs. Samples...
High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Prolific Devonian Jauf Formation Gas Reservoir: Transgressive Tidal Estuarine and Regressive Wave-Dominated Shoreface Deposits, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Riyadh A. Rahmani, Ronald J. Steel, Abdulaziz A. Al-Duaiji
AAPG Special Volumes
.... A. Miller, S. Leszczyński, and P. Steemans, 2015, Climate-controlled palynofacies and miospore stratigraphy of the Jauf Formation, Lower Devonian, northern...
Middle Cretaceous Calcareous Nannoplankton Biogeography and Oceanography of the Atlantic Ocean
Peter H. Roth, Jay L. Bowdler
Special Publications of SEPM
... Grayson Bluff Denton County Age NC II susceptibility to dissolution by using the following pairing analysis It was observed that the better...
Palynological Age-Dating of Seismic Horizons D, E and F, Beagle and Dampier Sub-Basins
M. Aziz Islam
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
.... The palynofacies of the sediments immediately 602 Age-dating, Seismic Horizons COSSIGNY-1 RONSARD-1 JARMAN-I PICARD-I DEPUCH-1 POISSONNIER-1...
Front Matter: Proceedings of the North West Shelf Symposium (1988)
P. G. Purcell, R. R. Purcell
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... . . . ................. . ..... .. .... ...... . . . ... . . ..... ... .... . .. .. .. . .. . . . .. ... . .. 581 Upper Triassic Palynofacies and Environmental Interpretations for the Rankin Trend, Northern...
Miospores, Zonation and Correlation of Upper Devonian Sequences from Western New York State and Pennsylvania
J. B. Richardson, S. Ahmed
CSPG Special Publications
... and into the overlying Knapp Formation. Several distinct palynofacies are recognised in sediments, indicating open sea (“deep” basin) to slope, shelf and alluvial...
First Appearance of Selected Early Ordovician Acritarch Taxa from Peri-Gondwana
Rainer Brocke, Oldrich Fatka, Stewart G. Molyneux, Thomas Servais
Pacific Section SEPM
... in Ordovician geology. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 90-9, p. 5-25. Hill, P. J., and Molyneux, S.G., 1988, Biostratigraphy, palynofacies...
Tidal-fluvial Facies of Stacked Incised-valley Complexes in the Lower Cretaceous Clearwater Formation, Cold Lake, Alberta
Glen McCrimmon, Burns Cheadle
CSPG Special Publications
... in core. This interpretation has been strengthened through the integration of palynofacies and analogue outcrop analyses. Depositional Facies...
Abstract: The Late Devonian Biota of the Miguasha National Park UNESCO World Heritage Site; #90172 (2014)
R. Cloutier
Search and Discovery.com
... [Schultze and Cloutier 1996], the palynofacies [Cloutier et al. 1996], the trace fossil assemblage [Schultze and Cloutier 1996], the sedimentological...