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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 472 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Quantification of internal heterogeneity across a submarine channel bend: a unique example from the late Tortonian Tachrift Channel Complex 5 (Taza–Guercif Basin, NE Morocco)

George Pantopoulos,,, Mattia Marini, Daniele Invernizzi, Imad El Kati, Adam D. Mcarthur, Fabrizio Felletti

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... across the channel bend, such as outer-bank bars and inner- to outer-bank transition bars. Analysis of heterogeneity metrics indicates the occurrence...


Upper Devonian paleoenvironmental, diagenetic, and tectonic enigmas in the western Appalachian Basin: new discoveries and emerging questions associated with the Frasnian-Famennian boundary and end-Devonian disturbances in central Ohio

David R. Blood, Gordon C. Baird, Erika M. Danielsen, Carlton E. Brett, Joseph T. Hannibal, Gary G. Lash

Ohio Geological Society

...: Ohio Journal of Science, v. 57, p. 114–124. Coleman, U., and G. Clayton, (1987), Palynostratigraphy and Palynofacies of the Uppermost Devonian...


Interpreted depositional conditions of balanced-fill lake basin strata incorporating vertebrate and invertebrate trace fossils, Triassic Santa Clara sub-basin, Cuyana rift basin, Argentina

Cecilia A. Benavente, Kevin M. Bohacs, Adriana C. Mancuso

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., Trace fossil analysis of lacustrine facies and basins: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 140, p. 367–382. Buatois, L.A., and Mángano...


Dwelling in the dead zone-vertebrate burrows immediately succeeding the end-Permian extinction event in Australia

Stephen McLoughlin, Chris Mays Vivi Vajda, Malcolm Bocking, Tracy D. Frank, Christopher R. Fielding


... in the Frazer Beach section and two were sampled for thin sectioning and petrographic analysis using a Nikon Optiophot polarizing microscope with a Lumenera...


Chapter 17: Depositional History and Petroleum Habitat of Qatar

F. S. P. van Buchem, N. Svendsen, E. Hoch, R. Pedersen-Tatalovic, K. Habib

AAPG Special Volumes

... margin: AAPG Memoir 56, p. 185–200. Burchette, T. P. and Britton, S. R., 1985, Carbonate facies analysis in the exploration for hydrocarbons: A case...


Depositional Modelling of the Upper Mannville Lower Cretaceous East Central Alberta Implications for the Recognition of Brackish Water Deposits

Daryl M. Wightman, S. George Pemberton, Chaitanya Singh

Special Publications of SEPM

... Alberta Canada tions included METHOD OF STUDY bounded area area The core descrip of taken for ray diffraction was used to analysis...


Biochronology, paleoenvironments, and stratigraphic sequences of the late Albian–middle Eocene fore-arc Vizcaino basin, western Baja California, Mexico

Javier Helenes, Arturo Martin-Barajas, Juan G. Flores-Trujillo, Iraida Paredes, Maritza Canache, Ana-Luisa Carreño, and Adriana Miranda

AAPG Bulletin

...d ichnological and sedimentological analysis of a Late Cretaceous submarine channel-levee system: The Rosario Formation, Baja California, Mexico: Marin...


History of Investigation of the Book Cliffs, Utah-Colorado

Robert G. Young

Grand Junction Geological Society

... Memoir 24. Plint, A.G., and Nummedal, D., 2000, The falling stage systems tract: recognition and importance in sequence stratigraphic analysis, in Hunt...


Chapter 19: Bibliography of the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Plain Coal Geology

Robert W. Hook, Peter D. Warwick, Alex W. Karlsen, Susan J. Tewalt

AAPG Special Volumes

...., Lignite: College Station, Texas, Texas A&M University, p. 8.1–8.8. Armstrong, S. C., 1987, Engineering geologic analysis of reclaimed spoil...


Chapter 9: New Albany Shale, Illinois Basin, USA—Devonian Carbonaceous Mudstone Accumulation in an Epicratonic Sea: Stratigraphic Insights from Outcrop and Subsurface Data

O. R. Lazar, J. Schieber

AAPG Special Volumes

..., Utah, July 11–13, 2006, p. 9–10. Bohacs, K. M., and C. Fraticelli, 2008, Paleo-environmental reconstruction and analysis (paleogeography, paleoclimate...


A Bibliography and Brief History of Indonesia Geology Literature

J.T. (Han) van Gorsel

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., mainly Sangiran Dome, including work on mammalian fossils, paleomagnetism, fission track age dating, fluorine analysis and microfossils (1976-1979...


Towards an Early to Middle Jurassic Palaeogeography for the North West Shelf: A Marine Perspective

M. Apthorpe

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

..., Proceedings of Petroleum Exploration Society Australia Symposium, Perth, 1988, 4 13-417. BINT, A.N. & HELBY, R., 1988, Upper Triassic Palynofacies...


Clues to the Structural History of the Rankin Trend, from 3-D Seismic Data

Steve Newman

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... Triassic palynofacies and environmental interpretations for the Rankin Trend, Northern Carnarvon Basin, W.A. In: PURCELL P.O. & R.R. (Eds), The North...


Chapter 11: Paleogene Coal Deposits of the Wilcox Group and the Indio Formation of South Texas

Robert W. Hook, Peter D. Warwick, John R. SanFilipo, Douglas J. Nichols

AAPG Special Volumes

... of Investigations No. 43, 140 p. Nichols, D. J., and D. T. Pocknall, 1994, Relationships of palynofacies to coal-depositional environments in the upper...


Lower to Middle Jurassic Clastic and Carbonate Sequences in the Dorrigo Embayment, Barrow Sub-Basin, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia

J. D. Gorter, R. Morgan, J. P. Rexilius, R. Howe

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...). Shales from core and cuttings from Dorrigo-1, and cuttings from Judy-1 , were sampled for palynofacies and age determination and existing...


Palynologic Age Determination of the Catahoula Formation, Big Creek, Sicily Island, Louisiana

John H. Wrenn, William C. Elsik, Richard P. McCulloh

GCAGS Transactions

.... B1-B24. Tyson, R. V., 1995. Sedimentary Organic Matter. Organic Facies and Palynofacies. Chapman & Hall, London, U. K., 615 p. Veatch, A. C., 1905. Report...


Rifting and Mountain Building Across Sundaland, a Palynological and Sequence Biostratigraphic Perspective

Robert J Morley

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...: 1894-1898. Polhaupessy, A.A., 2010. Palynofacies of Late Eocene Formation: a case study in Tanjung Formation, South Kalimantan In: Geologi Indonesia...


Jurassic palynoevents in the circum-Arctic region

Jonathan Bujak, Manuel Bringué, Anna A. Goryacheva, Natalia K. Lebedeva, Ekaterina B. Pestchevitskaya, James B. Riding, Morten Smelror

Atlantic Geology

... of the Jurassic of northern Russia. Four miospore zones were proposed for the upper Oxfordian to middle Volgian of Arctic Siberia based on analysis...


Chapter 1 Part 1: Biostratigraphic and Geochemical Constraints on the Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of the Eagle Ford and Woodbine Groups of Texas

Richard A. Denne, John A. Breyer, Tobi H. Kosanke, Joan M. Spaw, Arden D. Callender, Russell E. Hinote, Mohsen Kariminia, Nataliya Tur, Zachary Kita, Jackie A. Lees, Harry Rowe

AAPG Special Volumes

... analysis of paleoceanographic systems based on molybdenum-uranium covariation: Chemical Geology, v. 268, p. 211–225. Allison, P. A., P. B. Wignall, and C. E...


Estudio Estratigrafico del Flanco Norandino en el Sector Lobatera-El Vigia [PAPER IN SPANISH] Stratigraphic Study of the North Andean Flank Region in Lobatera-El Vigia

T. Boesi, F. Galea, G. Rojas, M. A. Lorente, I. Durán, M. Velasquez

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... and Palynofacies of the Upper Tertiary in Venezuela. Dissertations Botanicae Band 99. Cramer. Berlin, Stittgart, 222p. Lorente, M.A., Velasquez, M...


The Sauk Megasequence from the Reelfoot Rift to Southwestern Missouri

James Palmer, Thomas L. Thompson, Cheryl Seeger, James F. Miller, Jay M. Gregg

AAPG Special Volumes

...: Missouri Bureau of Geology and Mines Report 9, 2nd Series, Parts 1 and 2, 259 p.Corbett, M. E., 2003, Palynofacies and thermal maturation of Lower...


The North Sea Cycle: An Overview of 2nd-Order Transgressive/Regressive Facies Cycles in Western Europe

Thierry Jacquin, Gérard Dardeau, Christophe Durlet, Pierre-Charles de Graciansky, Pierre Hantzpergue

Special Publications of SEPM

... palynofacies and dinoflagellates, can be made between the marine “Cinder beds” and the calcareous “Purbeck” in the Paris Basin. This peaktransgression...


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