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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 472 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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The Implication of Maturation and Heat Flow Analysis for Conventional (Deepwater) and Unconventional (Shale Oil and Shale Gas) Petroleum Systems: Evolution Through the Last 50 Years, #80387 (2014).

Prasanta K. Mukhopadhyay (Muki)

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...The Implication of Maturation and Heat Flow Analysis for Conventional (Deepwater) and Unconventional (Shale Oil and Shale Gas) Petroleum Systems...


ABSTRACT: Miocene lignite layers of the Saouef Formation (Oriental Tunisia), origin, depositional environment and economic assessment.

Malek Radhwani, Achim Bechtel, Vikram P. Singh, Bhagwan D. Singh, Beya Mannaï-Tayech

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... and investigated using organic petrology, palynofacies and biomarkers analysis approaches. Macroscopically, La Falaise lignites are dark brown, showing...


ABSTRACT: Preliminary results of the palynological investigation of the South Flank Arbuckle Anticline section, Oklahoma, USA

Marcelina Kondas, Marta Kasprzyk, Iwona Jelonek, Pawel Filipiak

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... were done in order to remove mineral matter (Wood et al. 1996). A palynofacies analysis was done. In order to carry out this kind of investigation...


Improved Southeast Asian Biostratigraphical Zonation Schemes Derived from New Deepwater Sections

Stephen Noon, Wantoro, Harsanti Setiani, M. Sukarno, Yuliana A. Pane

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... and palynofacies sample spacing enables the recognition of significant stratal surfaces and subsequent calibration with globally-significant sequence...


Abstract: First Results on Sequence Stratigraphy, Sedimentary Architecture, Mineralogy and Organic Content in the Montney and Doig Formations (Alberta/British Columbia); #90224 (2015)

Vincent Crombez, Sébastien Rohais, François Baudin, Tristan Euzen, and Matthew Power

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... elements that will improve hydrocarbons discovery and production. Numerous QEMSCAN analysis, Rock-Eval analysis, palynofacies studies and thin sections...


ABSTRACT: I Am Generating but Not Yet Producing

S. Rodrigues, S. Golding, J. Esterle, X. Mao, A. A. Coffa

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

...), followed by liptodetrinite and alginites. The palynofacies slides revealed marine palynomorphs, Prasinophytes, acritarchs and dinoflagellates often...


Abstract: Evaluation of the oil generation potential in the Santos Basin integrating petrological and geochemical parameters with sequence stratigraphical concepts

M. Balbinot, M. Blanco, W. Kalkreuth

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... (Cretaceous) until Terciary. Analytical methods include Vitrinite Reflectance, Maceral Analysis and Palynofacies, Total Organic Carbon, Rock-Eval...


Abstract: The Role of Palynology in the Oil Industry

R. E. Besems

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... diversified. Currently, palynofacies analysis enable the recognition of depositional environments which can be used both in exploration and production...


ABSTRACT: A Multi-Proxy Approach to Sequence Stratigraphy: Deeper-Water Epeiric Carbonates (Upper Jurassic, Southwest Germany); #90017 (2003)

Thomas Aigner, E. Link, J. Pross, M. Ruf

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... sequence boundaries or maximum flooding surfaces. Particularly the use of palynofacies analysis in addition to sedimentology resulted in surprising...


Petroleum Source Rocks in Estancia Basin, Central New Mexico

Ronald F. Broadhead

West Texas Geological Society

... the Tertiary. In Pennsylvanian shales of the Perro sub-basin, kerogens are dominantly a woody gas-prone facies (kerogen type III). In Pennsylvanian...


Estimation of original kerogen type and hydrogen index using inorganic geochemical proxies: Implications for assessing shale gas potential in the Devonian Horn River Formation of western Canada

Sung Kyung Hong, Young Jae Shinn, Jiyoung Choi, and Hyun Suk Lee

AAPG Bulletin kerogen type and organic richness of shale in the gas window (>1.4% vitrinite reflectance [Ro]) with the Rock-Eval analysis because of the lo...



Fredy Arango, Astrid Blandón

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... of the Perijá range (Fig.1). Coal samples from Cerrejón Formation and Cuervos Formation were examined using petrography, palynofacies, Rock-Eval...


ABSTRACT: Evaluation of the hydrocarbon generation potential in coals of the Caballos Formation of Cretaceous age in the Upper Magdalena Valley Basin … Colombia

Viviana María Bermúdez Cortés, Astrid Blandón Montes, Oscar Jaramillo Rúa

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

..., eight samples were taken from different coal seams of the Caballos Formation. The samples were subjected to proximate analysis (moisture, ash, volatile...


ABSTRACT: Chemostratigraphy and its Role in an Integrated Stratigraphic Methodology: A case study on? Cambrian to Permo-Carboniferous Sequences from South and Central Oman; #90017 (2003)

Timothy J. Pearce, Peter L. Osterloff, John H. Martin

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... impacts on the production behaviour of the reservoirs and the integration of chemostratigraphy, heavy mineral analysis, palynology and palynofacies studies...


LmPy-GCMSMS and Other Alternative Methodologies in the Screening for Source Rocks, #42461 (2019).

Joao Graciano Mendonca Filho,

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... October 21, 2019 *Adapted from oral presentation given at 2019 AAPG Hedberg Conference, The Evolution of Petroleum Systems Analysis: Changing of the Guard...


New insights on the Upper Cretaceous Tiger Supersequence of the Bight Basin from International Ocean Discovery Hole U1512

Carmine C. Wainman, Gabriel Tagliaro, Peter J. McCabe

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... for palynostratigraphy and palynofacies analysis to complement paleoenvironmental interpretations. Twenty-seven samples (including eight analysed during the expedition...


Applied Source Rock Geochemistry: Chapter 5: Part II. Essential Elements

Kenneth E. Peters , Mary Rose Cassa

AAPG Special Volumes

.../C or van Krevelen diagram based on elemental analysis of kerogen and (B) HI versus OI diagram based on Rock-Eval pyrolysis of whole rock can be used...


Palynological Zonation and Correlation of the Latest Triassic, Northern Carnarvon Basin

J. Backhouse, B. E. Balme, R. Helby, N. G. Marshall, R. Morgan

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

..., seventeen informal biostratigraphic units, referred to as Tr units, are erected. A range of swamp palynofacies associations, interspersed with floodplain...



Alejandro Restrepo, Jorge Herrera, Román Castañeda, Christopher Mann, Myung Kim

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

...ABSTRACT: 3D MODELS OF PALYNOFACIES OF COAL USING DIGITAL HOLOGRAPHY MICROSCOPY Alejandro Restrepo, Jorge Herrera, Román Castañeda, Christopher Mann...


Calibrating micropaleontology with sedimentology and ichnology for enhanced paleoenvironmental interpretations in the Bluesky Formation of Alberta, Canada

S. Gordon Campbell, Graham Dolby, David H. McNeil, Murray K. Gingras

CSPG Bulletin

... geology of the Lower Cretaceous Series in central Alberta. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 52–11. Batten, D.J. 1996. Palynofacies...


Organic Facies of Middle Cretaceous Black Shales in Deep North Atlantic

Colin P. Summerhayes

AAPG Bulletin

... (1979) found terrestrial palynofacies to be common at this site. These various data support the impression given by kerogen analyses from...


Abstract: Organic Matter Characterization of a Sedimentary Succession of the Barra Velha Formation Carbonates from the Santos Basin, Offshore Brazil

Carolina Fonseca, Jaqueline Torres Souza, António D. de Oliveira, Joalice de Oliveira Mendonça, João G. Mendonça Filho, Leonardo Borghi

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... Formation, including organic geochemical (Total Organic Carbon - TOC, Sulfur and insoluble residue – IR) and petrographic (Palynofacies and Organic Petrology...


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