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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,953 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Chapter 131: Stratigraphic Architecture, Seismic and Dynamic Signature of a Sand-rich Turbidite Ramp: Cime Dieu de Delfy, Grès d’Annot Formation, France
P. Joseph, F. Guillocheau, N. Babonneau, J. Seguin, A. Bourgeois
AAPG Special Volumes
..., in particular, relative proportions of the main facies. Moreover, it was observed that high-resolution (fourth-order and fifth-order) sequences show similar...
Abstract: Facies and Core-Based Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of Early Cretaceous Shu’Aiba Buildup, Shaybah Field, Saudi Arabia, by N. Al-Ghamdi and J. F. Read; #90090 (2009).
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Pre-Stack Seismic Modeling of a Carbonate Platform, an Example from the Vercors Massif (France), by B. Virlouvet, J. Guilbot, and H. Arnaud; #91021 (2010)
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Sequence Stratigraphy of Turonian-Santonian Strata, Kaiparowits Plateau, Southern Utah, U.S.A.: Implications for Regional Correlation and Foreland Basin Evolution
Keith W. Shanley and Peter J. McCabe
AAPG Special Volumes
... the context of unconformity-bounded depositional sequences. This approach provides insights to the evolution of the strata within the plateau as well...
Sequence, Parasequence, and Intraparasequence Architecture of the Grassy Member, Blackhawk Formation, Book Cliffs, Utah, U.S.A.
Ciaran J. O'Byrne and Stephen Flint
AAPG Special Volumes
..., Mesa Verde Group, Utah, consists of two high-frequency, unconformity-bounded sequences within the upper part of the Blackhawk Formation highstand...
Contrasting Facies Successions in Cyclic Pennsylvanian and Cretaceous Mixed Carbonate-siliciclastic Shelves, by J. A. Simo, G. L. Gianniny, and D. R. De Miranda; #90986 (1994).
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT Sequence Stratigraphy of Subsurface Late Jurassic Arab D Formation Hawiyah and Harmaliyah fields Saudi Arabia, #90104 (2010)
Al-Temimi Khalaf O.; Read Fred J.
Search and Discovery.com
... to 8 higher frequency sequences. Both fields have very similar parasequences 3‐5 m thick. Facies packages include, from deep to shallow: interbedded...
Abstract: Systematic Variations of Stratal Geometry and Rock Properties within Mudstone Parasequences at the Bedset Scale Insights Into Heterogeneity at the Landing-Zone Scale;
Kevin Bohacs
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Systematic Variations of Stratal Geometry and Rock Properties within Mudstone Parasequences at the Bedset Scale Insights...
Stratal Order in Peritidal Carbonate Sequences
Bruce H. Wilkinson , Carl N. Drummond , Edward D. Rothman , Nathaniel W. Diedrich
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...-scale carbonate cycles (commonly referred to as "fifth-order" parasequences) are not infrequently suggested to comprise but one of several caste orders...
Deposition of Middle Baong Sandstone as Post-Rift Incised Valley Fill Sequence, Aru Onshore Area, North Sumatra
Kiagus Novian Syafrin
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... et al., 1991), made up in turn of fifth-order parasequences. Recognition of fourth-order simple sequences in this study area occurs within a very...
Local tectonic control on parasequence architecture: Second Frontier sandstone, Powder River Basin, Wyoming
Boyan K. Vakarelov, Janok P. Bhattacharya
AAPG Bulletin
... mappable wave-dominated parasequences. The parasequences are bounded by minor flooding surfaces that represent previously unrecognized potential flow...
Changes in Depositional Processes—An Ingredient in a New Generation of Sequence-Stratigraphic Models
Shuji Yoshida, Ron J. Steel, Robert W. Dalrymple
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... with changes that occur over a time span much shorter than the fourth- and fifth-order stratigraphic sequences discussed here (Fig. 5A), although some...
Abstract: Progradation of the Mesaverde Group, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming-Sequence Stratigraphy Forced by Sevier Thrusting, by B. Klug; #91017 (1992).
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Abstract: Applications of High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy in North Sea Syn-Rift Reservoir Correlation and Development, by J. Howell and S. Flint; #90956 (1995).
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Abstract: Phanerozoic Cycles of Sea-Level Change from Indian Plate: From Overview with a Base Chart, by D. S. N. Raju; #90081 (2008)
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Abstract: Reservoir Framework and Exploration Potential of the Cleveland Formation (Western Anadarko Basin) Using a Sequence-Stratigraphic Model, by T. F. Hentz; #90991 (1993).
Search and Discovery.com
Transregional Sequence-Stratigraphic Correlation of the Maastrichtian Fox Hills Sandstone: Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota and Montana
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Early Pliocene Shoreface Sedimentation in Response to Intra-Shelf Tectonic Instability, North Coast Marine Area, Trinidad & Tobago; #90238 (2015)
Roger Kimber, Xavier Moonan, and Andrew Thurlow
Search and Discovery.com
... deposits of progradational shoreline to inner shelf sequences within a dominantly outer shelf mudstone succession. These sand-prone deposits, part...
Tertiary History of Western Montana and East-Central Idaho: A Synopsis
Donald L. Rasmussen
Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)
... sequences (probably fourth- or fifth-order parasequences) closely-spaced in the Jefferson, Beaverhead, and Sage Creek basins were not necessarily...
An Overview of the Fundamentals of Sequence Stratigraphy and Key Definitions
J. C. Van Wagoner, H. W. Posamentier, R. M. Mitchum,, P. R. Vail, J. F. Sarg, T. S. Loutit, J. Hardenbol
Special Publications of SEPM
... in the nine papers previously mentioned. Parasequences and parasequence sets are the fundamental building blocks of sequences. A parasequence is a relatively...