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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 2,953 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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The Signal and the Noise: Forward Modeling of Allocyclic and Autocyclic Processes Influencing Peritidal Carbonate Stacking Patterns

Peter M. Burgess

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., The origin of high-frequency platform carbonate cycles and third-order sequences (Lower Ordovician El Paso Gp, West Texas): Constraints from outcrop...


ABSTRACT A Fluvial Series in the Middle Miocene of Kutei Basin: A Major Shift from Proto-Mahakam Shallow Marine to the Continental Environment, #90103 (2010)

Irfan Cibaj

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... cycles are common in outcrops. Deltaic succession A thick shale interval covers shallow marine parasequences and is interpreted as 3rd order Maximum...


Low Net: Gross Reservoirs of the Transgressive Shelf Systems in the Upper Mancos Shale, El Vado Sandstone, San Juan Basin, New Mexico

Lesli J. Wood, Tiffany Hedayati Benavidez

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

..., the fourth and fifth parasequences shows a backstepping character that varies from subtle to dramatic. There does appear to be a much shalier 6th...


Sequence Stratigraphy and Structural Trap Styles of the Tuscaloosa Trend [Abstract]

Kirk A. Barrell

New Orleans Geological Society

... stratigraphic analysis was applied to determine a physical chronostratigraphic framework by interpreting sequences, system tracts, and parasequences...


ABSTRACT: Sequence Stratigraphy in a Black Shale Succession: Recognition of Rising and Falling Sea Level in the Chattanooga Shale; #90007 (2002)

Juergen Schieber

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... to sea level variations allows definition of sequences and parasequences. Conodont data suggest that recognized sequences record fluctuations on a million...


ABSTRACT: Internal Architecture and Sequence Stratigraphy of Middle Mississippian (Visean) Grainstones, Eastern Missouri; #90013 (2003)

Eugene C. Rankey

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... to tidally influenced shoal to tidal flat. Facies group to form parasequences, generally manifest as cleaning-upward packstone-grainstone cycles...


Discriminating intra-parasequence stratigraphic units from two-dimensional quantitative parameters

Manuel F. Isla, Ernesto Schwarz, Gonzalo D. Veiga, Jerónimo J. Zuazo, Mariano N. Remirez

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

....earscirev.2018.11.011. High-resolution sequence stratigraphy typically deals with subseismic-scale analyses (fourth-order and lower ranks), focusing...


Hyperpycnal flow variability and slope organization on an Eocene shelf margin, Central Basin, Spitsbergen

Andrew L. Petter, Ronald J. Steel

AAPG Bulletin

... sequences are referred to as clinoforms despite containing multiple clinoform strata. The bounding shale layers are inferred to be fourth-order maximum...


Ichnology and Sedimentology Reveal Depositional Characteristics of Bay-Margin Parasequences in the Miocene Amazonian Foreland Basin

Murray K. Gingras, Matti E. Rasanen, S. George Pemberton, Lidia P. Romero

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... with orogenic activity in the Andean mountains. This activity is believed to have induced several fourth- and fifth-order cycles in other South...


Numerical Forward Modeling of Carbonate Platform Dynamics: An Evaluation of Complexity and Completeness in Carbonate Strata

Peter M. Burgess, V. Paul Wright

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and third-order sequences (Lower Ordovician El Paso Group, West Texas): Constraints from outcrop data and stratigraphic modeling: Journal...


Facies and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Late Permian Yates Formation on the Western Margin of the Central Basin Platform of the Permian Basin, North Ward-Estes and South Ward Fields, Ward County, Texas

Jim Mazzullo, Sharma Dronamraju, Ron Johnson, Wayne Ahr

West Texas Geological Society

... into evaporite-rich beds of the lower Tansill Formation. Two sequences and twelve stacked “upward-drying cycles” or parasequences are recognized...


Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional Setting of the Tiber Delta: Integration of High-resolution Seismics, Well Logs, and Archeological Data

P. Bellotti , F. L. Chiocci , S. Milli , P. Tortora , P. Valeri

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and Ponte Galeria sequences). The latter, deposited between 800 ka and the present, is made up of eight fourth-order depositional sequences, each...


High-Resolution Depositional Framework of the Paleocene Middle Wilcox Strata, Texas Coastal Plain

Liangqing Xue, William E. Galloway

AAPG Bulletin

... sequences (deposited within fourth- or fifth-order cycles) are picked where possible, but in most cases simple sequence boundaries are difficult...


High resolution sequence stratigraphy and geochemistry of Triassic upwelling zone deposits, northern, Alaska: implications for paleoredox conditions and paleoceanography - Abstract

Landon N. Kelly, Michael T. Whalen

Alaska Geological Society

... three genetic depositional sequences deposited during the Middle-Upper Triassic. Major transgressive surfaces, facies stacking patterns, and gamma ray...


Red Fork Sandstone of Oklahoma: Depositional History, Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Distribution: Abstract

Richard D. Fritz, Edward A. Beaumont, Larry D. Gerken

Tulsa Geological Society

... appears to represent one Vail-type third-order sequence. It can be divided into at least three parasequences which for the purpose of this study...


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