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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,953 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
High-Frequency Sequence Stratigraphy and Paleogeography of the Kenilworth Member, Blackhawk Formation, Book Cliffs, Utah, U.S.A.
David R. Taylor and Richard W. W. Lovell
AAPG Special Volumes
... of the Kenilworth Member are interpreted to comprise parts of two high-frequency sequences. A sequence boundary occurs within the Kenilworth and separates...
Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy of Cambrian Economic Phosphorites and Organic Matter-Rich Shales, Georgina Basin, Australia, by P. N. Southgate and J. H. Shergold; #91004 (1991)
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Abstract: Description and Quantitative Modeling of Oolitic Reservoir Analogs Within the Lower Kansas City Group (Pennsylvanian), Southeastern Kansas, by J. A. French and W. L. Watney; #91008 (1991)
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Abstract: Utilizing Orientation Data from Formation Imaging Logs: Examples from the Fluvial-Deltaic Ferron Sandstone of Utah, by S. J. Lutz, D. L. Nielson, and D. Thorn; #90993 (1993).
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Abstract: Comparative Stratigraphic Architecture in Coevel Cretaceous Successions from Utah and Wyoming: Implications for Controls upon Stratal Geometries, by R. S. Fitzsimmons, J. Howell, and S. Flint; #90937 (1998)
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Abstract: Comparative Stratigraphic Architecture in Coevel Cretaceous Successions from Utah and Wyoming: Implications for Controls upon Stratal Geometries, by R. S. Fitzsimmons, J. Howell, and S. Flint; #90928 (1999).
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Abstract: Evolution Of A Barred Barrier Island Shoreface Succession: Doig, Halfway &Amp; Basal Charlie Lake Formations (Triassic), British Columbia, Canada, by J-P. Zonneveld, T. F. Moslow, and S. M. Hubbard; #90928 (1999).
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Abstract: System Tract Bounding Surfaces, Lithofacies, Geometric Hierarchies and Stacking Patterns: Keys to Shallow Water Carbonate Interpretation, by Christopher G. St. C. Kendall and Luis Pomar; #90039 (2005)
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Abstract: Outcrop-to-Subsurface Correlation of the Blackhawk Formation, Uinta Basin: Sequence Framework, Shoreline Trends, and Gas Production, by May, Jeffrey A., Roger W. Falk, Donna S. Anderson, and Anne Grau; #90071 (2007)
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ABSTRACT: Evolving a Reservoirs Understanding through the Use of Field Analogues and Facies Associations: Case Study from the Niger Delta, by Robinson, Adam J.; #90135 (2011)
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ABSTRACT: Red Fork Sandstone of Oklahoma: Depositional History, Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Distribution; #90020 (2003)
Richard D. Fritz, Edward A. Beaumont, Larry D. Gerken
Search and Discovery.com
... Sandstone formed as a result of progradation across eastern Kansas and most of Oklahoma. It is one of several transgressive-regressive sequences...
ABSTRACT: The Depositional Response to Changes in Sediment Supply and Accommodation Space within a River-Dominated Deltaic System: An Example from the Pyrenees Member, WA-12-R, Exmouth Sub-Basin, Western Australia; #90061 (2006)
Carl Jonathan Stark and Stewart Easton
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... The late Jurassic (Berriasian) Pyrenees Member comprises ~200m of fluvially dominated strata, deposited within 3 unconformably bounded 4th order...
Abstract: Integration of Log and Core-Based Sequence Stratigraphy and 3D Attributes for Defining Stratigraphic Traps in the Eastern Rub Al-Khali, Saudi Arabia; #90319 (2018)
Darryl Green, Sean Rahati, Mohammed Salim
Search and Discovery.com
... carbonate-clastic system. Three main third-order sequences and five main parasequences (members) were distinguished. This work suggests the existence...
The Middle Cretaceous Urgonian Platform of Southeastern France: Chapter 32
Dave Hunt , Maurice E. Tucker
AAPG Special Volumes
... as compared to parasequences is characteristic of aggraded shelves where fourth- or even fifth-order sequences defined on the basis of platform-wide subaerial...
The Booch Sandstones (McAlester Formation, Krebs Group), Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma - Outcrops to Well Logs: An Introduction to Oklahoma Fluvial Reservoirs; #10210 (2009)
Neil H. Suneson
Search and Discovery.com
... parasequence represents a fifth-order glacioeustatic cycle. From base to top, each parasequence consists of a progradational stacking of distal-marine...
Relation of Eustasy to Stacking Patterns of Meter-Scale Carbonate Cycles, Late Cambrian, U.S.A.
David Osleger, J. Fred Read
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... is provided by a 4:1 bundling of fifth-order meter-scale cycles ( 96 ky) within fourth-order cycles spanning tens of meters ( 440 ky) within the Big...
Stratigraphy of the Mississippi-Alabama Shelf and the Mobile River Incised-Valley System
Jack L. Kindinger, Peter S. Balson, James G. Flocks
Special Publications of SEPM
... fourth- and fifth-order cyclicity. Posamentier and others (1992) describe the sequence stratigraphy of a small fan delta built in a roadside drainage ditch...
Complimentary Role of Seismic and Well Data in Identifying Upper Talang Akar Stratigraphic Sequences — Widuri Field Area, Asri Basin
John Armon, Bill Harmony, Steve Smith, Budiyento Thomas, Romina Himawan, Budi Harman, Pujiyanto Lukito, Lee Gilmore, Ichsan Syarkawi
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...) associated with Texas Gulf Coast depositional sequences suggests that fourth order glacioeustatic fluctuations of 10-20 m can be expected during the early...
Abstract: Sediment Supply vs. Accelerating Tectonic Subsidence: An Uphill Struggle for the Last Dunvegan Deltas; #90211 (2015)
Michael Hay and Guy Plint
Search and Discovery.com
..., and 32 outcrops reveal that allomember A comprises seven ‘parasequences’ (A1-A7, oldest to youngest) that record a series of high-frequency relative sea...
Insights into Reservoir Architecture and Play Concepts from Analysis of an Outcropping Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Shelf and Shelf Margin: Pennsylvanian-Permian Snaky Canyon Formation, Central Idaho
Matthew L. Tremblay, Eugene C. Rankey
West Texas Geological Society
... Hills, Idaho. At this location, the stacking patterns of the lower six parasequences include: 1) fewer crinoid grainstones, 2) more fenestrate bryozoan...
The Case for the Regressive Systems Tract with Examples from the Tertiary and Pleistocene of the Northern Gulf Coast Basin
Edwards, Marc B.
GCAGS Transactions
... downstepping event (Mitchum and Van Wagoner, 1991; Posamentier et al., 1992; Kolla et al., 2000), so that a fourth order cycle would be subdivided by fifth...
Parasequences in Third Generation (3G) Sequence Stratigraphy
Search and Discovery.com
Parasequences in Third Generation (3G) Sequence Stratigraphy
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Maracaibo Platform (Aptian-Albian), Northwestern Venezuela: Chapter 3
Volker C. Vahrenkamp, Raymond C. W. M. Franssen, Jurgen Grotsch, Pedro J. Munoz
AAPG Special Volumes
...-regressive cycles; numerous smaller scale (fourth- and fifth-order?) shallowing upward cycles; upper boundary well defined by drowning surface overlain...