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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,953 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Geomorphic Thresholds and Complex Response of Fluvial Systems--Some Implications for Sequence Stratigraphy
William A. Wescott
AAPG Bulletin
... transgression terminating each parasequence. Third-order and fourth-order geomorphic cycles form bed sets and beds, and fifth-order geomorphic cycles...
Facies Variability of the Oligocene Frio Formation in Growth-Faulted Compartments in Corpus Christi Bay, Texas
Mariana I. Olariu, Ursula Hammes, William A. Ambrose, Robert G. Loucks
GCAGS Transactions
... patterns and associated systems tracts in fourth- and fifth-order sequences using seismic sedimentology: Example from Corpus Christi Bay, Texas: American...
Abstract: Stratigraphic Trapping in the Rollins Sandstone of the Mesaverde Group, Mamm Creek Field, Piceance Basin, Northwest Colorado, by Cumella, Stephen P.; #90071 (2007)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstracts: An Emerging Viking Formation Tight Oil Play in South-central Alberta; #90173 (2015)
George Ardies
Search and Discovery.com
... poorly to welldeveloped conglomerate beds. The Viking can be sub-divided in the area into at least seven parasequences. Each parasequence is bounded...
ABSTRACT: The Control of High-Frequency Sequences on the Distribution of Shoreline and Fluvial Reservoir Facies: An Example from the Ferron Sandstone, Utah, by Coco Van Den Bergh, A. R. Sprague; #91020 (1995).
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The Case for the Regressive Systems Tract with Examples from the Tertiary and Pleistocene of the Northern Gulf Coast Basin, by Marc B. Edwards Search and Discovery Article #40063 (2002)
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Utilising Stratigraphic Driven Approaches and Simulations to Build Robust 3-D Geologic Models for Miocene Reservoirs, Josh Field, Niger Delta; #20389 (2017)
Taiwo J. Afuye, Osezele Osaele, Olatokunbo Ojo
Search and Discovery.com
... that will drive the properties models? This studies of the prograding parasequences sets from the Miocene reservoirs in JOSH field answers the questions...
Turbidite Facies Geometries, Quality, and Connectivity in the Cyrenaican Upper Cretaceous Carbonate Slope Deposits, Al-Athrun Formation, NE Libya
Khaled S. Amrouni, Sabra A. Alnaas, Ahmed S. El-Hawat, Michael C. Pope, Adel A. Obeidi, Aimen Amer, Hassan S. El-Bargathi, Osama Rahil Shaltami, Essa A. Elbileikia, Khalid A. M. Mustafa, Ahmed M. A. Al-Alwani, Mohamed SH. Abdalla El-Jahmi, Salah S. Abdelsalam El-Ekhfifi
GCAGS Transactions
... parasequences that consist of repeated centimeter-scale Bouma sequences made of four texturally distinctive depositional facies. The Al-Athrun Formation...
Glacial Eustatic Controls on Seismic Sequences and Parasequences of the Trinity/Sabine Incised Valley, Texas Continental Shelf
Mark A. Thomas, John B. Anderson
GCAGS Transactions
...Glacial Eustatic Controls on Seismic Sequences and Parasequences of the Trinity/Sabine Incised Valley, Texas Continental Shelf Mark A. Thomas, John B...
"A Comparison Between Sand- and Mud-Dominated Shelf to Shoreline Sequences Deposited Into the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway: Examples from the Cardium Formation, Kakwa Region, West-Central Alberta [Abstract]"
Deutsch, K.B., Krause, F.F.
CSPG Bulletin
..."A Comparison Between Sand- and Mud-Dominated Shelf to Shoreline Sequences Deposited Into the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway: Examples from...
Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy and Tectonic Influences on a Fluvial-Deltaic Lacustrine System: Fort Union Formation, Wind River Basin, Wyoming, by L. M. Liro; #91004 (1991)
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Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Mississippian Clastic Wedge in Kentucky and West Virginia, by D. L. Matchen; #91013 (1992).
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Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Pope Group (Chesterian) in Illinois, by S. T. Whitaker; #91013 (1992).
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ABSTRACT: The Cretaceous Bathurst Island Group - Its Exploration Promise, by Virginia L. Passmore, Barry G. West; #91020 (1995).
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Abstract: Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Sturgeon Lake Field, Alberta, by S. M. Mederos and T. F. Moslow; #90951 (1996).
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ABSTRACT: New Oil Trapping Perspectives, Torta-Maulpa Area, Eastern Venezuela Basin, by H. Peraza, J. Sambrano, and V. Villarroel; #91021 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Sequence Stratigraphy, Structural Styles, and Reservoir Characterization of the Tuscaloosa Trend, by K. A. Barrell; #90941 (1997).
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ABSTRACT: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Mississippian Frobisher Carbonate-Evaporite Sequence, Steelman Field, Southeastern Saskatchewan; #90007 (2002)
Arden Marsh, Hairuo Qing
Search and Discovery.com
... includes, in ascending order: ooilitic-peloidal grainstone-packstone, fossiliferous-peloidal wackestone-grainstone, argillaceous mudstone, dolomudstone...
ABSTRACT: Siluro-Devonian (F6 Interval) Reservoir Characterisation from the Ohanet and Dimeta-West Fields, Algeria; #90016 (2003)
Anthony J. C. Cave, Guy Philippe, Hocine Khemissa, Bruno Murat
Search and Discovery.com
... is organised as two stacked transgressive parasequences, and the flooding zones correspond to the floodplain or even bayfill sediments. Primary...
ABSTRACT: A Multi-Proxy Approach to Sequence Stratigraphy: Deeper-Water Epeiric Carbonates (Upper Jurassic, Southwest Germany); #90017 (2003)
Thomas Aigner, E. Link, J. Pross, M. Ruf
Search and Discovery.com
... composed of both shallowingand deepening-upward hemicycles. This is in marked contrast to the asymmetrical parasequences known from shallow-shelf settings...
ABSTRACT: Structural and Stratigraphic Controls on the Distribution of Hydrocarbons in the Greater Kinabalu Field, Sabah, Malaysia; #90061 (2006)
Andrew Cullen and Giles Phillip
Search and Discovery.com
... control on reservoir quality and hydrocarbon distribution. (3) Reservoir subdivisions of the 4th to 5th order parasequences from the standpoint...
ABSTRACT: Sequence Stratigraphy of the Pearl River Deep-water Fan Systems, South China Sea; #90061 (2006)
Xiong Pang, Changmin Chen, Ming Zhu, Yu Shu, Min He, Jun Shen, and Shiyong Lian
Search and Discovery.com
...-geography, (5) identifying palaeo shelf breaks and depositional sequence types, and (6) analyzing the temporal and spatial evolution of sequences...
ABSTRACT: Field Characterization and Analog Modeling of Natural Fractures in the Woodford Shale; #90133 (2011)
Henry Badra
Search and Discovery.com
... descriptions and fracture characterization. Key observations include: 3rd order sea level cycles from gamma ray parasequences, five distinct organic marine...