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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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AAPG Studies in Geology No. 50, (Section Title: Reservoir Permeability, Modeling, and Simulation Studies) Chapter 18: The Geometry, Architecture, and Sedimentology of Fluvial and Deltaic Sandstones Within the Upper Ferron Sandstone Last Chance Delta: Implications for Reservoir Modeling

T. C. V. van den Bergh and James R. Garrison, Jr.

AAPG Special Volumes

.... The retrogradational parasequence sets are shorter and thinner with a mean length/thickness of 397. River-dominated progradational parasequences have...


Distribution, Paleoenvironmental Implications, and Stratigraphic Architecture of Paleosols In Lower Permian Continental Deposits of Western Kansas, U.S.A.

John W. Counts, Stephen T. Hasiotis

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and clastic couplets, which are interpreted to be very thin fifth-order sequences. Fourth-order sequences can be inferred from the stacking patterns...


Lithostratigraphy, Biostratigraphy, and Magnetostratigraphy of Arikareean Strata West of The Continental Divide in Montana

Donald L. Rasmussen, Donald R. Prothero

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)

... sequence, and none appear to mark boundaries for finer (fourth-order or fifth-order) parasequences. Disjunct structural and erosional remnants of Cabbage...


Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the earliest deltaic shorelines of the Paleocene Lower Wilcox Group in the Gulf of Mexico

Mariana I. Olariu

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...) (Fig. 4). The regressive intervals of fourth-order cycles are further subdivided into fifth-order units that are bounded by marine flooding surfaces...


Volumetric Partitioning and Facies Differentiation within the Permian Upper San Andres Formation of Last Chance Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico: Chapter 17

Mark D. Sonnenfeld, Timothy A. Cross

AAPG Special Volumes

... Andres Formation (Permian) outcrops in Last Chance Canyon are interpreted to contain two large-scale, fourth-order depositional sequences, upper San Andres...


3rd-order Sequence Stratigraphy and Lithostratigraphy of the Bearpaw…Horseshoe Canyon Transition, Alberta Plains; #51079 (2015)

Ben Hathway

Search and

... and decreasing trends in wireline gamma-ray response were used to delineate up to 11 3rd-order transgressive-regressive (T-R) sequences within the Bearpaw...


Chapter 5: Geologic Framework of Willow Springs Wash Case-Study Area - Geological and Petrophysical Characterization of the Ferron Sandstone for 3-D Simulation of a Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoir (MP-02-6)

T.H. Morris, J.A. Dewey Jr., T.A. Ryer

Utah Geological Survey

..., these individual sandstones would be interpreted as parasequences. However, in a fluvial-dominated shoreline, autocyclic processes may produce...


The Second-Order Cycle, Carbonate-Platform Growth, and Reservoir, Source, and Trap Prediction

J. F. Sarg, J. R. Markello, L. J. Weber

Special Publications of SEPM

... as defined in outcrop and core is described in Weber et fourth and fifth order than more evaporitic basin 1 500 m Ross 1986 to the Aneth oil field...


Middle Pennsylvanian Sequence Stratigraphy of the Western Arkoma Basin and Bordering Shelves, Oklahoma and Kansas: A Model for Foreland Basins

Allan P. Bennison

Tulsa Geological Society

... to sequences, except for their short duration of about 0.2 m.y. These fit fourth-order cycles or systems tracts lasting about 0.08 to 0.5 m.y....


Workflow for Stratigraphic Characterization of Unconventional Gas Shales

R. M. Slatt, P. Singh, R. P. Philp, K. J. Marfurt, Y. Abousleiman, N. R. O’Brien, E. V. Eslinger

GCAGS Transactions

... of subregional mapping and identification of shale lithofacies. The lithofacies occur within three common vertical stacking patterns (parasequences) which...


ABSTRACT: Effect of depositional sequences on the enrichment of Chang 7 Shale organic matter

Tianshu Zhang, Bin Bai, Shizhen Tao, Yanyan Chen, Senhu Lin

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

...ABSTRACT: Effect of depositional sequences on the enrichment of Chang 7 Shale organic matter Tianshu Zhang, Bin Bai, Shizhen Tao, Yanyan Chen, Senhu...


Abstract: Transgressive Valley Fill Sequences: Implications to Sequence Stratigraphy and Petroleum Exploration

John C. Horne , Paul E. Devine , David M. Wheeler , Alan J. Scott

GCAGS Transactions

...Abstract: Transgressive Valley Fill Sequences: Implications to Sequence Stratigraphy and Petroleum Exploration John C. Horne , Paul E. Devine , David...


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