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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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ABSTRACT: 3rd-Order Subtidal Sequences in the Upper Ordovician Montoya Group, New Mexico and West Texas: A Record of Global Glaciation?; #90007 (2002)

Michael C. Pope, Jessica B. Steffen

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...ABSTRACT: 3rd-Order Subtidal Sequences in the Upper Ordovician Montoya Group, New Mexico and West Texas: A Record of Global Glaciation?; #90007 (2002...


Abstract: Lower Cretaceous Sequences at Dinosaur Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado: New Perspectives on Their Sedimentary History, Correlation, and Sequence Architecture; #90301 (2017)

Thomas R. Fisher, William W. Little, Lisa R. Fisher

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...Abstract: Lower Cretaceous Sequences at Dinosaur Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado: New Perspectives on Their Sedimentary History, Correlation...


Compaction and the Dynamics of Carbonate-Platform Development: Insights from the Permian Delaware and Midland Basins, Southeast New Mexico and West Texas, U.S.A

David Hunt, William M. Fitchen

Special Publications of SEPM

... platform sequence boundary separating the G 13 upper and G 14 Grayburg fourth order sequences platform margin margin and the San Andres G4 the 9...


Sequence Stratigraphy of the Bridal Veil Limestone Member of the Oquirrh Formation (Lower Pennsylvanian) in the Central Wasatch Range, Utah — Towards a Bashkirian Cyclostratigraphy for the Oquirrh Basin

David J. Shoore, Scott M. Ritter

Utah Geological Association

.... These depositional sequences are composed of from one to eight higher-order cycles herein considered parasequences. Within parasequences, basal slope...


Wellbore to Outcrop Correlation and Sequence Stratigraphic Evaluation of the Late Cretaceous Lower Ferron Sandstone in East Central Utah, U.S.A., #50559 (2012)

Tore Klausen, John A. Howell

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... to aggradational shoreface parasequences which prograded in an east to south-easterly direction. Modelling also suggests that a series of outcrops...


The lower Aptian Shuaiba carbonate outcrops in Jebel Akhdar, northern Oman: Impact on static modeling for Shuaiba petroleum reservoirs

J. Borgomano, J.-P. Masse, S. Al Maskiry

AAPG Bulletin

... stratigraphic framework. They can be considered as parasequence sets with a possible duration equivalent to fifth-order to sixth-order stratigraphic...


Parasequence Geometry as a Control on Permeability Evolution: Examples from the San Andres and Grayburg Formations in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico: Chapter 19

Susan D. Hovorka, H. S. Nance, Charles Kerans

AAPG Special Volumes

... dolostone and a few quartz sandstone beds that are concentrated mainly in the upper 30 m of the section. Four unconformity-bounded fourth-order sequences...


Depositional and Stratigraphic Architecture of the Santonian Emery Sandstone of the Mancos Shale: Implications for Late Cretaceous Evolution of the Western Interior Foreland Basin of Central Utah, U.S.A.

Chris M. Edwards, John A. Howell, Stephen S. Flint

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Plateau of central Utah. Shoreface parasequences are composed of coarsening-upward successions of hummocky cross-stratified and intensely bioturbated...


Spatial Variability of Source Rocks: A Critical Element for Defining the Petroleum System of Pennsylvanian Carbonate Reservoirs of the Paradox Basin, SE Utah

John M. Guthrie, Kevin M. Bohacs

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... and fifty locations. The source rocks were subdivided into parasequences and sequences using detailed lithological variations, sedimentary structures...


Facies, Backwater Limits, and Paleohydraulic Analysis of Rivers in a Forced-regressive, Compound Incised Valley, Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Utah, U.s.a.

Stephanie Kimmerle, Janok P. Bhattacharya

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...). The present study is located in the Ferron Notom Delta, which prograded to the northeast and contains a record of six sequences, or fourth-order eustatic cycles...


Sequence Stratigraphic Concepts

Charles Kerans, Scott W. Tinker

Special Publications of SEPM

... of correlation across large areas of the craton (Fig. 1.1). We now call these 2nd order sequences. The second major evolutionary step in the conceptual...


Novel Workflow in Modeling Cycles of a Complex Carbonate Reservoirs, Coupling Sequence Stratigraphy and Geostatistics Techniques, #42556 (2020)

Andi A. B. Salahuddin, Reem Al Ali, Karem Khan, Khaled E. Al Hammadi, Nidhal M. Aljneibi

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... on the composition, micro texture, pore system, lithofacies, and diagenetic overprint of the reservoir. HRSS interpretation identified six fifth order...


Facies and Stratigraphic Sequences Analysis Based on Well Log, Mud Log, and 2D Seismic Data of GHC Field, Baong Formation, Aru Sub-Basin, North Sumatera Basin

Rizka Alifia Winarni, Yusmansyah Siregar, Dinda Novia Ramadani

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., Transgressive Surface (TS) is the boundary between LST and TST, and Maximum Flooding Surface is the upper boundary of TST. Based on fourth-order sequence...


Paleosols of the Upper Devonian Foreknobs Formation of Western Virginia and Eastern West Virginia; #50903 (2013)

Dennis O. Terry, Wilson McClung, and Kenneth A. Eriksson

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... by W. McClung 5th order Parasequences: - Distal: more gradational DIR to PIR/Shoreface - Proximal: DIR to fluvial separated by subaerial unconformities...


Sequence stratigraphy and depositional environments of the Shamokin (Union Springs) Member, Marcellus Formation, and associated strata in the middle Appalachian Basin

Daniel Kohl, Rudy Slingerland, Mike Arthur, Reed Bracht, Terry Engelder

AAPG Bulletin

... and the underlying Onondaga Formation compose a single third-order depositional sequence. Within this sequence, we identify 10 parasequences, 3 associated...


"Stratigraphic Architecture of the Cardium Formation in the Pembina Field, West-Central Alberta [Abstract]"

Joiner, S.D., Krause, F.F.

CSPG Bulletin

... lobate, offlapping and prograding parasequences with an average southeast offlap direction. As presently mapped, the lobate parasequences cover...



Andrew S. Madof

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..., The Mount Garfield Formation of western Colorado, which is composed (in ascending order) of the Corcoran Sandstone, Cozzette Sandstone...


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