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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,953 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy on the Development Geology Scale: Outcrop and Subsurface Examples from the Permian Grayburg Formation, Permian Basin, by R. F. Lindsay; #90986 (1994).
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Analysis of Cretaceous Bedding Cycles in an Onshore-Offshore Transect of the Western Interior Basin, by B. B. Sageman; #90986 (1994).
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Albian to Maastrichtian Sequence Stratigraphy of Central Colombia: Implications for Eustasy and Tectonics in an Evolving Continental Margin, by T. Villamil; #90986 (1994).
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ABSTRACT: Cyclostratigraphy and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous Cupido Formation, Northeastern Mexico, by Maya Elrick; #91020 (1995).
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Abstract: Integrated Reservoir Study - M/T Structure Offshore Abu Dhabi, by G. Cartier, J. Tachet Des Combes, T. H. Hassan, and S. R. Azer; #90956 (1995).
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ABSTRACT: Neogene Record of Rifting and Breakup in the Salton Trough, SE California: Limits on Sequence Analysis, by Susan M. Kidwell; #91019 (1996)
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ABSTRACT: Predicting Reservoir Distribution From High Frequency Cyclic Events, Green Canyon 18 Field, Gulf of Mexico, by Vinod R. Mathur; #91019 (1996)
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Abstract: Bedset-Scale Facies Architecture and Reservoir Compartmentalisation in the Rannoch and Etive Formations, Lower Brent Group, UK North Sea, by G. Hampson and H. Johnson; #90937 (1998)
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Abstract: Bedset-Scale Facies Architecture and Reservoir Compartmentalisation in the Rannoch and Etive Formations, Lower Brent Group, UK North Sea, by G. Hampson and H. Johnson; #90928 (1999).
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Abstract: Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of a Proximal, Aggradational Shoreface System: The Bacon Ridge Sandstone, Teton County, Wyoming, by Andrew Leier and James R. Steidtmann; #90914(2000)
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ABSTRACT: Sequence Stratigraphy, Biostratigraphy and Depositional Systems in the Cainozoic Gambier Basin, Southern Australia, by R. M. Pollock; #90909 (2000)
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ABSTRACT: Deltaic Sandbody Connectivity: Sequence Stratigraphic-based Insights From 3-D Reservoir Modeling Studies, Sunrise-Troubadour Fields, Australia, by R. Bruce Ainsworth; #90906(2001)
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ABSTRACT: 2nd-Order Sequence Stratigraphy of Late Middle to Late Ordovician Montoya Group, southern New Mexico and West Texas, by Michael C. Pope, Daniel M. Hunter, Jessica B. Steffan, and Bryn E. Clark; #90906(2001)
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Abstract: High Resolution Reservoir Model Development: A Case Study from the Barrow Delta, Exmouth Sub-Basin, Western Australia, by Stewart Easton and Carl Jonathan Stark; #90039 (2005)
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Abstract: Ecological Accommodation; A Key to the Interpretation of Carbonate Platform Architecture Variability, by Luis Pomar and Christopher G. St. C. Kendall; #90078 (2008)
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Abstract: “How Is the Barnett Shale Stratified? Extracting the Answer from Cores and Logs…”, by Prerna Singh, Roger M. Slatt, Chandra Rai, and Chris Stamm; #90078 (2008)
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Abstract: Deposition and Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of Late Devonian Black Shales in the Eastern Us, by Juergen Schieber; #90078 (2008)
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Abstract: Geologic Controls from Sequence Stacking and Architecture of Eocene Siliciclastic Deposits in Upper Assam Foreland Basin, India, by Mayadhar Sahoo and Kshetradhar Gogoi; #90081 (2008)
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