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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,953 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of the Mississippian of the Appalachian and Illinois Basins
A. Al-Tawil, L. B. Smith, A. B. Khetani, T. Wynn, J. F. Read
Kansas Geological Society
... dominantly siliciclastic units (Pennington and equivalent units). Between nine and eleven fourth-order Chesterian sequences can be traced between...
Abstract: Characterization And Modeling Of The Carboniferous Reservoir D2 Of Edjeleh Field, Algeria, by A. Benbakir and H. Mammeri; #90928 (1999).
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ABSTRACT: Permo-Triassic Upper Khuff Carbonate Sequences, Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia, by Al-Dukhayyil, Raed; Read, J. Fred; Al-Tawil, Aus; #90141 (2012)
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Recognizing Exposure, Drowning, and "Missed Beats": Platform-Interior To Platform-Margin Sequence Stratigraphy of Middle Ordovician Limestones, East Tennessee
D. Mark Steinhauff, Kenneth R. Walker
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... surfaces within many fourth-order subsequences. These form fifth-order sequences comparable in scale to the parasequences of other authors (Read et al...
ABSTRACT: High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of Late Mississippian (Chesterian) Carbonate and Mixed Carbonate-clastic Reservoir Facies in the Illinois Basin: An Outcrop and Core Study
Langhorne B. Smith, J. Fred Read
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... and incised valleys. The 4th -order sequences are composed of 5thorder parasequences that can be correlated basin-wide. Parasequences in the basal, dominantly...
Abstract: Grayburg Formation (Permian - Guadalupian): Utilization of Reservoir Characterization Studies, Sequence Stratigraphy and Outcrop Studies to Resolve Waterflood Production Problems, Eunice Monument South Unit, Lea County, New Mexico
Robert F. Lindsay, Richard H. Jones
West Texas Geological Society
...-upward fifth-order parasequences of interbedded carbonates and siliciclastics. These parasequences consist of a dominant carbonate component...
Silesian Sequence Stratigraphy, Sandstone Body Development and Prediction, Northwest Europe, by A. Hartley; #90986 (1994).
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The Upper Cretaceous Muskiki, Mistanusk and Bad Heart Formations: Relative Sea Level Control on Stratigraphy and Sedimentology: Abstract
B. Norris, A. G. Plint
CSPG Special Publications
.... Outcrop sections consist of several coarsening-upward sequences (parasequences) within an overall upward coarsening, prograding clastic shoreline system...
ABSTRACT: Stratigraphic and Diagenetic Controls on the Distribution of Reservoir Properties in the Devonian Nisku Formation at Joffre Field, Alberta, by Abdul Al-Bastaki, John D. Humphrey, and Clyde H. Moore; #91019 (1996)
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Cyclic Ramp-to-Basin Carbonate Deposits, Lower Mississippian, Wyoming and Montana: A Combined Field and Computer Modeling Study
Maya Elrick, J. Fred Read
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... durations), fourth-order cycles or parasequences (0.1-1.0 m.y.), fifth-order cycles or parasequences (0.01-0.1 m.y.; Vail et al. 1977), and decimeter...
PowerPoint Presentation
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"Triassic in the Peace River Area, Townships 67-90, Ranges 1-15 W6M: Sequence Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbon Evaluation [Abstract]"
Hashemi, M.E.
CSPG Bulletin
...-Montney/pre-Nordegg sequence in the study area comprises four parasequences, separated by three unconformities of a regional magnitude, which are (base...
Abstract: A High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of High-Frequency Sequences: Cozzette Sandstone, Mount Garfield Formation, Book Cliffs, Colorado, by Andrew S. Madof and Diane L. Kamola; #90039 (2005)
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Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous Alluvial Plain Facies Tuscaloosa Formation, eastern Alabama
David T. King, Jr.
GCAGS Transactions
... drainage basin, and as a result numerous fourth-order parasequences, consisting of fining-upward sequences bounded by surfaces of thalweg scour...
Application of High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy to Tidally Influenced Upper Mississippian Carbonates, Illinois Basin
Langhorne B. Smith Jr., J. Fred Read
Special Publications of SEPM
... SETTING basin wide sections of the Ste magnitude of third order of lhe fourth order and fifth order 1996 from be whereas the parasequences...
Abstract: Third-Order Vertical Variations in Parasequence Character of the Lower Gray Craggy Member, Katakturuk Dolomite (Proterozoic), Northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska, by J. G. Clough and R. K. Goldhammer; #91012 (1992).
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Discrimination of Local and Global Effects on Upper Mississippian Stratigraphy, Illinois Basin, U.S.A.
Langhorne B. Smith, Jr. , J. Fred Read
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... extent and frequency of component parasequences suggests that they were likely produced by fifth-order sea-level changes (10-100 ky). The sequences may...
High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Setting of Mississippian Eolianites, Appalachian and Illinois Basins
L. B. Smith, A. Al-Tawtl, J. F. Read
Special Publications of SEPM
... and likely formed in a more humid setting Within third order and fourth order sequences the eolianites occur updip in disconformity bounded parasequences...
ABSTRACT: The Santonian Hosta-Dalton Sandstone, Hagan Basin, New Mexico: Outcrop Analog for a Shoreface Pinchout, by Johanna J. Moutoux; #90906(2001)
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ABSTRACT Unconventionally Conventional - Facies and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Upper-Devonian-Mississippian Bakken Formation Reservoir Williston Basin North Dakota, #90104 (2010)
Egenhoff Sven; van Dolah Aaron; Jaffri Ali
Search and Discovery.com
... setting the stage for the deposition of the upper member black shales. While the parasequences represent fourth‐order cycles, the shallowing from...
Abstract: The Sequence Stratigraphic and Paleoclimatic Controls on Microbial Carbonates of the Carbonate-evaporite Dominated Late Carboniferous (Moscovian) Paradox Basin, Southeastern Utah; #90153 (2012)
Gianniny, Gary L., Daniel J. Powers, Shannon M. Boesch, Amanda A. Peterson, and Jordan Van Sickle
Search and Discovery.com
... Stromatolites and Thrombolites In two of the fourth to fifth order sequences of within the third order Barker Creek sequence, stromatolites and thrombolites...
Ch.5 - Sequence Stratigraphy Concepts - The Influence of Depositional Environments of Coal Stratigraphy
John C. Horne
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
...). sequences and parasequences. Figure 5.3 shows curves for third-, fourth-, and fifth-order eustatic cycles, and a composite curve that combines...