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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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Abstract: The use of X-Ray Fluorescence for Sequence Stratigraphy and Geomechanics of Shale; #90224 (2015)

Jean-Yves D. Chatellier, Thomas F. Moslow, and Beth Haverslew

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... but it can be an excellent tool to outline sedimentary sequences, specifically facies associations and parasequences (similar patterns as with iron, see...


ABSTRACT Core and Log-Based Carbonate-Evaporite Depositional Sequence Analysis Late Ordovician Upper Red River Formation Western North Dakota, #90104 (2010)

Husinec Antun; Marvinney Kyle L.; Hoskinson Katie

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..., in  descending order, “A”, “B”, and “C”. The studied upper unit is characterized by extensive evaporites capping depositional sequences consisting...


Sedimentologic, stratigraphic, and structural evolution of minibasins and a megaflap formed during passive salt diapirism: The Neoproterozoic Witchelina diapir, Willouran Ranges, South Australia

C. Evelyn Gannaway Dalton,, Katherine A. Giles, Mark G. Rowan, Richard P. Langford, Thomas E. Hearon, IV, J. Carl Fiduk

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and Preiss 1987). We interpret four depositional sequences (DS1–4) superimposed on the Emeroo second-order cycle (Fig. 19; Catuneanu 2006). DS1–4...


Sequence stratigraphic architecture of the Lower Triassic Montney Formation, northeastern British Columbia, Canada

Greg M. Baniak, Thomas F. Moslow, Stavros Michailides, and Matthew G. Adams

AAPG Bulletin

... additional higher resolution parasequences within each of the primary third-order Montney Formation stratigraphic sequences within northeastern British...


Quaternary Sedimentation in the Molengraaff Paleo-Delta, Northern Sunda Shelf (Southern South China Sea)

How Kin Wong, Thomas Lüdmann, Christiane Haft, Alke-Marit Paulsen, Christian Hübscher, Jianhua Geng

Special Publications of SEPM

... the control of fourth-order sea-level cycles. Onlaps seen occasionally within a unit are interpreted to be due to autocyclic delta-lobe switching...


Barremian platform carbonates from the eastern Vercors Massif, France: Organization of depositional geometries

Hubert Arnaud, Annie Arnaud-Vanneau, Alexis Godet, Thierry Adatte, and Gérard Massonnat

AAPG Bulletin

... be interpreted at specific time periods during depositional sequences. The geographical distribution of carbonate cliffs, the high quality...


Integrating Depositional Facies and Sequence Stratigraphy in Characterizing Unconventional Reservoirs in the Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Turonian) Eagle Ford Shale, South Texas

Seth J. Workman, G. Michael Grammer

GCAGS Transactions

... (Schlager, 2005). Fourth Order Sequences (HFS’s) Fourth order cyclicity, with deposits often referred to as high-frequency sequences (HFS’s), correspond...


Lithofacies Architecture and Variations in Expression of Sequence Stratigraphy Within Representative Intervals of the Green River Formation, Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming and Colorado

Kevin M. Bohacs, George Grabowski, Jr, Alan R. Carroll

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... scales in the rocks: from the millimeter-thick annual varves, to meter-scale parasequences, decameter-scale depositional sequences, and kilometer-thick...


Fundamentals of sequence stratigraphy

Wolfgang Schlager

Special Publications of SEPM

.... These authors proposed that the cycles of fourth order and shorter have the anatomy of parasequences, third-order cycles follow the standard model...


Unlocking Heterogenetic Facies By Using Sequence Stratigraphy On Sandy Fluvial Deposits Of The Lower Tanjung Formation Outcrop … Sandy Tide Estuarine Deposits Of The Middle Tanjung Formation Outcrop, Southern Barito Basin, South Kalimantan

Emanuelta Naibaho, Hendry Setiawan Lie, Febriwan Mohamad, Arief Pinandita

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... marine (?)). 2. Lowstand System Tract (LST) Lowstands System Tract show aggrading parasequences set and bounded below by Sequences Boundary (SB...


Abstract: Cambrian Biostratigraphic Events within Central and Northern Australian Basins

J. H. Shergold

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... parasequences of all the sequences recognised here, and is of global significance and extent. It is best documented in the Georgina Basin, but recognised...


Early Cambrian Progradational and Transgressive Sedimentation Patterns in Virginia: An Example of the Early History of a Passive Margin

Edward L. Simpson , Kenneth A. Eriksson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... Parasequences in the Hampton and Erwin Formations record lower-order eustatic oscillations superimposed on the third-order sea-level fall. AIGNER...


Quaternary “Compound” Incised Valley in a Microtidal Environment, Roussillon Continental Shelf, Western Gulf of Lions, France

Michel Tesson, Caroline Labaune, Bernard Gensous, Jean-Pierre Suc, Mihaela Melinte-Dobrinescu, Olivier Parize, Patrice Imbert, Vincent Delhaye-Prat

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... changes (fourth and fifth order cycles) remain hypothetical because long cores are lacking (Tesson 1996; Rabineau et al. 1998; Lobo 2000; Rabineau 2001...


Introduction to field trip

W. Lynn Watney, John A. French, Evan K. Franseen

Kansas Geological Society

... successions on the shelf. Cyclothems are considered to be the same as fifth-order (T-R) units (Busch and Rollins, 1984; Busch et al., 1985) with durations...


Three-dimensional Characterization of a Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoir, Lower Cretaceous, Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates)

Lyndon A. Yose, Amy S. Ruf, Christian J. Strohmenger, Jim S. Schuelke, Andy Gombos, Ismail Al-Hosani, Shamsa Al-Maskary, Gerald Bloch, Yousuf Al-Mehairi, Imelda G. Johnson

AAPG Special Volumes

... of systems tracts varies significantly based on position in the second-order cycle. Higher frequency (fourth- or fifth-order) cycles are best developed...


Ampera Outcrops: Key Reference on Understanding Vertical Deltaic Succession on Mahakam Delta

Dwi Charisah Andriyani, Ridwan Bima Arya

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... or 5th order sequences are identified (Figure 4). These units represent the progradational of individual delta lobes bounded by flooding events...


Road Log Day 2: High-Frequency Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Architecture of the Kenilworth Member of the Blackhawk Formation, Book Cliffs, Utah

David R. Taylor

AAPG Special Volumes

... construction in a foreland basin: storm beds, shelf sandbodies, and shelf-slope depositional sequences in the Upper Cretaceous Mesaverde Group, Book Cliffs, Utah...


Ichnological Characteristics of Brackish Water Deposits

S. George Pemberton, Daryl M. Wightman

Special Publications of SEPM

...). FACIES DESCRIPTION AND INTERPRETATION upward parasequences (Fig. 3) which vary in thickness from 4 to 17m. There are five of these sequences, four...


Sequence Stratigraphy of the Middle Miocene…Pliocene Southern Offshore Sandakan Basin, East Sabah

Robert H. F. Wong

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... boundaries. Each unit consists ofthird to fourth-order sequences which can be correlated from landward coastal plain facies to basinward bathyal facies...


Controls on Geochemical Expression of Subaerial Exposure in Ordovician Limestones from the Nashville Dome, Tennessee, U.S.A.

L. Bruce Railsback, Steven M. Holland, Daniel M. Hunter, E. Michael Jordan, Jennifer R. Diaz, Douglas E. Crowe

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... as parasequences may actually represent higher-order sequences (e.g., Mitchum and Van Wagoner 1991; Holland et al. 1997). The cluster of surfaces meeting Criteria...


ABSTRACT: An Application of High-Resolution Marine Chemostratigraphy as a Chronostratigraphic Control for "Mid" Cretaceous Oxygen-Isotope Records in Amalgamated Nonmarine Paleosols

T. S. White, G. A. Ludvigson, L. D. Young

Kansas Geological Society

... profiles. Correlation of these profiles uses a model for the development of geochemically defined parasequences which provides ~100,000-year resolution...


"Parasequence Architecture of the Upper Cretaceous Chungo Member and Milk River Formation in Southern Alberta [Abstract]"

Bhattacharya, J.

CSPG Bulletin

... a set of offlapping parasequences terminated by a widespread ravinement surface marked by chert pebbles. The parasequences downlap to the northeast...


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