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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,955 Results. Searched 198,253 documents.
Abstract: The Depositional Environment and Reservoir Characterization of the Taylor Sandstone at Woodlawn Field, Harrison County, East Texas
Jennifer N. Hoyt, Floyd "Bo" Henk
GCAGS Transactions
... parasequences, representing seaward progradation of shorefaces and subsequent flooding events have been identified and are mapped across the entire...
Eustatic Controls on Clastic Deposition Iconceptual Framework
H. W. Posamentier, M. T. Jervey, P. R. Vail
Special Publications of SEPM
... data are falls may correspond to fourth or fifth order (in the sense 122 H. W. POSAMENTIER, M. T. JERVEY AND P.R. VAIL FIG. 17.—Effect of relative...
Sedimentological and stratigraphic characterization of Cretaceous upper McMurray deposits in the southern Athabasca oil sands, Alberta, Canada
Greg M. Baniak, and Kelly G. Kingsmith
AAPG Bulletin
... these associated parasequences as B2, B1, and A2 sequences. The usefulness of correlating these parasequence sets across large areas has proven to be twofold...
No evidence for an unconformity at the base of the lower Castlegate Sandstone in the Campanian Book Cliffs, Utah–Colorado, United States: Implications for sequence stratigraphic models
Simon A. J. Pattison
AAPG Bulletin
... Mountains region: Denver, Colorado, Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, p. 190–228. McLaurin, B. T., and R. J. Steel, 2000, Fourth-order nonmarine...
Sequence Evolution and Sequence Extinction: Fusulinid Biostratigraphy and Species-Level Recognition of Depositional Sequences, Lower Permian, Glass Mountains, West Texas, U.S.A.
Charles A. Ross, June R. P. Ross
Special Publications of SEPM
... cyclic deposits (fourth-order depositional sequences) that record significant (more than 20 m) sea-level fluctuations. In contrast, the upper part...
Frontier Formation Stratigraphy on the Moxa Arch, Green River Basin, Wyoming
H. Scott Hamlin
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
.... The Second Frontier is subdivided into sandstone "benches" (Sh~pp Dunnewald, 1962; McDonald, 1973). The Fourth and and Fifth benches together comprise...
Sequence Stratigraphy of an Incised-Valley Fill: The Neoproterozoic Seacliff Sandstone, Adelaide Geosyncline, South Australia
Ian A. Dyson, Christopher C. von der Borch
Special Publications of SEPM
... distribution (Van Wagoner, 1991). Normally, deep water facies of backstepping parasequences or high frequency sequences rest directly above...
ABSTRACT: Clastic Sequences Developed During Glacio-Eustatic Sea Level Fluctuations on a Sandy Barrier Coastline, by Gail M. Ashley, R. E. Sheridan, R. W. Wellner; #91003 (1990).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of Santonian-Maastrichtian Strata in Surface Exposures of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico Area, USA, by E. A. Mancini, T. M. Puckett, B. H. Tew, and C. C. Smith; #90956 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Guidelines for Application of Stacking Patterns Techniques in Platform Carbonates From Ice-House to Green-House Periods of Earth History, by D. J. Lehrmann and R. K. Goldhammer; #91021 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy of Lake Basins: Unraveling the Influence of Climate and Tectonics, by Keving M. Bohacs; #90927 (1999).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Comparative Sequence Development of Arab-D Reservoir from Three Fields, Saudi Arabia, by Saad Al-Awwad, Khalaf AlTemimi, Langhorne Smith, Geraint Wyn Hughes, and James F. Read; #90078 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: 3-D Facies Architecture of a Storm-, Flood-Dominated Deltaic Lobe in the Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta Complex, by D. Garza, J. Bhattacharya, Y. Zhu, and W. Li; #90090 (2009).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: The Recognition of a Marine Flooding Surface Using Trace Fossil Assemblages, by H. L. Vincent; #90090 (2009).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Offshore Transport of Mud by Combined Flows: Upper Cretaceous, Western Interior Seaway, Northern Alberta, Canada, by Joe Macquaker and Guy Plint; #90124 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: New Correlation from SW Colorado Outcrop to Eastern Paradox Basin Based on Outcrop Gamma Ray and Conodont Biostratigraphy; #90106 (2010)
Kimberlee J. Miskell-Gerhardt, Gary L. Gianniny, Scott M. Ritter
Search and Discovery.com
... Group that was subdivided into nineteen unconformity-bounded sequences (Gianniny and Miskell-Gerhardt, 2007). This framework has been extended another...
Chapter 154: Applications to Understanding Shelf Edge to Base-of-slope Changes in Stratigraphic Architecture of Prograding Basin Margins: Stratigraphy of the Lewis Shale, Wyoming, USA
David R. Pyles, Roger M. Slatt
AAPG Special Volumes
.... The condensed sections form the boundaries of fourth-order stratigraphic cycles/parasequences. The average height of the clinoforms is ~400 m (~1300 ft...
Facies Successions in Peritidal Carbonate Sequences
Bruce H. Wilkinson , Nathaniel W. Diedrich , Carl N. Drummond
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and third-order sequences (Lower Ordovician El Paso Gp, west End_Page 1077----------------------- Texas): constraints from outcrop data and stratigraphic...
High-resolution sequence-stratigraphic correlation between shallow-marine and terrestrial strata: Examples from the Sunnyside Member of the Cretaceous Blackhawk Formation, Book Cliffs, eastern Utah
Roy Davies, John Howell, Ron Boyd, Stephen Flint, Claus Diessel
AAPG Bulletin
... and to demonstrate that the coal spans the formation of two marine parasequences and two high-frequency, fourth-order sequence boundaries. This study has important...
Facies Characteristics and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Oligocene Continental Shelf Deposits of Northern Taiwan
Louis S. Teng, Po-Ching Tai
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., the parasequences can be further stacked into progradational, retrogradational and aggradational parasequence sets. Associated with other characteristic...
ABSTRACT: Upper Jurassic Carbonate Ramp, Northern Mexico: Oolite and Lagoonal Limestone Analogues for Oil Reservoirs from Southeastern Mexico
Mario Aranda-García, Jose P. Zarate
GCAGS Transactions
... and volcanic rocks. Northern SMO carbonates and evaporites are underlain by a thick package of middle Jurassic salt. Depositional shelf parasequences...
ABSTRACT: Upper Jurassic Carbonate Ramp, Northern Mexico: Oolite and Lagoonal Limestone Analogues for Oil Reservoirs from Southeastern Mexico
Mario Aranda-García, Jose P. Zarate
GCAGS Transactions
... and volcanic rocks. Northern SMO carbonates and evaporites are underlain by a thick package of middle Jurassic salt. Depositional shelf parasequences...
Abstract: An Interpretation of the Depositional Environment and Facies of the Eagle Ford Shale from Karnes-Maverick County, Texas
Heather A. McGarity, Janok P. Bhattacharya, Robert E. Lamond
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... producers so it is crucial to understand their architectural elements and reservoir properties in order to maximize hydrocarbon production. Phase one...
Abstract: Outcrop-Constrained Characterization of Stratigraphic Architecture in Deltaic Gas Reservoirs, Lake Creek Unit, Texas
Edgar H. Guevara, Jeffry D. Grigsby, Noel Tyler, Nanette Kuich
GCAGS Transactions
... allow delineation of four parasequences. Each parasequence comprises genetically related depositional facies showing dimensions and spatial...