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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,955 Results. Searched 198,253 documents.
Abstract: Anatomy of a Parasequence: Quantitative Heterogeneity Analysis for Reservoir Modeling, Book Cliffs, Utah, by C. O'Byrne and S. Flint; #91004 (1991)
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Abstract: Micropaleontological Characterization of Parasequences in an Active-Margin Basin: Etchegoin and San Joaquin Formations, West-Central San Joaquin Basin, California, by M. B. Lagoe and R. L. Buehring; #91012 (1992).
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Abstract: The Impact of Sequence Stratigraphy on Thermal Operations within the Upper Miocene Potter Sand, Midway-Sunset Field, Kern County, California, by W. T. Fedewa; #90992 (1993).
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Abstract: Facies Architectural Analysis of Progradational Parasequence Sets, Upper Coal-Bearing Ferron Sandstone, Central Utah: Implications for Reservoir Description, by E. R. Gustason; #90993 (1993).
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Abstract: Permeability of Shoreface Sandstone Bodies in a Sequence Context: The Glauconitic Sandstone Member of South Central Alberta, by P. I. Okaro and J. C. Hopkins; #90937 (1998).
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Abstract: Shoaling Upwards Cycles (parasequences) in Middle Ordovician Carbonates of Southern Ontario, Canada, #90907 (2000)
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Abstract: Depositional Environment and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Dakota Sandstone (Lower Cretaceous) in the Ridgway Area, SW Colorado, by Hayet Serradji; #90070 (2007)
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Abstract: Local Tectonic Control from Parasequence Architecture: Upper Cretaceous Second Frontier Sandstone, Powder River Basin, Wyoming, by Boyan Vakarelov and Janok P. Bhattacharya; #90078 (2008)
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Abstract: Do Pennsylvanian Cyclothems Record Glacioeustacy?, by Dyer, Blake C.; Maloof, Adam C.; #90163 (2013)
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Abstract: An Eagle Ford Sequence Stratigraphy Model for Sweet Spots & Geosteering: A Case Study (with core) from Karnes-Maverick County, Texas, by Heather McGarity; #90202 (2014)
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ABSTRACT: Topographically Controlled, Mixed-Influence Top-Truncated Deltas: Turonian Wall Creek Member, Frontier Formation, Powder River Basin, Wyoming, U.S.A; #90013 (2003)
Charles D. Howell, Janok P. Bhattacharya, Adam B. Robinson, William R. Griffin
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... sections were collected and correlated over an 1800 km2 area on the western flank of the Powder River Basin. Five offlapping parasequences have been...
Shoaling Upward Cycles (Parasequences) and their Significance in the Black River -Trenton Carbonates (Ordovician)of Southern Ontario, Canada El Gadi, Muftah S. and Brookfield, Michael E. #90044 (2005).
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Chapter 13: Monterey Formation, Miocene, California, U.S.A.—A Cenozoic Biosiliceous-Dominated Continental Slope to Basin Setting: A Billion-Barrel Deep-Water Mudstone Reservoir and Source Rock
K. M. Bohacs, A. Ferrin
AAPG Special Volumes
...–204. Bohacs, K. M., 1998, Contrasting expressions of depositional sequences in mudrocks from marine to nonmarine environs, in J. Schieber, W. Zimmerle...
ABSTRACT: Petrography and Geochemistry of Dolomites in the Lower Cretaceous Edwards Formation in Taylor County, Texas, by C. L. Welch; #90909 (2000)
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ABSTRACT: Ichnology and High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of the Permian Pebbley Beach Formation, Sydney Basin, Australia, by K. L. Bann; #90906(2001)
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Abstract: Parasequences in Third Generation Sequence Stratigraphy, by Ashton F. Embry; #90039 (2005)
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Integrated Ichnology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Along-Strike Changes in Parasequences of the Lower Cretaceous Boreal Seaway, Central Alberta, Canada
Aaron J. DesRoches
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...Integrated Ichnology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Along-Strike Changes in Parasequences of the Lower Cretaceous Boreal Seaway, Central...
ABSTRACT: Shale Facies Stacking in Parasequences of the Cretaceous Blackhawk Formation, Book Cliffs, Utah; #90013 (2003)
Juergen Schieber
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...ABSTRACT: Shale Facies Stacking in Parasequences of the Cretaceous Blackhawk Formation, Book Cliffs, Utah; #90013 (2003) Juergen Schieber AAPG Search...
ABSTRACT: Sequence Stratigraphy of Bangko Field, Sihapas Group (Miocene), Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia; #90013 (2003)
Steven J. Johansen, Alwin Djamaoeddin
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... is a faulted anticlinal structure in the Central Sumatra Basin. Major reservoir flow units are defined by parasequences deposited in macrotidal deltaic...
ABSTRACT: High frequency cycles (parasequences) in the Edwards Group, Central Texas; #90021 (2003)
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...ABSTRACT: High frequency cycles (parasequences) in the Edwards Group, Central Texas; #90021 (2003) BRIAN E. LOCK, FRANCISCO CARDONA S., JAMSIE...
Integrated Ichnology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Along-Strike Changes in Parasequences of the Lower Cretaceous Boreal Seaway, Central Alberta, Canada
Aaron J. DesRoches
Search and Discovery.com
...Integrated Ichnology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Along-Strike Changes in Parasequences of the Lower Cretaceous Boreal Seaway, Central...
Abstract: New Interpretations on Chert Deposition and Porosity Evolution in Mississippian Cherts; #90309 (2017)
Buddy Price, Ahmed El Belasy, G. Michael Grammer
Search and Discovery.com
... is indicated by a large-scale shoaling upward sequence, from a mudstone-dominated to a grainstone-dominated system. Multiple shoaling upward parasequences...
Valleys, Estuaries, and Lagoons: Paleoenvironments and Regressive–Transgressive Architecture of the Upper Cretaceous Straight Cliffs Formation, Utah, U.S.A.
Brenton M. Chentnik, Cari L. Johnson, Julia S. Mulhern, Lisa Stright
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... Henry Member at Rogers Canyon (Fig. 1) as fourth-order or fifth-order parasequences (Van Wagoner et al. 1990; Plint et al. 1992). Table 2. Descriptions...