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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 2,955 Results. Searched 198,253 documents.

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Paleogeographic Reconstruction of an Arid Mississippian Coastline, Sherwood Beds, Mission Canyon Formation, Southeast Saskatchewan and North Dakota

Dean Potter

Williston Basin Symposium

... by sharply defined non-depositional surfaces" Intertidal and tidal flat sequences with vertical repetition of thin (up to 6 ft; 2 m) fourth...


In Praise of Older Cycles - Part 1 of 3

Rob Kirk

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...-and decided order 'sequences: This is a 'transgressive-regressive' that there was! (See also PN#112 and #113) 2009) we see two 1'' order cycles...


Use of a Large Database for Revealing a Complexly Compartmentalized Reservoir, Denver Basin, Colorado

Roger M. Slatt, Dwaine H. Edington, Anna A. Fursova

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... stacked shoreface parasequences within an overall transgressive systems tract. Best reservoir quality rock, and most production, occurs within upper...


Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy of the Group J in the Malay Basin and its Impact on Development Opportunities

Yap Kok Thye

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

..., which often exhibit quite different well log characters between wells. The lower group J is overlain by two thin depositional sequences (J-35, J30...


Road Log, Day Seven:

J. C. Van Wagoner, C. R. Jones, D. R. Taylor, D. Nummedal, D. C. Jennette, G. W. Riley

AAPG Special Volumes

... parasequences and tidal bedding are well exposed here. Both the lower and upper Tocito sandstone bodies at this locality show evidence of channelization...


Sequence Stratigraphy and Relative Sea-Level History of the Cretaceous to Eocene Passive Margin of Northeastern Venezuela and the Possible Tectonic And Eustatic Causes Of Stratigraphic Development

Johan P. Erikson, James L. Pindell

Special Publications of SEPM

... seventh orders Thus of third and fourth order regionally correspond there is extensive a near to fifth absence stratigraphic se quences...


A High-Resolution Local Sea Level Curve from Detailed Mapping of the Wales Sand Interval (Wilcox Group, Paleogene), Lasalle and McMullen Counties, South Texas

Prasertchai Phornprapha, John A. Breyer, Arthur B. Busbey

GCAGS Transactions

..., 1990). Most siliciclastic parasequences are progradational, and consist of upward-shoaling facies sequences that may either fine or coarsen upward...


Chapter 8: Chimney Rock Shale Member, Paradox Formation, Utah: Paleozoic, Shallow Carbonate-Dominated Shelf-to-Basin Billion-Barrel Source Rocks

K. M. Bohacs, J. M. Guthrie

AAPG Special Volumes

... of the enclosing coarser grained carbonate and siliciclastic facies. The study interval was subdivided into parasequences 1.5–4.6 m (5–15 ft) thick...


A Sedimentological and Sequence Stratigraphic Re-Interpretation of the Upper Cretaceous Prairie Canyon Member ("Mancos B") and Associated Strata, Book Cliffs Area, Utah, U.S.A.

Gary J. Hampson , John A. Howell, Stephen S. Flint

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... parasequence, but we regard the latter as weakly storm-affected-shoreface parasequences. The prominent W marker horizon, which caps the fourth...


The Mississippian of Southeastern Saskatchewan: Regional Considerations

Steve Halabura

Saskatchewan Geological Society

..., individual shoal sequences within discrete parasequences prograde basinward (west) with their eastern edges onlapping underlying depositional...


Unconventional Reservoir Facies Characteristics of the Montney Formation Resource Play in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin; #11029 (2021)

Thomas F. Moslow, Matthew G. Adams, Alessandro Terzuoli, Beth Haverslew

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... (Furlong et al., in press). The latter is the fourth of the four Montney sequences in the study area of northeastern British Columbia Internally...


Extended Abstract: Geochemical Analysis of Parasequences within the Productive Middle Member of the Eagle Ford Formation at Lozier Canyon near Del Rio, Texas

Timothy Shane

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...Extended Abstract: Geochemical Analysis of Parasequences within the Productive Middle Member of the Eagle Ford Formation at Lozier Canyon near Del...


Atokan and Early Desmoinesian Coal-bearing Parasequences in Indiana, U.S.A.

J. C. Pashin and R. A. Gastaldo, Erik P. Kvale, Maria Mastalerz, Lloyd C. Furer, Donald W. Engelhardt deceased, Carl B. Rexroad, Cortland F. Eble

AAPG Special Volumes

...). These intervals were deposited with an average frequency on the order of 105 yr. Such parasequences were previously undocumented in the Illinois basin...


Sequence Stratigraphy, Depositional Environments and Reservoir Geology of Wave-Influenced Deltaic Systems in the Lower and Middle Frio Formation, Redfish Bay, Corpus Christi, Texas; #50926 (2014)

Jinyu Zhang, William A. Ambrose, and Mariana I. Olariu

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..., Texas. This second-order succession is divided into 11 higher order (4th or 5th) sequences. Upward-coarsening parasequences display a transition...


Chapter 10: Canol Formation, Northwest Territories, Canada—An Outcrop-to-Subsurface Analog for the Paleozoic Horn River Shale-gas Play

K. Potma, R. Jonk, K. M. Bohacs

AAPG Special Volumes

... measured on the outcrops were used to assist the identification of key surfaces, parasequences, depositional sequences, and their correlation to the wells...


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