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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,955 Results. Searched 198,253 documents.
Back To Basics of Sequence Stratigraphy: Early Miocene and Mid-cretaceous Examples from the New Jersey Paleoshelf
Kenneth G. Miller, Christopher J. Lombardi, James V. Browning, William J. Schmelz, Gabriel Gallegos, Gregory S. Mountain, Kimberly E. Baldwin
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of sequence m5.8 as a composite of at least two higher-order sequences (Fig. 8). Above the TS at 477.52 mcd, log parasequences are generally retrogradational...
Relationship of Sequence Stratigraphy to Modern Sedimentary Environments: Example of the Mississippi Delta
John R. Suter, Ron Boyd
Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society
..., like the transgressive systems tract is composed of a number of fourth and higher order regressive/transgressive parasequences. Implications Common...
Teasing Out Parasequences in Highly Sediment Starved Devonian Black Shales
Search and Discovery.com
Shale Mechanics of Growth Faults in Deltaic Parasequences of the Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta of Utah, USA
Search and Discovery.com
Lateral Variability in Upper Slope, Shelf Edge and Shallow Marine Stratigraphy Along a 70-km Strike Transect: Karoo Basin, South Africa
Search and Discovery.com
Chapter II - Sequence Stratigraphy of Fine-Grained Rocks with Special Reference to the Monterey Formation
Kevin M. Bohacs, Jon R. Schwalbach
Pacific Section SEPM
...) is quite different from the proximal clastic system. Sequences in Distal Marine Settings Parasequences are defined as the relatively conformable...
Chapter 12: Mowry Shale–Belle Fourche Shale, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA—A Mesozoic Clastic-Biosiliceous Shelf System: A Prolific Source Rock with Associated Mudstone Reservoir Potential
K. M. Bohacs, O. R. Lazar, R. D. Wilson, J. H. S. Macquaker
AAPG Special Volumes
... surfaces, parasequences, depositional sequences, and their correlation through the wells. Figure 18 illustrates the correlation from outcrop to subsurface...
Sea Level High Stand Shales and Thin Stacked Deltas; Paleocene Middle Wilcox of Central Louisiana and Southwest Mississippi
John B. Echols
GCAGS Transactions
... portion of the Baker-Big interval for use in exploring additional sections of the Wilcox and deltaic sequences of different ages and locations. A TYPE...
An allostratigraphic framework for the Late Albian to Early Cenomanian upper Fort St. John Group across the foredeep of the Western Canada Foreland Basin, NE British Columbia
Piotr J. Angiel, A. Guy Plint
Bulletin of Canadian Energy Geoscience (CEGA)
...–370. Plint, A.G.. 1996. Marine and nonmarine systems tracts in fourth order sequences in the Early-Middle Cenomanian Dunvegan alloformation...
Analysis of Sequence Stratigraphy, Lemat Formation to Gumai Formation, GN Field, South Sumatra Basin
Guruh Ferdyanto, Edy Sunardi, Ismawan
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... is conglomerate sandstone, PSSB-1 is sandstone and MFS is marine shale. From this marker, sequences that have been found at GN field can be divided...
Tectonically Controlled Nearshore Deposition: Cozzette Sandstone, Book Cliffs, Colorado, U.S.A.
Andrew S. Madof, Nicholas Christie-Blick, Mark H. Anders
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... stacking. These successions are interpreted as shoreface–foreshore–swamp parasequences, and are erosionally overlain by fluvial and estuarine deposits...
Prodelta Hyperpycnites: Facies, Processes and Reservoir Significance - Examples from the Lower Cretaceous of Russia; #51367 (2017)
C. Zavala, M. Arcuri, V. H. Goitia Antezana, L. R. Arnez Espinosa, M. Di Meglio, A. Zorzano
Search and Discovery.com
... sequences (DS) conform prograding coarsening and thickening upward successions up to 100 meters thick, bounded by regional flooding surfaces. 2...
Sequence Stratigraphy, Frontier Formation, South-Central Wyoming: Eustatic and Tectonic Influences
Barbara L. Mieras
Wyoming Geological Association
... (Van Wagoner, 1985). Sets of parasequences commonly are contained within sequences. Systems tracts are three-dimensional constructs which show...
Depositional History of the Sunniland Limestone (Lower Cretaceous), Raccoon Point Field, Collier County, Florida
James A. Richards
GCAGS Transactions
... and 1984) and Van Wagoner (1985), three sequences and sixteen parasequences were identified. A sequence is a lithostratigraphic package deposited...
The Calcarenite di Gravina Formation in Matera (southern Italy): New insights for coarse-grained, large-scale, cross-bedded bodies encased in offshore deposits
Luis Pomar, Marcello Tropeano
AAPG Bulletin
... based on bedding patterns and facies architecture: embryonic parasequences, mature parasequences, and simple sequences. Parasequences formed during...
The Reservoir Framework
Mike Shepherd
AAPG Special Volumes
... parasequences. Parasequences and parasequence sets are the building blocks for depositional sequences. Individual parasequences show a predictable...
Chapter 11: Kimmeridge Clay Formation, United Kingdom—A Mesozoic Clastic-Carbonate Shelf-to-Intrashelf Basin System: An Outcrop-to-Subsurface Analog for the Haynesville, Vaca Muerta, and Bazhenov Formations
K. M. Bohacs, J. Macquaker, O. R. Lazar
AAPG Special Volumes
... stratal units (i.e., parasequences, systems tracts, sequences) and significant surfaces (flooding surfaces, key discontinuities). Correlate around...
Sequence Stratigraphy, Chemostratigraphy, and Diagenesis of the Miocene Carbonate-Evaporite Successions, Al-Jabal Al-Khdar Uplift and Soluq Trough, Cyrenaica, NE Libya; #51131 (2015)
Khaled S. Amrouni, Michael C. Pope, Ernest A. Mancini, Ahmed S. El-Hawat
Search and Discovery.com
... 2nd order supersequences (97 m maximum thickness); containing six 3rd order sequences, and at least 10 higher frequency 3rd order sequences. The TST...
Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of the Late Devonian (Frasnian) Duperow Formation in Western and Central Montana; #51648 (2020)
Chris Steuer, David W. Bowen, Chuck Calavan
Search and Discovery.com
... drill cores with associated well-logs, and forty-one thin sections were used to characterize facies, parasequences, and sequences of the Duperow...
Forced Regressive Tidal Flats: Response to Falling Sea Level in Tide-Dominated Settings
Patricio R. Desjardins, Luis A. Buatois, Brian R. Pratt, M. Gabriela Mangano
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... sedimentation and erosion in the subtidal environment. Subtidal parasequences of the Lake O’Hara Member are typically composed of thin-bedded mudstone and ripple...
Chapter 15: Last Glacial Maximum Depositional Sequence, Po River Plain, Italy—Ultra-High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of a Cenozoic Coastal-Plain-to-Shallow-Marine Foreland Basin
B. Campo, A. Morelli, A. Amorosi, L. Bruno, D. Scarponi, V. Rossi, K. M. Bohacs, T. Drexler
AAPG Special Volumes
... changesan integrated approach: SEPM Special Publication 42, p. 183–213. Lowrie, A., and R. Hamiter, 1995, Fifth and sixth order eustatic events during...
Reservoir Characterization and Optimization of the Permian (Leonardian) Upper Clear Fork and Glorieta Formations, Stockyard Field, Gaines County, Texas
C. L. Sembritzky, S. C. Atchley
West Texas Geological Society
... interval is partitioned into a progradational set of eleven parasequences that reflect superimposed short- and long-term periods of accommodation change...
Anatomy of Extremely Thin Marine Sequences Landward of a Passive-Margin Hinge Zone: Neogene Calvert Cliffs Succession, Maryland, U.S.A.
Susan M. Kidwell
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... is a complex set of fourth-order shaved sequences that rests erosionally and with slight structural discordance upon older strata. The overall...