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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,955 Results. Searched 198,253 documents.
Sequence Analysis and Sedimentology of the Gobernador Formation, Barinas Basin, Venezuela
Celia Bejarano
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
... and retrogradational stacking patterns and could be part of higher frequency (fourth or fifth order) sequence, considering the fact that Gobernador...
Abstract: Climate and Predictive Stratigraphy
Matt Matthews
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
.... This bias forces us to interpret entire stratigraphic sequences as being laid down under similar climatic conditions. In fact, climatic change...
Abstract: Source-Rock Preservation and Prediction Using a Sequence Stratigraphic Approach
E. C. Kosters, F. J. Jorissen, G. J. Van Der Zwaan
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... landward of the shoreline of maximum transgression (SMT). The Highstand Systems Tract (HST) consists of two parasequences, containing mostly laterally...
A New Play in an Old Basin: Integrated Evaluation of Cretaceous Gallup Sandstone Reservoirs in San Juan Basin, New Mexico
Stephen Sturm, Amy Richardson, Sophie Berglund, Yulia Faulkner, Tamara Maxwell, Barbara Pickup
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., 1995). Upward-coarsening sandstone parasequences are 10 to 20-ft thick, and rise stratigraphically from southwest to the northeast. Stratigraphic...
Abstract: Late Pleistocene-Holocene Sequence Stratigraphy of the Mississippi-Alabama Shelf, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico: Implications for Global Change
Steven J. Parker, Berry H. Tew, Ernest A. Mancini, Robert M. Mink
GCAGS Transactions
... within a framework of repetitive, unconformity-bounded depositional sequences and provides a methodology by which to study and understand stratigraphic...
Abstract: Testing sequence stratigraphic models through high-resolution 3D seismic imaging of Miocene foresets on the New Jersey shallow shelf, USA
Masoud Aali, Mladen Nedimovic, Gregory Mountain, Graig S. Fulthorpe, James Austin, Bill Richards, Neil Watson
Atlantic Geology
..., interval and volume attributes); and seismic stratigraphy (depositional sequences interpreted using objective geometric criteria). The estimated clay...
Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of a Shelf-Margin Lowstand Wedge in the Deep Wilcox Flexure Trend of South Texas, by J. W. Snedden, J. C. Cooke, R. K. Johnson, and K. T. Conrad; #91004 (1991)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy of Coastal Plain to Shelf-Slope Facies Tracts: Middle to Upper Pennsylvanian Cleveland and Marmaton Siliciclastics, Western Anadarko Basin, Texas Panhandle, by T. F. Hentz; #90987 (1993).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Organic Facies and Systems Tracts: Implications for Source Rock Preservation and Prediction, by E. C. Kosters, F. J. Vanderzwaan, and J. Gijsbert; #90990 (1993).
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ABSTRACT: Sequence Stratigraphyof Canon Del Tule Formation, Parras-La Popa Foreland Basin, Northeast Mexico, by N. Halik, K. Soegaard, H. Ye, and A. Daniels; #91021 (2010)
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Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Facies and Architectural Analysis of the Lower Campanian Muley Canyon Sandstone, Henry Mountain Basin, Southeastern Utah, by L. P. Birgenheier and C. Fielding; #90090 (2009).
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Abstract: Sedimentological and Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of the Marcellus Formation and Associated Strata, by Daniel R. Kohl, Rudy Slingerland, Michael Arthur, and Terry Engelder; #90124 (2011)
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3-D Forward Stratigraphic Modeling in Reservoir Quality Prediction – Arab-D Reservoir, Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia
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Oceanic Anoxic Events and Stable Carbon Isotope Records of Albian Adriatic platform, Croatia
Search and Discovery.com
Not all Shales are Created Equal — Obscure Fine Grained Intraclasts and Lithics and Possible Consequences for Reservoir Quality in Dunvegan Mudstones
Search and Discovery.com
Sedimentological and Petrographic Characteristics of a Mudstone-Dominated Succession Within a Sequence Stratigraphic Context: The Upper Cretaceous (Lower-Middle Turonian) Tununk Shale, South-Central Utah
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Deltaic Sedimentation and Stratigraphy of the Late Cretaceous Frontier Formation in the Southeast Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
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Parasequence variation in the Monterey Formation: Unraveling links between basin evolution and depositional setting
Search and Discovery.com
Integrated petrophysical characterization of the Nanushuk Formation on the North Slope, Alaska
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Evidence for Forced Regression in the Santonian-Campanian Eagle Formation in South- Central Montana; #90108 (2010)
Jörn Hauer, Oliver Oswald, Marc S. Hendrix, James R. Staub, and David E. Jarvis
Search and Discovery.com
..., the Eagle Formation consists of two depositional sequences with parasequences that thin and shale out to the east. The lower part of the Eagle...
ABSTRACT: Lithofacies Characterization and Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of Some Gas-bearing Shales within the Horn River Basin, Northeastern British Columbia; #90133 (2011)
Katie Hulsey and Roger M. Slatt
Search and Discovery.com
... interpretation of depositional environments for each lithofacies and their stacking patterns. The framework is at three time scales. A probable 2nd order...