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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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Abstract: 3D Forward Stratigraphic Modeling in Reservoir Quality Prediction … Arab-D Reservoir, Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia; #90254 (2016)

Rainer Zuehlke, Dave L. Cantrell, Robert F. Lindsay, Yousef Mousa

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... patterns, e.g., parasequence sets and high- frequency sequences at the scale of 5-10 m resolution, are predicted according to the actual subsurface data...


Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphic Correlation of the Bow Island Formation Using Surface Outcrop and Subsurface Data, Liberty and Hill Counties, Montana; #90301 (2017)

Michael S. Vineyard, Larry Smith

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... units, where sandstones coarsen upwards and are capped by mudstones marking a sequence boundary. Sequences coarsen-upward from offshore marine mud...



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Discontinuities in Mud-Prone Successions and the Role of Ichnology and Sedimentology, Permian Pebbley Beach Formation, Australia, #50644 (2012)

Kerrie L. Bann, Christopher Fielding, Stuart C. Tye, James A. MacEachern, Brian G. Jones

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... delta-front environments recording progradation of discrete parasequences, locally truncated by subtle erosional discontinuities overlain by estuarine...


A Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the Tide Dominated Lower Tarkeshwar Reservoir in the Lakshmi Field (Gulf of Cambay, India) to Enhance Field Understanding and Production Potential, #50647 (2012)

Satyashis Sanyal, Lesli Wood, Ankaj Sinha, Nikhilesh Dwivedi and Stuart D. Burley

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... sequences. Analysis of the vertical stacking patterns in the well logs revealed a series of parasequences through time. Electro-log driven seismic...


Sequence Stratigraphy of the Great American Carbonate Bank

William A. Morgan

AAPG Special Volumes

... Paso Group (Sauk III) in the southern Franklin Mountains. These sequences can be further subdivided into fourth- and fifth-order sequences (Bellian et...


Sequence Stratigraphy of the Scottish Laurentian Margin and Recognition of the Sauk Megasequence

Robert J. Raine, M. Paul Smith

AAPG Special Volumes

... be identified (interpreted as third order). The Sauk II supersequence can be divided into two sequences of 83- and 75-m (272- and 246-ft) thickness...


Sea-Level Changes and Stratigraphy of the Nelson Limestone (Middle Cambrian), Neptune Range, Antarctica

Kevin R. Evans , A. J. Rowell , Margaret N. Rees

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... limited exposures in the Nelson Limestone whether, in this setting they were produced by either small-scale (i.e., fifth-order) marine flooding events...


Deep-Water Depositional Facies and Reservoir Quality Evaluation Based on Fourier Analysis of Gamma-Ray Logs

Fillon, Richard H., Lawless, Paul N.

GCAGS Transactions

... stratigraphers will recognize this hierarchical relationship as similar to that between ordinal sequences, e.g., fourth- and third-order depositional...


Regional Stratigraphy and Reservoir Units of the Grosmont Formation, Saleski and Burnt Lakes, Alberta, Canada, #30147 (2011)

John Hopkins, Ken Wilde, Shawna Christensen, Kent Barrett,

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... depositional sequences within Member A. Member B is comprised of stacked parasequences of shale to calcareous nodular dolostones that thicken and become...


Using Ichnology to Determine Relative Influence of Waves, Storms, Tides, and Rivers in Deltaic Deposits: Examples From Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, U.S.A.

M. Royhan Gani, Janok P. Bhattacharya, James A. Maceachern

Special Publications of SEPM

..., V5A 1S6 Detailed logging of ichnological variations within parasequences of several Cretaceous (Upper Turonian) delta complexes from Wyoming and Utah...


Computer simulation of coastal-marine sedimentary sequences influenced by glacial-eustatic sea-level fluctuations

W. Lynn Watney, John French, Jan-Chung Wong

Kansas Geological Society

... in Quaternary sequences are about an order of magnitude less than this. The algorithm used to calculate a retardation factor is theoretically based...


Sequence-stratigraphic analysis using well cuttings, Mississippian Greenbrier Group, West Virginia

Thomas C. Wynn, J. Fred Read

AAPG Bulletin

... Greenbrier carbonate reservoirs in West Virginia. The regionally mappable sequences are fourth order instead of third order (cf. Weber et al., 1995; Al-Tawil...


Stratigraphic Setting of Transgressive Barrier-Island Reservoirs with an Example from the Triassic Halfway Formation, Wembley Field, Alberta, Canada

Andrew J. Willis , Thomas F. Moslow

AAPG Bulletin

.... The sandstone has porosities and permeabilities averaging 11% and 63 md, respectively. By using well logs and cores to correlate individual parasequences...


Sedimentology and Reservoir Architecture of a Synrift Lacustrine Delta, Southeastern Mongolia

Cari L. Johnson, Stephan A. Graham

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...-, and fourth-order contacts of Miall (1985). 2B elements are interbedded strata, and generally are tabular and laterally continuous over several meters...


Sedimentologic and sequence-stratigraphic characteristics of wave-dominated deltas

Gary J. Hampson, and John A. Howell

AAPG Bulletin

... sandstone facies, Frio Formation (Oligocene), Texas Coastal Plain, in Morton, R. A., and D. Nummedal, eds., Shelf sedimentation, shelf sequences and related...


Sedimentological Aspects of the Temburong and Belait Formations, Labuan (Offshore West Sabah, Malaysia)

Mazlan B. Hj. Madon

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...) separated by major bounding surfaces, some of which are erosional. These bounding surfaces probably correspond to the fifth order surfaces ofMiall...


Ichnology: Biogenic Utility in Genetic Stratigraphy

James A. MacEachern, S. George Pemberton

CSPG Special Publications

.... 104, p. 592–597. Plint, A.G., 1988, Sharp-based shoreface sequences and “offshore bars” in the Cardium Formation of Alberta: their relationship...


Ordovician Intra-platform Shoal Reservoirs in the Tarim Basin, NW China: Characteristics and Depositional Controls

Zhi-qian Gao, Tai-liang Fan

CSPG Bulletin

.... Sloss, L.L. 1963. Sequences in the cratonic interior of North America. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 74, p. 93–114. Steinhauef, D.M....


Middle Ordovician (Llanvirnian) Sea Level Change Recorded in Shallow-Water Carbonates (Yeongheung Formation), Korea

Chan Min Yoo, Yong Il Lee

Pacific Section SEPM

.... There are at least five third-order depositional sequences in the Yeongheung Formation (Fig. 3; sequences Y1 to Y5). All third-order depositional sequences...


Basic Building Blocks and Process Variability of a Cretaceous Delta: Internal Facies Architecture Reveals a More Dynamic Interaction of River, Wave, and Tidal Processes Than Is Indicated by External Shape

M. Royhan Gani, Janok P. Bhattacharya

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...) defined "architectural elements" as "units enclosed by bounding surfaces of third- to fifth-order rank." However, in this study we used the term...


Three-dimensional modeling of clinoforms in shallow-marine reservoirs: Part 2. Impact on fluid flow and hydrocarbon recovery in fluvial-dominated deltaic reservoirs

Gavin H. Graham, Matthew D. Jackson, and Gary J. Hampson

AAPG Bulletin

... been identified as an important control on fluid flow and hydrocarbon recovery in fluvial-dominated deltaic parasequences. However, they are typically...


Using the modern Colorado delta to reconstruct the compound clinoforms of the Pliocene Colorado delta

Fernando M. Rey, Cornel Olariu, Ronald J. Steel

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... the nearby modern Colorado delta as an analog system. The Deguynos Fm. exhibits at least 22 parasequences organized in 4 stratigraphic parasequence sets...


The Eagle Ford Formation in Outcrop, West Texas: Depositional and Diagenetic Trends in the Transgressive Systems Tract

Brian E. Lock

GCAGS Transactions

... in the subsurface as the lower Eagle Ford member; and a highstand systems tract (upper Eagle Ford), further subdivided into lower order depositional sequences...


Exploration Significance of Healing-Phase Deposits in the Triassic Doig Formation, Hythe, Alberta

Andrew Willis, Joerg Wittenberg

CSPG Bulletin

... des limites de parasequences dans cet intervalle stratigraphique sont marquees par une surface erosionnelle de ravinement avec un pavement d'un mince...


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