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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 2,956 Results. Searched 198,380 documents.

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Exploration Significance of Healing-Phase Deposits in the Triassic Doig Formation, Hythe, Alberta

Andrew Willis, Joerg Wittenberg

CSPG Bulletin

... des limites de parasequences dans cet intervalle stratigraphique sont marquees par une surface erosionnelle de ravinement avec un pavement d'un mince...


Transregional Sequence-Stratigraphic Correlation of the Maastrichtian Fox Hills Sandstone: Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Montana

C. B. Rust, J. L. Aschoff

GCAGS Transactions

... for clarifying paleogeographic interpretations for the WIS and the source-to-sink processes that produce large-scale regressive sequences that can form...


Abstract: Large Lacustrine Microbialite Bioherms from the Eocene Green River Formation: Stratigraphic Architecture, Sequence Stratigraphic Relations, and Depositional Model; #90153 (2012)

H. Paul Buchheim, Stanley M. Awramik, V. Leroy Leggitt, Timothy M. Demko, Kathryn Lamb-Wozniak, and Kevin M. Bohacs

Search and

... -- conditions not favorable for stromatolite growth. Basinward, a fourth facies develops, which comprises micrite and kerogenite. A depositional model...


Frontmatter & Appendices - Geological and Petrophysical Characterization of the Ferron Sandstone for 3-D Simulation of a Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoir (MP-02-6)

Thomas C. Chidsey Jr.

Utah Geological Survey

... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parasequences and Parasequence Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1-1...


Reciprocal Lowstand Clastic and Highstand Carbonate Sedimentation, Subsurface Devonian Reef Complex, Canning Basin, Western Australia: Chapter 6

Peter N. Southgate, John M. Kennard, Michael J. Jackson, Phillip E. O'Brien, Michael J. Sexton

AAPG Special Volumes

... margin of the Lennard Shelf and adjacent Fitzroy Trough has recognized 18 third-order stratigraphic sequences in a major transgressive-regressive...


Paleoenvironments, Cyclicity, and Diagenesis in the Outer Shelf Tansill Formation in the Carlsbad Embayment (Dark Canyon), Northern Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico

S. J. Mazzullo

Special Publications of SEPM

... and 3 shoreface admixed subtidal and peritidal deposits Two sequences are recognized in the sec ABSTRAcr Outer shelf carbonates in the Tansill Formation...


Road Log, Day One: High-Frequency Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Architecture of the Sego Sandstone in the Book Cliffs of Western Colorado and Eastern Utah

John C. Van Wagoner

AAPG Special Volumes

... of sequence boundaries will be presented. Sequences and their boundaries will be contrasted with parasequences and their bounding surfaces. The Upper...


Evidence for Sea-Level Fluctuation and Stratigraphic Sequences in the Council Grove Group (Lower Permian), Hugoton Embayment, Southern Mid-Continent

J. Puckette, D. R. Boardman II, Z. Al-Shaieb

Tulsa Geological Society

..., early highstand, and regressive sequence sets. Fourth-order sequences are listed in the right column (after Boardman and Nestell, 1994...


Integrated Characterization of Carbonate Ramp Reservoirs Using Permian San Andres Formation Outcrop Analogs

C. Kerans , F. Jerry Lucia , R. K. Senger

AAPG Bulletin

... and 20 high-order cycles. These sequences are comparable to the fourth-order sequences of Goldhammer et al. (1990, 1991). Eight HFSs are recognized...


Sequence-Stratigraphic, Petrophysical, and Multicomponent Seismic Analysis of a Shelf-Margin Reservoir: San Andres Formation (Permian), Vacuum Field, New Mexico, United States

Matthew J. Pranter, Neil F. Hurley, Thomas L. Davis

AAPG Special Volumes

... platform. The Upper San Andres composite sequence contains approximately nine fourth-order, high-frequency sequences. Only two of the nine high-frequency...


Sequences and System Tracts of Mixed Carbonate-Silicilastic Platform-Basin Setting: The Cenomanian-Turonian Stages of Province (Southern France)

Jean Philip

Special Publications of SEPM

... third order sequences and their correlative systems tracts encompassing the Early Cenomanian-Middle Turonian time. Distribution of facies...


High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Prolific Devonian Jauf Formation Gas Reservoir: Transgressive Tidal Estuarine and Regressive Wave-Dominated Shoreface Deposits, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Riyadh A. Rahmani, Ronald J. Steel, Abdulaziz A. Al-Duaiji

AAPG Special Volumes

..., paralic, and shelf deposits. We demonstrate the importance of the fundamental fourth-order shelf-transiting sequences and larger third-order host...


Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Kugmallit Formation, Nipterk Structure: Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, Canada

David P. James, Allan J. Baxter

CSPG Special Publications

..., August 11-14, Program and Abstracts, p. 91-92. Van Wagoner, J.C. 1988. Sequences and parasequences in siliciclastic rocks. (Abstract). In: James, D.P....


Stratigraphic organization of carbonate ramps and organic-rich intrashelf basins: Natih Formation (middle Cretaceous) of northern Oman

Frans S. P. van Buchem, Philippe Razin, Peter W. Homewood, W. Heiko Oterdoom, Jean Philip

AAPG Bulletin

...); third-order (0.5ñ3 m.y.); fourth-order, also referred to as high-frequency cycles, parasequences, or genetic sequences (0.5ñ0.08 m.y.); and fifth...


Capturing Multiscale Heterogeneity in Paralic Reservoir Characterization: A Study in Greater Burgan Field, Kuwait

Kalyanbrata Datta, Muhammad Yaser, Ernest Gomez, Y. Zee Ma, Jean-Michel Filak, Anwar Al-Nasheet, Luis Diaz Teran Ortegon

AAPG Special Volumes

... (Figure 6) display correlation of the fourth-order transgressive-regressive units across Greater Burgan. It is to be noted here that the fifth-order...


Chapter 8: High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture and Reservoir Characterization of the Mississippian Burlington-Keokuk Formation, Northwestern Arkansas

Buddy J. Price, G. Michael Grammer

AAPG Special Volumes

... sequences. Studies have suggested that these higher-frequency fourth- and fifth-order sea-level changes not only control facies stacking patterns...


High-Frequency Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Architecture of the Sego Sandstone in the Book Cliffs of Western Colorado and Eastern Utah

John C. Van Wagoner

AAPG Special Volumes

... of approximately 150,000 years, the approximate duration of a 4-th order cycle of sea-level change. For this reason, these sequences are referred to as high...


Detailed Facies Anatomy of Transgressive and Highstand Systems Tracts from the Upper Cretaceous of Southern Utah, U.S.A.: Chapter 9: Recent Applications of Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy

Robert D. Hettinger, Peter J. McCabe, Keith W. Shanley

AAPG Special Volumes

... parasequences, consisting of offshore and shoreface strata interpreted as the deposits of a highstand systems tract. In a landward direction...


A Sharp-Based Sandstone of the Viking Formation, Joffre Field, Alberta, Canada: Criteria for Recognition of Transgressively Incised Shoreface Complexes

James A. MacEachern , Brian A. Zaitlin , S. George Pemberton

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... comprises parts of three discrete sequences. Sequence 2 overlies an erosional discontinuity, termed BD-1, which is incised into underlying marine...


Sequence stratigraphy of a condensed low-accommodation succession: Lower Upper Cretaceous Dakota Sandstone, Henry Mountains, southeastern Utah

Jonathan Antia, Christopher R. Fielding

AAPG Bulletin

...-truncated stratigraphic sequences, the upper of which contains two parasequences. The basal parts of both sequences are composed of braided fluvial...


Understanding growth-faulted, intraslope subbasins by applying sequence-stratigraphic principles: Examples from the south Texas Oligocene Frio Formation: Discussion

Marc B. Edwards

AAPG Bulletin

..., from Brown et al. (2004, their figure 3), of major, third-order sequence elements, retaining their vertical exaggeration, but removing all fourth...


Effects of Variations in Subsidence and Sediment Supply on Parasequence Stacking Patterns: Chapter 14: Recent Developments in Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy

F. L. Wehr

AAPG Special Volumes

... of subsidence or sediment influx along a basin margin will influence the stacking of parasequences and systems tracts, and can cause boundaries between systems...


Characterization, architecture and controls of Cold Lake marginal-marine oil sands: the Grand Rapids Formation (Upper Mannville) of east-central Alberta, Canada

Hugo Pouderoux, Adam B. Coderre, Per K. Pedersen, David J. Cronkwright

CSPG Bulletin

... limites de séquences au dessus de chaque set de parasequences. Cependant, l’eustatisme demeure le principal facteur de contrôle dans la formation...


Stratigraphic Stacking Patterns of the Mahakam Area, Lower Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Irfan Cibaj, Bernard Lambert, Patrick Zaugg, Untung Ashari, Jacques-Antoine Dal, Patrice Imbert

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... order maximum flooding events (Figure. 9). Prograding individual deltaic parasequences form the third order Genetic Sequences. Thick distributary...


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