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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 2,956 Results. Searched 198,380 documents.

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The Bacon Ridge Sandstone of Northwestern Wyoming and Its Place Within the Larger-Scale Late Cretaceous Depositional History of the Region

Andrew L. Leier, James R. Steidtmann

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... to the parasequences of Van Wagoner et al (1988). The larger scale cycles, informally termed depositional sequences, are ~40 m thick and bounded by maximum flooding...


Why Do We Have to Care about Detailed Reservoir Characterization? We Will Break It All. Do We?

Federico González Tomassini, Damián Emmanuel Hryb, Guillermina Sagasti, José Luis Massaferro, Langhorne (Taury) Smith

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... Parasequences High frequency sequences Define by FS - FS TOC +- Calcite Clays Qz+FK+Plg Sedimentary Environment + Outer ramp to basin facies Outer...


Unusual Shoreface Sedimentology in the Upper Jurassic of the Boulonnais, Northern France

P.B. Wignall , O.E. Sutcliffe , J. Clemson , E. Young

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., inset, the preferred orientations of D. yoyo burrows. P1 to P3 are parasequences, whilst part of a fourth parasequence may be present at the top...


Late Oligocene Sequence Stratigraphy (lower Arcadia Formation) of Southwest Florida

Missimer, Thomas M.

GCAGS Transactions

... correlates to third order cycles 1.2 and 1.3 within supercycle TB1. The supersequence is bounded by regional unconformities with a hiatus of 2 million...


An Allostratigraphic Correlation of a Mudstone-Dominated, Syn-Tectonic Wedge: The Puskwaskau Formation (Santonian-Campanian) in Outcrop and Subsurface, Western Canada Foreland Basin

Y. Greg Hu, A. Guy Plint

CSPG Bulletin

.... Plint (1991) and Plint and Nummedal (2000) showed that simple sequences grade seaward into “parasequences” and the latter may therefore be a manifestation...


An Integrated Approach to Exploration and Development in the 90s: Well Log-Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy Analysis

Peter R. Vail , Walter Wornardt Jr.

GCAGS Transactions

... and confidence in its practice. In order to obtain consistently reliable results in well log-seismic sequence stratigraphy, a particular procedure must be fo...


Woollybutt 2001: A Geoscience Odyssey

D. J. Hearty, M. A. Battrick

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

.... This sequence was deposited in response to a fourth or fifth order sea level fall. Chaunel, sand bar and hay-fill fades are interpreted, each haviug its own...


Mechanisms for Forming Discontinuity Surfaces Within Shoreface–shelf Parasequences: Sea Level, Sediment Supply, or Wave Regime?

Joep E.A. Storms, Gary J. Hampson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Wagoner et al. 1990). Parasequences are generally interpreted to result from regional transgressive and regressive cycles with a period in the order...


The dynamic behavior of shallow marine reservoirs: Insights from the Pliocene of offshore North Trinidad

Nigel E. Cross, Zana K. Williams, Arman Jamankulov, Candice E. Bostic, Valini C. Gayadeen, Helisaul J. Torrealba, and Elizabeth S. Drayton

AAPG Bulletin

... (Figure 3). The scale of the individual regressive parasequences suggests that they are probably driven by fourth-order relative sea-level changes (ca...


Source-To-Sink Sediment Budget Analysis of the Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Utah, U.S.A., Using the Fulcrum Approach

Sandeep Sharma, Janok P. Bhattacharya, Benjamin Richards

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of sequences, which would suggest that each sequence was about 100 kyr in duration, and that parasequences were deposited on the order of 14–20 kyr...


From Bars to Valleys: The Sedimentology and Seismic Geomorphology of Fluvial to Estuarine Incised-Valley Fills of the Grand Rapids Formation (Lower Cretaceous), Iron River Field, Alberta, Canada

James R. Maynard, Howard R. Feldman, Robert Alway

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... sequences shown in Figure 3 are bounded by the dashed lines. Note however that higher order sequences are present. There is no discernable relationship...


Stages of platform development in the Upper Devonian (Frasnian) Leduc Formation, Peace River Arch, Alberta

George R. Dix

CSPG Bulletin

... hardground to transitional boundaries. Depositional sequences consist of 1) parasequences, or units tens of metres in thickness with platform-basin...


Foraminiferal Paleoecology and Paleoceanography of the Greenhorn Cycle Along the Southwestern Margin of the Western Interior Sea

Oona L.O. West, R. Mark Leckie, Maxine Schmidt

Special Publications of SEPM

... consist of 2 fifth-order parasequences, of which at least 37 were delimited by V. birchbyi (BM17) Leithold (1994) in the Tropic Shale and correlative...


A comparative study of reservoir modeling techniques and their impact on predicted performance of fluvial-dominated deltaic reservoirs

Peter E. K. Deveugle, Matthew D. Jackson, Gary J. Hampson, Jonathan Stewart, Martyn D. Clough, Thaddeus Ehighebolo, Michael E. Farrell, Craig S. Calvert, James K. Miller

AAPG Bulletin

... that captures facies architecture at the scale of parasequences, delta lobes, and facies-association belts. A sparse, pseudosubsurface data set extracted from...


Field Guide to the Sierra Diablo, Day Two, Stops One and Two

William M. Fitchen

West Texas Geological Society

... Reciprocal Sedimentation with Clastic Rocks Hierarchical Stacking of Parasequences and High-Frequency Sequences Carbonate responses to sea level...


Quaternary Facies Assemblages and Their Bounding Surfaces, Chesapeake Bay Mouth: An Approach to Mesoscale Stratigraphic Analysis

Brian Parsons,, Donald J.P. Swift, Kenneth Williams

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., parasequences, sequences; Vail et al. 1977 and many later papers). Between these end members is an intermediate region, described by the plastic term "facies...


Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy — A Summary and Perspective with Case History, Neogene, Papua New Guinea

J. F. Sarg, J. R. Markello, L. J. Weber, J. M. Thomson, J. J. Kmeck, M. E. Christal, J. K. Southwell, Y. Tanaka

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... The stratigraphic units deposited within fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-order cycles are high-frequency sequences and parasequences (Figure 9...


Sequence Stratigraphy of a Continental Margin Subjected to Low-Energy and Low-Sediment-Supply Environmental Boundary Conditions: Late Pleistocene-Holocene Deposition Offshore Alabama, U.S.A.

Louis R. Bartek, Brian S. Cabote, Tonja Young, William Schroeder

Special Publications of SEPM

.... The implication is that this system behaves on a time scale much shorter than the classic third-order and fourth-order sequences...


Sequence stratigraphy and regional context of the Mancos-Niobrara in the northern San Juan Basin

Walter W. Nelson, Stephen A. Sonnenberg

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... by Kauffman (1977), the Niobrara marine cycle is a third-order sequence comprised of four fourth-order sequences, which are called T7a-R7a, T7b-R7b...


Interpreting shoreline sands using borehole images: A case study of the Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone Member in Utah

Chunming Xu

AAPG Bulletin

..., the progradation directions of the shoreface parasequences vary from north to east with dominance to the northeast. The complex channel systems with diverse flow...


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