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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,956 Results. Searched 198,380 documents.
Calibrating Deposition of a Tropical Mixed System: Cibao Basin, Dominican Republic
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Core-based Interpretation of Parasequence Stratigraphy within the Cretaceous Nanushuk Formation, Umiat, Alaska; #90125 (2011)
Shimer, Grant, McCarthy, Paul, Hanks, Cathy
Search and Discovery.com
... from 11 wells led to the recognition of three distinct parasequences in the Umiat subsurface that roughly correspond to various informal units within...
Abstract: Depositional Setting and Potential Reservoir Facies in the Nanushuk Formation (Albian-Cenomanian), Brookian Topset Play, North Slope, Alaska; #90302 (2018)
David L. LePain, Kenneth P. Helmold, Marwan A. Wartes, Paul L. Decker
Search and Discovery.com
... stack to form coarsening-upward parasequences from 30 feet to over 100 feet thick that are typically bounded by flooding surfaces; amalgamated...
Abstract: An Integrated Litrho-Biostratigraphic Analysis To Evaluate Genetically Related Facies And Parasequences Within Middle Eocene Dtransgressive System Tract: Hazad Member, Gahdhar Field, Cambay Basin, Gujarat, India; #90315 (2017)
Swati Sharma, P.T. Prathimon, Priyanka Acharya, Akash Sharma, M. D. Sutariya, Raju Grover, B.K. Jha, Jagmohan Singh
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: An Integrated Litrho-Biostratigraphic Analysis To Evaluate Genetically Related Facies And Parasequences Within Middle Eocene Dtransgressive...
Deducing Shoreline Trajectories in a Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Depositional Setting, Upper Devonian Imperial Formation, Northwest Territories, Canada, #10430 (2012)
Rachael Acker, Stephen Hubbard, Thomas Hadlari
Search and Discovery.com
... and unconventional gas target in the subsurface within 10 km of the studied outcrop. The coarsening upwards cycles, or parasequences, are arranged into a series...
Facies, well-log patterns, geometries and sequence stratigraphy of a wave-dominated margin: insight from the Montney Formation (Alberta, British Columbia, Canada)
Vincent Crombez, Sébastien Rohais, François Baudin, Tristan Euzen
CSPG Bulletin
...), subdivided into several third-order sequences composed of multiple parasequences. Previous studies (Kendall, 1999; Markashin, 1998; Panek, 2000) and more...
Chapter 14: Green River Formation, Laney Member, Eocene, Wyoming, USA—A Balanced-Fill Lake System with Microbial Carbonate and Oil Shale, an Analog for Part of the South Atlantic Pre-Salt
K. M. Bohacs, G. J. Grabowski
AAPG Special Volumes
.... These depositional sequences contain many thin parasequences (on the order of 3–10 ft [1–3 m] in thickness) that record recession of the lake shore by desiccation...
Structural Style and Riftogenic Sedimentation Pattern of Muglad Basin, Sudan, Africa: A Sequence Stratigraphic Approach
Search and Discovery.com
Elements of a Stratigraphic Framework for the McMurray Formation in South Athabasca Area, Alberta
Michael J. Ranger, S. George Pemberton
CSPG Special Publications
..., Paper 52-11. Beckie, K.N. and McIntosh, R.A. 1989. Geology and resources of the Primrose crude bitumen deposits northeastern Alberta. In: The Fourth...
Temporal Evolution of Fluvial Style in a Compound Incised-Valley Fill, Ferron “Notom Delta”, Henry Mountains Region, Utah (U.S.A.)
Weiguo Li, Janok P. Bhattacharya, Chris Campbell
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...) documented higher order (fourth- and fifth-order) sequences and incised valleys in the same delta system and suggested vertical changes in fluvial style...
Terrace Inundation as an Autocyclic Mechanism for Parasequence Formation: Galveston Estuary, Texas, U.S.A.
Antonio B. Rodriguez, John B. Anderson, Alexander R. Simms
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... mechanism for formation of parasequences. If the rate of sea-level rise and sediment supply is constant, architecture of terraced incised-valley fills...
Scaling the Response of Deltas To Relative-Sea-Level Cycles By Autogenic Space and Time Scales: A Laboratory Study
Lizhu Yu, Qi Li,, Kyle M. Straub
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...: Science, v. 310, p. 1293– 1298. Mohrig, D., Heller, P.L., Paola, C., and Lyons, W.J., 2000, Interpreting avulsion process from ancient alluvial sequences...
Important Geological Properties of Unconventional Resource Shales
Roger M. Slatt
Oklahoma City Geological Society
.../regressive systems tract (Figures 11, 15). The ‘Parasequence Scale” comprises either higher-order sequences or parasequences within the Sequence Scale...
Climatic Cyclicity and Terrigenous Sediment Influx to the Early Turonian Greenhorn Sea, Southern Utah
Parvinder S. Sethi, Elana L. Leithold
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... PLINT, A.G., 1992, Fourth-order cyclicity driven by eustatic oscillations: evidence from the Upper Cretaceous of the Alberta Basin (abstract...
Local, Across-Strike Variability In Sedimentary Architecture And Depositional Processes in a Mudstone-Dominated, Shallow-Marine Succession, Book Cliffs, Utah; #51594 (2019)
Rhys M. Hamlyn, Kévin Boulesteix, Kevin G. Taylor, Stephen S. Flint, Rhodri Jerrett
Search and Discovery.com
... upward bedsets that stack to form 5m - 12m parasequences. The basal parts of bedsets consist of heavily-bioturbated homogenous fine-mudstone...
A Model for Storm Sedimentation from the Neoproterozoic Brachina Formation, Adelaide Geosyncline
I. A. Dyson
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
..., Adelaide, SA, Australia, 5005 Key words: Adelaide Geosyncline, Brachina Formation, facies model, sequence stratigraphy, Bouma sequences, hummocky cross...
ABSTRACT: 3-D Carbonate Seismic Stratigraphy of the Berrasian- Valanginian Minagish Field Region, Kuwait, by Al-Baghli, Maha; Pigott, John M.; #90141 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Organic Matter Deposition at High Lattitudes: An Example from the Early Paleozoic Tanezzuft Formation (Tunisia); #90313 (2017)
G. Gambacorta, V. Caronni, E. Antonielli, E. Previde Massara, A. Riva, P. Scotti, E. Trincianti, E. Erba
Search and Discovery.com
... Scienze della Terra ‘‘A. Desio’’, Università di Milano, Via Mangiagalli 34, Milan 20133, Italy 2 ABSTRACT The preconception that fine-grained sequences...
Extended Abstract: Tidal Depositional Systems in the Wilcox/Carrizo of Bastrop County, Texas: Sedimentology, Ichnology, and Palynology
Christopher N. Denison, Thomas D. Demchuk, Jennifer M. K. O’Keefe
GCAGS Transactions
... in Wilcox Group strata, Big Brown Mine, Texas: M.Sc. Thesis, Texas A&M University, College Station, 116 p. Galloway, C. A., 2002, Intertidal flat sequences...
Reservoir characterization of fairways in a tight light oil play of the Upper Cretaceous Cardium Formation, west Pembina, Alberta, Canada
John Adam Fraser and Per Kent Pedersen
AAPG Bulletin
..., this will not be examined by this study. The Cardium Formation in the Pembina Pool is composed of a series of offlapping fifth-order parasequences...
Facies Architecture of the Permian Park City Formation, Utah and Wyoming: Implications for the Paleogeography and Oceanographic Setting of Western Pangea
Michael T. Whalen
Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)
... documented shoaling cycle. Park City-Phosphoria depositional sequences are tentatively correlated with three mid-Permian third-order eustatic sea...
Stratigraphy and Geometry of Deltaic Reservoirs of the Paleo-Mahakam System: An Example from Sequence Stratigraphic Study of Nilam Gas Field, Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
F. Hasan Sidi, Shinta Damayanti, Hendra C. Baskara, Itung Turseno
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of cyclic sedimentation patterns in Nilam Field shows three distinct scales of sequences: (1) individual deltaic sequences (parasequences), (2...
The Relative Success of Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphic Concepts in Exploration: Examples from Incised Valley Fill and Turbidite Systems Reservoirs: Chapter 2: Recent Applications of Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy
David W. Bowen, Paul Weimer, Alan J. Scott
AAPG Special Volumes
... of shingled turbidite systems in the prograding complex associated with fourth- or fifth-order sequences. Brink et al. (this volume) also addresses high...