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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,953 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: Glacial-Eustatic Control of Coalbed Methane Reservoir Distribution (Pottsville Formation; Lower Pennsylvanian) in the Black Warrior Basin of Alabama, by Pashin, Jack C., Dorothy E. Raymond; #90026 (2004)
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High-Frequency Depositional Sequences and Stratal Stacking Patterns in Lower Pliocene Coastal Deltas, Mid-Norwegian Continental Shelf
Sverre Henriksen , Paul Weimer
AAPG Bulletin
... frequency is slightly higher than the maximum cyclicity of fourth-order sequences (80-500 k.y.), and at the upper boundary of fifth-order (30-80 k.y....
Abstract: Relating Sequence Stratigraphy to Lithostratigraphy in Paleogene Siliciclastic-Dominated Shelf Settings, Central-East Texas, by A. J. Davidoff and T. E. Yancey; #90989 (1993).
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Abstract: High-resolution Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of Khuff Carbonates (Central Saudi Arabia); #90310 (2017)
Ammar M. Adam, Osman Abdullatif, Rudy Swennen, Mustafa Hariri, Waleed Abdulghani
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... correlatable over the studied outcrops (about 70 km). The defined high-frequency sequences likely represent fifth-order cycles and possibly relate...
Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy of Carbonate-Ramp Sediments of the Upper Jurassic Smackover Formation, USA Gulf Coast Region, by G. J. Grabowski, Jr. and J. H. Anderson; #90987 (1993).
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ABSTRACT: Clastic Facies Architecture Associated with a Major Marine Transgression--the Mid-Cretaceous of the Kaiparowits Plateau, Utah, by Robert D. Hettinger, Peter J. McCabe, Keith W. Shanley; #91002 (1990).
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Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy, Facies Relationships, and Porosity Development of Middle Pennsylvanian Carbonates, Aneth Field, SE Utah: Integrated Outcrop-Subsurface Reservoir Description
L.J. Weber, F.M. Wright, J. F. Sarg
West Texas Geological Society
... from the outcrop to the subsurface. Systems tracts of 3rd-order sequences are comprised of 4th-order sequences and 5th-order parasequences...
Abstract: Case Studies of Parasequence-Stepped Ammonite Turnovers in Transgressive Systems Tracts (Jurassic, Vocontian Trough, France), by S. Ferry, F. Atrops, and R. Mouterde; #91004 (1991)
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Toward a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the Frasnian of the Western Canada Basin:REPLY TO DISCUSSION of M. Villeger
Ken Potma, John A. W. Weissenberger, Pak K. Wong, Murray G. Gilhooly
CSPG Bulletin
... stratigraphic framework for the basin at the third-order (0.5 to 1m.y.) level. We used description of fourth-(and fifth-) order cyclicity in core...
Sequence Stratigraphy: A New Look at Old Rocks
Norman J. Hyne
Tulsa Geological Society
...-order cycles is not known. Fourth-order cycles have a duration of 0.2 to 0.5 m.y., whereas fifth-order cycles are 0.01 to 0.2 m.y. long. These cycles...
High Frequency Eustatic and Siliciclastic Sedimentation Cycles in a Foreland Basin, Upper Devonian, Appalachian Basin
Jonathan K. Filer
Special Publications of SEPM
...-order Supercycle (Stacked sequences) Third-order Fundamental cycle Sequence, composite sequence) o .. Fourth-order Paracycle (Parasequence, high...
Sequence development influenced by intermittent cooling events in the Cretaceous Aptian greenhouse, Adriatic platform, Croatia
Antun Husinec, Charles A. Harman, Sean P. Regan, David A. Mosher, Rafferty J. Sweeney, J. Fred Read
AAPG Bulletin
... eccentricity bands, possibly reaching into the obliquity band for sequence Ad1. Thus, the mappable parasequences are likely fourth order. It also suggests...
Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous Alluvial Plain Facies, Tuscaloosa Formation, Alabama, by D. T. King, Jr.; #90950 (1996).
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Abstract: Facies and Cyclity of Barremian Peritidal Deposits, Southern Adriatic Platform, Croatia, by R. Sweeney, C. Harman, A. Husinec, and F. Read; #90090 (2009).
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Late Jurassic Callovian-Kimmeridgian Sequence Development and Carbon-Isotope Signature of Adriatic Platform, Croatia
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Sequence and Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy from the Aptian carbonate platform interior, southern Croatia; #90131 (2011)
A. Husinec, S. P. Regan, C. A. Harman, D. A. Mosher, and J. F. Read
Search and Discovery.com
... with down‐to‐basin differential subsidence. The parasequences make up three 3rd‐order sequences separated by sequence boundary zones of breccias...
Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy of the Ferry Lake Anhydrite, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico: Implications for Hydrocarbon Potential, by F. O. Amadi, R. P. Major, and L. R. Baria; #90090 (2009).
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Sequence stratigraphy and sea level history of the upper Paleocene strata in the Kopet-Dagh basin, northeastern Iran
A. Mahboubi, R. Moussavi-Harami, Y. Lasemi, R. L. Brenner
AAPG Bulletin
... sequences are parasequences deposited in the range of fourth- or fifth-order cycles. Sea level changes in the study area are interpreted from spatial...
Stratigraphic Patterns in Carbonate Source-Rock Distribution: Second-Order to Fourth-Order Control and Sediment Flux
F.S.P. Van Buchem, A.Y. Huc, Bernard Pradier, Marco M. Stefani
Special Publications of SEPM
... deposition was controlled at the third order and modulated by fourth-order and fifth-order sequences (Fig. 21), Ramsbottom (1977). Organic-matter...
Abstract: Superimposed Multiple Orders of Sequences Predict Reservoir Distribution in Stratigraphically Trapped Haynesville Carbonate Reservoirs, by D. M. Neuhart and R. K. Goldhammer; #91012 (1992).
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Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy of Tide-Influenced Deltas of the Torrey Member of the Early Triassic Moenkopi Formation, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah, by B. Hall and D. Kamola; #90090 (2009).
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Sequence Stratigraphic Correlation of Well-Log Cross Sections
James W. Mulholland
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... recognize sequences at the fourth-order level (durations of hundreds of thousands of years), and fifth order (durations of tens of thousands of years...