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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 17,507 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Abstract: Determination of Land Loss Rates in Coastal Louisiana

Louis D. Britsch , Joseph B. Dunbar , E. Button Kemp III

GCAGS Transactions

... Louisiana is losing land at a high rate. Causes for this loss include, but are not limited to, geologic factors such as faulting, subsidence, depth...


A Vacuum-Gasometric Technique for Rapid and Precise Analysis of Calcium Carbonate in Sediments and Soils: RESEARCH-METHOD PAPER

Glenn A. Jones , Peter Kaiteris

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... variations in environmental conditions by a series of correction factors, the precision is improved to ±0.25 percent. The largest variable in the system...


Notes on Compaction

George V. Chilingar

CSPG Bulletin

...., 1959, "Possible Factors and Processes of Primary Oil Migration," Trudy Vnigri, Vypusk 132, pp. 204-41. (Available from G. V. Chilingar.) Eremenko, N...


Conditions of Oil-Gas Formation and Accumulation in Pre-Paleozoic Sedimentary Rocks of the Central Regions of the Volga-Ural Area

E. Z. Badamshin

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

.... Commercial oil and gas have been predicted for these rocks. The principal geologic factors here are the ancient age of these rocks, their pinching-out...


Estimating Pore and Cement Volumes in Thin Section: METHOD PAPER

Robert B. Halley

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... accounted for. This last 7 percent most likely results from several factors not considered earlier in this article. Packing variations, while considered...


ABSTRACT: Geological Processes that Control Lateral and Vertical Variability in Coal Seam Moisture Contents „ Latrobe Valley (Gippsland Basin) Australia

Guy R. Holdgate

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... mined deposits at Yallourn, Morwell and Loy Yang. These new fields have coals with moisture contents over 10-20 percent lower than the currently mined coal...


Late-Stage Dehydration in Deeply Buried Pelitic Sediments

Edward A. Perry, Jr. , John Hower

AAPG Bulletin

... of the diagenetic reaction the illite-montmorillonite still contains about 20 percent hydrated layers which persist to tota depth in all wells studied...


Prediction for Development of the Oil and Gas Industry of Russia

V. D. Nalivkin

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... recoverable reserves. At that time about 17-19 percent of the initial potential oil resources of Russia will have been produced. Increase in production...


The Effects of Diagenesis on Reservoir Properties in the Lobo Sandstones, Webb County, Texas

Steven C. Alexander , Thomas T. Tieh , Robert R. Berg

GCAGS Transactions

... the sandstones range from 6-28 percent and 0.01-10.0 md, respectively. Porosity and permeability are dependent on depositional facies and diagenetic...


Uranium in the Phosphoria Formation

Vincent E. McKelvey, Louis D. Carswell

Utah Geological Association

... beds are uraniferous, but their uranium content ranges from about 0.001 to 0.065 percent. Although some highly phosphatic beds are only weakly...


Heavy Mineral Placer Deposits of Alaska and Yukon Territory, Canada - Abstract

T. K. Bundtzen, Steve Morison, W. J. Nokleberg

Alaska Geological Society

.... Approximately 78 percent of total gold, 98 percent of total platinum, and 96 percent of total tin output from the Alaska-Yukon regionhave been...


Effects of Variations of Stress-Dependent Hydraulic Properties of Proppant Packs on the Productivity Indices of the Hydraulically Fractured Shale Gas Reservoirs

Ali Takbiri Borujeni

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...) are ca. 0.03 percent higher than those with stress-dependent permeability and non-Darcy factors for a gas rate of 20 MMscf/D. Introduction Since its advent...


Oil Reservoirs

F. B. Plummer

Tulsa Geological Society

... by means of this formula, that with all other factors remaining the same, doubling the diameter of the hole increases the rate of flow about 10 percent...


Prospects for Exploration for Gas Accumulations in Southern Regions of Turan Platform

N. N. Solob’yev, V. A. Kuz’minov, L. S. Salina

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... variation in H2S content of the free gas of gas, gas-condensate, and gas-condensate-oil fields, ranging up to 5-6 percent. For example, in the fields...


ABSTRACT: Modeling Uncertainty in Discount Factors for Turbidite Channel Reservoirs; #90013 (2003)

Mark Barton, Frans Van der Vlugt, Pieter Slik

Search and

...ABSTRACT: Modeling Uncertainty in Discount Factors for Turbidite Channel Reservoirs; #90013 (2003) Mark Barton, Frans Van der Vlugt, Pieter Slik AAPG...


Abstract: Influential Factors on Rock Density of Typical Shale Gas Reservoirs; #90255 (2017)

Zibin Zhao, Dujie Hou

Search and

...Abstract: Influential Factors on Rock Density of Typical Shale Gas Reservoirs; #90255 (2017) Zibin Zhao, Dujie Hou AAPG Datapages/Search...


A Critique of Methods for Comparing Heavy Mineral Suites

Edward J. Young

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of grains for each size grade in each split, or by splitting, handling, or wrongly identifying the heavy minerals. A simple relative deviation in percent...


Global Energy Trends in the Long Term

William L. Fisher

Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society

...—coal, oil, and natural gas—to provide about 90 percent of our global energy, and we have used them in increasing amounts, cumulatively consuming...


Geochemical Characteristics of Oil-Gas-Bearing Lower-Middle Jurassic Complex of Southeast West Siberia

O. V. Serebrennikova, A. K. Golovko, A. M. Kazakov, V. P. Davyatov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

.... Sharapov and Nadoyakh Reservoirs Content of organic carbon in clay beds of the reservoirs has a wide range from 0.3 to 11.7 percent. In general...


Application of sand percentage to evaluate fault seal risk

Robert Shoup, John Jong, Franz L Kessler

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... is introduced to evaluate seal risk at the prospect scale by overlaying a sand percent map over the prospect structure map to help quantify seal risk along...


Modern Sedimentation in Black Sea: Sediments

K. M. Shimkus, E. S. Trimonis

AAPG Special Volumes

... are controlled by many factors, including inflow of terrigenous material, original size of source material, production of biogenic carbonate, action of currents...



Richard E. Carroll, Jack C. Pashin

Alabama Geological Society

... zone typically has high ash content between 15 and 18 percent. The stratigraphic distribution of ash in Cahaba coal may have some bearing on factors...


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