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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 17,507 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: Bolivia - Exploration History and Emergence as a Major Gas Producer, by J. W. Bissell; #91021 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Fourier Grain Shape Analysis as a Tool for Indicating Batch Recoveries of Bitumen from Athabasca Tar Sands: ABSTRACT
Marian McNally Smith, Robert Ehrlich, Arvid Hardin
AAPG Bulletin
... Ehrlich, Arvid Hardin 1983 549 549 67 3. (March) Effects of weight percent fines have been considered in the past as important factors in controlling...
What influences production from the Wall Creek and Turner Reservoirs in Wyoming’s Powder River Basin
Search and Discovery.com
Carbonate Mineralogy of Sediments of Exuma Sound, Bahamas
James B. Rucker
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...., 1962, Factors influencing the mineralogy of carbonate sediments: Limnol. Oceanogr., v. 7, p. 218-223. FRIEDMAN, G. M., 1964, Early diagenesis...
Exploration for Oil Pools in the Supra-Salt Sediments of the East of the North Caspian Region
I. B. Dal’yan, Z. Ye. Bulekbayev
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... by salt domes in the North Emba region in the 546-5504 m depth interval. They contain only 0.2-0.3 percent organic carbon and are not source beds...
Degree of Gas Saturation of Subsurface Waters of Productive Unit of Jurassic Hydrogeologic Complex of Kharampur Mega-Swell
D. A. Novikov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... equilibria of the system water-rock-gas-organic matter discloses many earlier unknown factors in the formation of subsurface waters. Phase equilibria may...
Abstracts of Theses: Foraminifera and Their Relations to Bottom Sediments on the S.E. Scotian Shelf
Grant A.Bartlett
CSPG Bulletin
..., either singly or in combination with other factors governs distribution of brackish water foraminifera, Calcareous foraminifera greatly exceeded...
Abstract: Implications of Increased Coal Utilization in the Twenty-First Century: Which Way to the Future?
H. Gluskoter
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... are encouraged by the recent reduction in the rate of that growth from an historic high of 2.2 percent in 1963 to 1.4 percent in 1996. At the current, lower...
Unconventional Drilling Methods for Unconventional Reservoirs: Abstract
Doug R. Wight
Tulsa Geological Society
... methane gas from coal and shale reservoirs have historically had low production rates, low recovery factors, do not drain the reservoir uniformly, require...
Abstract: A New Approach to Lithologic and Sedimentary Structure Analysis from Well Logs
Robert A. Young , Harold Darling
GCAGS Transactions
... is based on the widely used scheme of Pettijohn et al. (1982) (arenite-graywacke-mudstone). Percent fine-grained matrix in the rock is the principal...
Abstract: Heterogeneity in Mississippian Oil Reservoirs, Black Warrior Basin, Alabama: An Overview
Ralph L. Kugler, Jack C. Pashin, G. Daniel Irvin
GCAGS Transactions
... deltaic foreland basin fill and accounts for more than 80 percent of oil production in the basin. More than 95 percent of this production is from...
Characteristics of Solid Bitumens of Sub-Salt Sedimentary Rocks of Tengiz Field
R. A. Tverdova, T. P. Volkova, N. A. Skibitskaya
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... in organic matter. Organic-carbon content ranges from 0.2 to 7.5 percent and reaches 24 percent in some varieties of cavernous and fractured limestone...
ABSTRACT: Unconventional Drilling Methods for Unconventional Reservoirs; #90019 (2003)
Douglas R. Wight
Search and Discovery.com
... rates, low recovery factors, do not drain the reservoir uniformly, require considerable surface disturbance to drill, and encounter extended dewatering...
ABSTRACT: Unconventional Drilling Methods for Unconventional Reservoirs; #90020 (2003)
Doug R. Wight
Search and Discovery.com
... low production rates, low recovery factors, do not drain the reservoir uniformly, require considerable surface disturbance to drill, and encounter...
Thirty Years of Coal Production in West Virginia “Energy Crisis” to Present McColloch, Jr., Gayle H. #90044 (2005).
Search and Discovery.com
Equilibrium Water Content of Arun Natural Gas
Djoko Harsono
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... gas consisted of 14.6 mole percent of CO2 and 0.3 mole percent of N2. The hydrocarbon content was 85.1 mole percent. This gas occupied 82.6 to 92.9...
Rapid Determination of Calcite-Dolomite Ratios in Sedimentary Rocks: NOTES
J. N. Weber, F. G. Smith
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... dolomite) lies between y±1.06 percent of the value y obtained. By choosing suitable scale factors in the counting circuit, about 5 percent is the least...
Hollow Sanidine Grains: Stratigraphic Marker for the Pierce Canyon Formation, West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico
D. N. Miller, Jr.
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of the Pierce Canyon, obtained from cores, typically contain 50 to 60 percent subangular, plutonic igneous quartz; 15 to 30 percent subangular, brilliantly...
Comparison of Seal Capacity Determinations in Conventional Cores with Cuttings, by R. M. Sneider, J. W. Neasham, and G. W. Bolger; #90986 (1994).
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: On Stratigraphic Architecture and Recovery by Waterflooding; #90013 (2003)
D. K. Larue, F. Jian, H. Legarre, J. Toldi, A. Chawathe, Y. Yue
Search and Discovery.com
... may behave very similarly during waterflood simulation. Stratigraphic factors found to affect recovery are: 1) reservoir volume (OOIP); 2) well...
Petrographic Features of Sandstones that Affect Their Suitability for Road Material
Robert J. Yedlosky, John R. Dean
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and pressure solution are the principal factors determining the percent wear of high-silica sandstones. In calcareous and ferruginous sandstones...
Critical Water Estimates for Gulf Coast Sands
Raymond J. Granberry , Dare K. Keelan
GCAGS Transactions
... Coast area exhibit wide variances in formation water saturation (Sw). Values ranging from 10 to 70 percent pore space are common. These variances...
Abstract: Methodology for Generating Bottom Hole Temperature Gradients Using Published Correction Methods; #90311 (2017)
Scott A. Kinney
Search and Discovery.com
... unreliable because they are measured before drilling fluids are allowed to equilibrate. Because of this and other factors, numerous methodologies...
Magnesium in 19 Species of Eastern Canadian Holocene Foraminifera
Kenneth Hooper
Atlantic Geology
... bottom samples recovered from the eastern Canadian^shelf fall into two, or perhaps three groups with respect to mean mole percent MgCO , as follows...
A New Method to Help Identify Unconventional Targets for Exploration and Development Through Integrative Analysis of Clastic Rock Property Fields
Frank Walles
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... 41--------------- A number of controlling factors (ellipses of focus) make a well, field or play economically viable. This approach will build upon...