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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 17,507 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Particle Roundness and Surface Texture Effects on Fall Velocity: NOTES
Garnett P. Williams
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... by 8-28 percent of the rate of fall of well-rounded discs and cylinders, if all other particle properties were held constant. The types of surface...
Royal J. Watts, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Morgantown, West VirginiaLeo A. Schrider, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Morgantown, West VirginiaJerry G. Craig, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Morgantown, West Virginia
Ohio Geological Society
... factors from 9 to 12 percent on 80 percent clean sand for 10-year well life, 58 to 77 million barrels of oil will be produced from the 70,000...
Petrography-Porosity Relations in Carbonate-Quartz System, Gatesburg Formation (Late Cambrian), Pennsylvania
Richard E. Smith
AAPG Bulletin
... in different rock types. Studying the proportions of cement to grains over a wide range permits the examination of the factors controlling the development...
Offshore Petroleum Economics
L. K. Weaver , H. F. Pierce , C. J. Jirik
GCAGS Transactions
... fields range from 1.1 to 19.5 percent. Under the two specified conditions (a 20-year and a 30-year oil depletion model), the rates of return are 17.2...
Thermal Maturity, Porosity, and Lithofacies Relationships Applied to Gas Generation and Production in Cretaceous and Tertiary Low-Permeability (Tight) Sandstones, Uinta Basin, Utah
V.F. Nuccio, J.W. Schmoker, T.D. Fouch
Utah Geological Association
... percent at shallow depths along the south edge of the basin to 1.5 percent in the central basin at depths of about 11,000 ft (3,350 m). At the top...
Distribution of Cretaceous Sands in Southeastern Alberta, Canada
C. G. Strachan
Tulsa Geological Society
... the sedimentary and other factors bearing on this distribution. Plate I. Map showing location of Cretaceous production The chief Cretaceous production...
Abstract: Future Oil Potential of the Lower Cretaceous Sunniland Formation in South Florida
A. V. Applegate, F. A. Pontigo, Jr., J. H. Rooke
GCAGS Transactions
... barrels, recoverable oil of 90,485,000 barrels, and an estimated recovery factor of 38 percent. Total wildcat footage drilled which penetrated...
Salinity-Induced Changes in the Aquatic Ecosystem of Great Salt Lake, Utah
Doyle Stephens
Utah Geological Association
... declines in salinity of about 2 percent in Gilbert Bay from 1995 to 1997 altered the phytoplankton community and resulted in a relatively large decline...
Abstract: Application of Chalk-Diagenetic Studies to Petroleum-Exploration Problems, by Peter A. Scholle; #90977 (1975).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Geologic and Engineering Characterization of Leonardian Carbonate Oil Reservoirs: A Framework for Strategic Recovery Practices in Four Oil Plays
Mark H. Holtz, Chester M. Garrett
West Texas Geological Society
... (BSTB) of the estimated 13.6 BSTB original oil in place (OOIP), for a current recovery efficiency of 20 percent. Of the unrecovered oil, 6 BSTB...
Abstract: Nuclear Well-Logging in Permafrost
John K. Petersen, Koji Kawasake, T. E. Osterkamp, James H. Scott
Pacific Section SEPM
... Fairbanks, AK 99708 Lakewood, CO 80225 907-474-7558 ABSTRACT A Mount Sopris borehoes in unfrozen for 100 percent ice porosity it is possible portable...
Abstract: Effect of Geothermal, Pore-Pressure Conditions, and Natural Gas Composition on the In-Situ Natural-Gas Hydrate Occurrences, North Slope, Alaska
S. P. Godbole, V. A. Kamath
Pacific Section SEPM
... borehoes in unfrozen for 100 percent ice porosity it is possible portable well logger was calibrated for gamma-gamma density and neutron porosity...
The Prediction of Strength in the Sediments of St. Andrew Bay, Florida
C. W. Holmes, H. G. Goodell
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... variables illustrated by regression analysis of factors controlling beach firmness: Jour. of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 29, p. 575-587. RICHARDS, A. F., 1961...
The Impact of Conservation on Future Oil Demand
Tor Meloe
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... barrels daily decline in Free World petroleum consumption from 1979 to 1982, at least 60 percent or 4.5 million barrels daily was due to conservation...
Mineralogy of Bottom Sediments, Hudson Bay, Canada
P. Bayliss, A. A. Levinson, J. E. Klovan
CSPG Bulletin
... factors for montmorillonite (17Å), chlorite (14Å), illite (10Å) and kaolite (7Å) were 2:2:8:8. The non-clay components were estimated in a similar semi...
Sample Components Obtained by the Method of Differences
William F. Tanner
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... differences permits, in certain instances, the detachment of major components from zig-zag curves. Because of the overlap between components, and other factors...
Quantitative Studies of Compaction in Mississippian Skeletal Limestones, New Mexico
William J. Meyers, Bruce E. Hill
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of southwestern New Mexico has shown that intergranular compaction was a major process of porosity destruction in more than 90 percent of all coarse...
Vitrinite Reflectance and Geothermal Gradients in the Wind River Basin, Central Wyoming
Mark Pawlewicz
Wyoming Geological Association
.... Hydrocarbon generation is related to a number of factors of which temperature is the most important. Temperature, in turn, is primarily a function...
Economics of Petroleum Exploration in the Timor Gap - Zone of Cooperation
Guy Allinson, Kymme Laetsch
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... to relinquish 25 percent of the original acreage after three years and an additional 25 percent after six years. After the tenth contract year, the contractor...
Coal in the Western Pacific Basin: An Overview
E. R. Landis, J. N. Weaver
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... and economic factors, recent estimates of the recoverable coal reserves of the world (Table 3) indicate that about 55 percent of the total...
How Much Oil - How Much Investment*
John Winger
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... in some form to some degree, at Some stage. Indeed, as much as 70 percent of the over-all utilization of primary energy in the United States...
Abstract: Effects of Sandstone Composition and Diagenesis on Reservoir Quality, Tertiary-Pleistocene, Gulf Coast Region
David K. Davies , William R. Almon
GCAGS Transactions
.... Factors 1 through 4 act as important controls on reservoir quality in Pliocene-Pleistocene offshore reservoirs. All six factors combine to control...
Abstract: Effects of Sandstone Composition and Diagenesis on Reservoir Quality, Tertiary-Pleistocene, Gulf Coast Region, by David K. Davies, William R. Almon; #90967 (1977).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Petrographic research applied to small size xylites briquetting
G. Predeanu, C. Panaitescu
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... susceptibility of soft amorphous xylites, the results follow the influence of different factors as: physical-chemical nature (rank, petrographic...