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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 17,507 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Phosphate Deposits in the Uinta Mountains, Utah
T. M. Cheney
Utah Geological Association
.... Waggaman, W. W., and Bell, R. E., 1950, Western Phosphates, factors affecting development, comparison of sulphuric acid and thermal processing, potential...
Properties of Permian Basin Gas Reservoirs by Age
Frederick R. Haeberle
West Texas Geological Society
... than one percent of the production has come from four reservoirs in District 1 and less than one percent of the production as come from five reservoirs...
Queensland Petroleum The Potential Demand
Grahame L. Baker
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... (about 6 percent of the world's known reserves, in energy t erms), natural gas and uranium (about 21 percent of the western world's assured reserves...
Sour Gases - Conditions and Scales of Occurrence
G. I. Amurskiy, I. P. Zhabrev, S. P. Maksimov, V. L. Sokolov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... sulfide in the free gas in individual complexes ranges from hundredths and thousandths of a percent to several tens of percent. Carbon dioxide is also...
Interrelations of Population Growth, Energy Supply, and Environment: REPLY
William Naunton Barbat
AAPG Bulletin
... factors influencing family size and birthrates led to the theory that income and security produced by offspring are the most significant determinants...
Geologic Success and Economic Failure
George C. Hardin, Jr. , Karl Mygdal
AAPG Bulletin
...- or 5-place discount factors and by interpolating between values discounted at 24 and 25 percent. Usually the reliability of the forecast of cash...
A Multivariate Statistical Approach to Sedimentary Environmental Analysis
Peter H. Feldhausen , Syed A. Ali
GCAGS Transactions
... processing a sample has received from each of these three environmental factors. Generalized contours of the percent of Factor I and Factor III have been...
Long Term Outlook for Indonesian Crude Oils on the U.S. West Coast
W. W. McDonald
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... as pointed out fuel oil yields substantially exceed the USA average, it is but 20 percent of the barrel. Other factors point to the possible refining...
Geochemical Evolution of Clayey and Carbonate Sediments of Early Paleozoic of Central Bohemia: NOTES
Zdenek Kukal
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... predominantly on the local factors mentioned above. In Barrandian carbonate sediments, the ratios CaO/MgO and MgO/FeO increase from Cambrian to Devonian...
Abstract: Intergranular Pressure Solution During the Diagenesis of Sandstone: Conditions and Controlling Factors, by Wenwu He, David Sparks, and Andrew Hajash; #90124 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
Characteristics of Organic-Rich Deposits of Coastal Hancock County, Mississippi
Gregory N. Bonn , Franz Froelicher
GCAGS Transactions
...), The brackish marshes of coastal south Hancock County, Mississippi, consist largely of organic sediments that range in ash content from 27 to 92 percent (dry...
Analysis of Crustal Relative Stability from Some Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic Floral Records
Charles J. Smiley
AAPG Special Volumes
... shows two striking factors: (1) there is a high degree of apparent endemism shown by 105 genera (44 percent) listed from only one area or region; and (2...
Landslide Hazards of Western Wasatch County, Utah
Michael D. Hylland, Mike Lowe
Utah Geological Association
... important factors for defining relative landslide hazard in western Wasatch County. Based on morphology, 79 percent of the landslides are late Holocene...
The Gay Mine, Fort Hall, Idaho
William O. Schmitt
Utah Geological Association
....—This zone ranges from 3 to 6 feet in thickness and from 29 to 36 percent P2O5 where it has not been deformed or crushed by faulting. Thrust faulting...
Geological Estimates of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources in the United States
Betty M. Miller, Harry L. Thomsen
Pacific Section of AAPG
... and totals. The Resource Appraisal Group’s estimates (based upon a 95-5 percent probability range) for the Nation’s total undiscovered recoverable...
Cyanide Leaching in Eastern Nevada
Mead L. Jennsen, H.A. Qidwai
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... 438 portation costs) factors and because of its efficiency in recovery of gold and silver ores. Also, the process yields practically pure metal. Silver...
Hydrocarbon-Generation Potential and Hydrocarbon-Yield Capacity of Sedimentary Basins
C. E. B. Conybeare
CSPG Bulletin
...) Geological and physiochemical factors assumed to be related to the origin of hydrocarbons are considered in their possible relationships...
The Influence of Regional and Vertical Migration on the Development of the Chemical Composition of Oil of some Deposits of Sakhalin
A. V. Soloviev А. В. Соловьев, N. V. Razumov Н. В. Разумов
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... in accordance with the specific gravity from 26 - 28 percent for East Ekhabi to 13 - 15 percent for Ekhabi and 8 - 10 percent for South Okha...
Porosity of the Miami Limestone (Late Pleistocene), Lower Florida Keys
James W. Schmoker, Timothy C. Hester
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of aragonite to calcite (mean aragonite content of the matrix is 40 percent), but are not yet approaching mineralogical stabilization. Porosity...
Transport and Deposition of Clay Minerals Southeastern United States
James Neiheisel, Charles E. Weaver
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., it is necessary to understand the controlling hydraulic factors within the harbor area. Study of suspended samples during tidal cycles under contrasting...
Helium Potential of the Four Corners Area
Tom Ann L. Casey
Four Corners Geological Society
... gas wells. Helium content in gas is generally considered to be of commercial interest when the concentration is above three-tenths of one percent...
An Estimate of Recoverable Coal Gas Resources in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming
Fred Crockett, Margaret Ellis, Gary Stricker, Greg Gunther, Allan Ochs, Romeo Flores
Wyoming Geological Association
... percent nitrogen), and 3) increased well costs due to pressure depletion in shallower coal zones. These factors may result in ultimate CBM recovery being...
World's Giant Oil and Gas Fields, Geologic Factors Affecting Their Formation, and Basin Classification: Part I: Giant Oil and Gas Fields
Michel T. Halbouty , A. A. Meyerhoff , Robert E. King , Robert H. Dott, Sr., H. Douglas Klemme , Theodore Shabad
AAPG Special Volumes
...World's Giant Oil and Gas Fields, Geologic Factors Affecting Their Formation, and Basin Classification: Part I: Giant Oil and Gas Fields Michel...
Conglomerates of the Chatsworth Formation: A Discussion of Petrology and Provenance
Ivan P. Colburn, Eric R. West, Sean Mc.D. Carey
Pacific Section SEPM
... and extend laterally for 30 m or m o r e , and rest concordantly or underlying sandstone beds Conglomerate beds comprise roughly 1 percent...