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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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Pore-Space Reduction by Solution and Cementation

Gordon Rittenhouse

AAPG Bulletin

..., in a sandstone having an original porosity of 40 percent and present porosity of 20 percent, this would be (40 - 20) (100)/40 = 50 percent. Others have used...


Depositional and Diagenetic Cycles in Smackover Limestone-Sandstone Sequences, Lincoln Parish, Louisiana

Wayne M. Ahr , Gregory J. Palko

GCAGS Transactions

... grainstones with more than 50 percent ooids have a mean ooid grain-size range from 0.13 mm to 1.0 mm. These limestones are moderately to very well sorted...


Preliminary Petroleum Source-Rock Assessment of Pre-Punta Gorda Rocks (Lower-Most Cretaceous-Jurassic?) in South Florida

James G. Palacas , Ted A. Daws , Albert V. Applegate

GCAGS Transactions

... judged to have the best source characteristics, by virtue of their relatively higher orgC contents (0.4 to 3.2 percent) and total pyrolytic hydrocarbon...


Lower Mississippian Bioherms of Southwestern Missouri and Northwestern Arkansas

Arthur R. Troell

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...-mudstone (about 80 percent) with only a small percentage (approximately 13 percent) of skeletal remains and 5 percent sparry calcite. Fenestrate...


Determination of Calcite and Dolomite Composition Using the Air Comparison Pycnometer

Donald H. Zenger

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... percent confidence interval for an analysis is two percent. The density contribution of terrigenous material present should be taken into account...


Impact of Depositional Environment on Reservoir Quality and Hydrocarbon Production, #11065 (2018).

Kachalla Aliyuda, John A. Howell, Adrian Hartley

Search and

... reservoirs perform differently depending on a number of controlling factors. This project attempts to classify the different sedimentary depositional...


Natural Fractures, Composition, Cyclicity, and Diagenesis of the Upper Cretaceous Niobrara Formation, Berthoud Field, Colorado

Richard M. Pollastro

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... mineralogies. The Smoky Hill Chalk Member contains mostly impure chalks averaging about 30 weight (wt.) percent insoluble residue; purer chalks having up...


Petrophysical Approach to Origin of Porosity of Carbonate Rocks in Middle Carboniferous Windsor Group, Nova Scotia, Canada

Koichi Aoyagi

AAPG Bulletin

... and secondary porosity are main controlling factors for diagenetic modifications of these rocks. Phases of porosity in carbonates have been studied by many...


Log Interpretation Techniques, Eastern Powder River Basin, Wyoming

Bob Jones

Wyoming Geological Association

... interpretative techniques. Basically, these techniques use certain well logs to solve three important factors within interesting porous formation intervals...


Environments of Deposition in the Minnelusa and Their Interpretation from Gamma Sonic Logs: Abstract

Albert E. Allen Jr.

Wyoming Geological Association

... 10 percent porosity (70 microseconds interval transit time) for the shallow play. Good porosity and permeability are found only in this facies. Due...


Reservoir Characteristics of Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, Southern Utah

Kadir Uygur, M. Dane Picard

Utah Geological Association

... hydraulic conductivities (permeabilities) and water content (at 100 percent saturation) increase from the lower-middle part of the formation to the upper...


A History of Crude Oil Prices in the United States of America

Robert E. Megill

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... 1913 through 1985 with an estimate of the average price for the year 1986. Also shown is the percent change from the prior year. It is the percent...


Lithofacies and Petroleum Geology of Lower Jurassic Zones of Junction of Marine and Continental Sediments of West Siberian Basin

V. S. Surkov, L. V. Smirnov, A. M. Kazakov, V. P. Devyatov, F. G. Gurari, A. Ye. Yekhanin

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... the Lower and Middle Jurassic are: oil - 21 percent; non-associated gas - 17 percent; and condensate - 35 percent. The oil is concentrated in the Lower...


ABSTRACT: Geological Aspects of Abnormal Reservoir Pressures in the Gulf Coast Region of Louisiana, United States of America

George Dickinson

GCAGS Transactions

... of the Gulf of Mexico from the Rio Grande to the Mississippi Delta. This study is an attempt to link geological factors with occurrences of abnormal...


Fluvial Models in Coal and Hydrocarbon Exploration: Abstract

John C. Horne, Ram S. Saxena

Dallas Geological Society

... components of fluvial-deltaic sequences and are economic factors in the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas in the Tertiary deposits of the Gulf...


Fluvial Models in Coal and Hydrocarbon Exploration: Abstract

John C. Horne, Ram S. Saxena

CSPG Special Publications

... components of fluvial-deltaic sequences and are economic factors in the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas in the Tertiary deposits of the Gulf...


BLACK JACK: T36N-37N, R5E: Liberty County, Montana

Donald P. Meiss

Montana Geological Society

... Average Reservoir Factors: Porosity: 17% Water Saturation: 30...


LISCOM CREEK: T1N-2N, R45E: Custer County, Montana

R. V. Hoglund

Montana Geological Society

...' Acre-feet: 63,277 Interface(s): Water Average Reservoir Factors...


PUMPKIN CREEK: T1S-1N, R49E: Powder River and Custer Counties, Montana

R. V. Hoglund

Montana Geological Society

...' Acre-feet: 40,960 Interface(s): Water Average Reservoir Factors: Porosity...


Abstract: Risking Fault Seals in the Gulf of Mexico: A Joint Industry Study

Grant Skerlec

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... seal behavior is predictable rather than random and that faults are more important than is commonly thought in controlling hydrocarbon accumulations...


ABSTRACT: Statistical Distributions of Hydrocarbon Column Heights for Gulf of Mexico Trap Types and Seals

James C. Niemann, Chevron North American Exploration and Production Company

AAPG Special Volumes

... extent of potential hydrocarbon accumulations. Five percent, 10%, 50%, 90% and 95% cumulative probability distributions have been calculated for a wide...


Abstract: Shoreline Changes of the Mississippi Barrier Islands and Related Processes 1847-1973

Lynn P. Malbrough , Thomas H. Waller

GCAGS Transactions

... Island). The major factors affecting shoreline changes are fluctuations in sediment supply, high frequency of tropical storms, and artificial change...


Abstract: Unconventional Drilling Methods for Unconventional Reservoirs

Doug Wight

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... to extract methane gas from coal and shale reservoirs have historically had low production rates, low recovery factors, do not drain the reservoir uniformly...


Upper Devonian Reef Oil Field--Redwater, Alberta, Canada: ABSTRACT

R. O. Grieve

AAPG Bulletin

... has inplace reserves of 1,300 million bbl, about 64 percent of which will be recovered. The field is a single pool 58 sq mi in area along the updip...


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