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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,457 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Integrating Standard Petrophysical Analysis with Statistical Measures of Petrophysical Heterogeneity to Estimate Petrofacies in Mississippian Carbonates, North-Central Oklahoma.
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Turbiditic Sedimentary Environments Definition and Petrophysical Modeling with Seismic Constraints for an African Field Case; #90013 (2003)
Christophe Dumay
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Turbiditic Sedimentary Environments Definition and Petrophysical Modeling with Seismic Constraints for an African Field Case; #90013 (2003...
Abstract: The Mira Bras dOr terrane boundary in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia: potential field and petrophysical investigations applied to tectonic analysis in the northern Appalachian orogen
M. S. King, S. M. Barr
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: The Mira Bras dOr terrane boundary in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia: potential field and petrophysical investigations applied...
Facies Analysis Using Pre-stack Seismic Inversion in the San Andres Formation
Search and Discovery.com
Multiscale Geologic and Petrophysical Modeling of the Giant Hugoton Gas Field (Permian), Kansas and Oklahoma, by Martin K. Dubois, Alan P. Byrnes, Geoffrey C. Bohling, and John H. Doveton; #90052 (2006)
Search and Discovery.com
Stockholm Southwest Field
Lawrence G. Brown, William A. Miller, Emily M. Hundley-Goff, Steven L. Veal
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
.... As of the middle of 1989, it was producing almost 1,200 BO per day from 66 active wells. Regionally, the Stockholm SW Field is situated on a stable Paleozoic...
Abstract: Petrophysical Analysis of Vuggy Porosity in the Shuaiba Formation of the United Arab Emirates, by Surassawadee Tanprasat; #90033 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Compartmentalization in Tidal Valley-Fill Sandstone Reservoirs, Sun Ranch Field, Wyoming
Roderick W. Tillman
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... analysis, using seven cored wells, indicated that the reservoirs in the field were deposited primarily by tidal backfilling of an incised paleovalley...
Enhanced Reservoir Characterization for Optimizing Completion Decisions in the Permian Basin Using a Novel Field-Scale Workflow Including Wells with Missing Data
Artur Posenato Garcia, Laura M Hernandez, Archana Jagadisan, Zoya Heidari, Brian Casey, Rick Williams
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... perform a field-scale petrophysical, compositional, and mechanical evaluation in more than 70 wells with complete sets of data. Then, we perform a rock...
Abstract: Analysis of Well Logging Methods in Volcanic and Volcano Sedimentary Rocks from Pina Petroleum Field
Norma Rodriquez
GCAGS Transactions
...Abstract: Analysis of Well Logging Methods in Volcanic and Volcano Sedimentary Rocks from Pina Petroleum Field Norma Rodriquez 1996 Vol. 46 (1996...
Abstract: Delinate of Middle Devonian Aouinet Ouenine F3 Sand by Using Petrophysical and Sedimetological Analysis in South Wafa Field,Ghadames Basin,Libya; #91202 (2022)
Mohamed Ali Abdu lhafid, Osama Hlal, Fateh Belhaj, and Mohamed Targhi
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Delinate of Middle Devonian Aouinet Ouenine F3 Sand by Using Petrophysical and Sedimetological Analysis in South Wafa Field,Ghadames Basin...
Multi Mineral Analysis to Determine Petrophysical Properties of Carbonate Reservoir in Diamond Field, Central Sulawesi Basin
Annisa Cinintia Finahsan, Muharram Jaya Panguriseng, Syamsu Rosid
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Multi Mineral Analysis to Determine Petrophysical Properties of Carbonate Reservoir in Diamond Field, Central Sulawesi Basin Annisa Cinintia...
ABSTRACT: Defining Geological Model of Hidden Thin Sands Reservoir within Crosswell Seismic Using Multi-Atribute Seismic and Petrophysical Analysis Bunyu Field - East Kalimantan Indonesia
Search and Discovery.com
Petrophysical Characterization of a Clastic Reservoir in the Middle Magdalena Valley Basin in Colombia Using Artificial Neural Networks and Seismic Attributes
Search and Discovery.com
An Integrated Geological and Petrophysical Approach to Characterization of the Lawrence Field Ste. Genevieve (McClosky) Reservoirs, by L. Brinton and M. J. Uland; #90986 (1994).
Search and Discovery.com
Integration of Rock Fabrics and Stratigraphy for Petrophysical Quantification of Reservoir Framework
Rebecca R. Harrington, F. Jerry Lucia
AAPG Special Volumes
... permeability. Although the reservoir at Fullerton field contains several rock fabrics, they can all be grouped into three petrophysical groups, each having...
Abstract: Evaluation of Cretaceous Sediments Production Index with Petrophysical Data, by Ivan Deshenenkov; #90183 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Schlumberger Launches New Petrophysical Evaluation System
PESA Staff
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... analysis. The built-in petrophysical evaluation quality control highlighted the proper formation water salinity values necessary for accurate resistivity...